#katja cleaver


horse girl horse girl!


*D20 announces The Seven*

Don’t mind me, just actively incorporating r4r into my vocabulary for the rest of my life

A group entirely made of women saving the world? My soul is nourished and I’m going to ascend. And with the exception of two people, being played by an all female cast? Incredible. I love these 7 goddamn girls so much I hope they wreak so much havoc


I like to think that if the Seven Maidens died, they’d become honorary members of the Goldenrod. Sure they’d almost definitely end up in heaven, but they’d get a day trip to the nine hell’s every once in a while. Just to torture Kalvaxus. As a treat.

I made this post just a couple days before The Seven trailer dropped needless to say I am going absolutely buck wild for my girls

I googled it because I wanted to know if they were referencing an actual kids book series, and I still don’t know but it turns out Babysitter Horse is an actual term that the Horse People actually use.

That’s such a teen thing to say, “I have nothing to say to you,” and then say a bunch of stuff.


seven maidens countdown continues with the horsiest of horse girls!! (twitter)

[id: lineless art of katja cleaver. She has green skin and baggy overalls and is petting a horses mane as she leads it to some hay. The background is peach, and text behind her reads ‘katja cleaver’ /end id]


sleepover vibes (they’re talking about aelwyn)


[ID: a digital drawing of the seven maidens from Dimension 20’s The Seven. They’re all gathered on a bed, chatting. From left to right: Sam Nightingale, a water genasi with curlers in her hair, is lying on her stomach reading a magazine. Danielle Barkstock, a half-elf with her hair in a messy bun, is lying on her side, smiling wryly at Sam, she’s holding hands with Ostentatia Wallace, a dwarf with her hair in a high ponytail, who is sitting behind her. Zelda Donovan, a satyr, is lying with her head off the edge of the bed, texting. Penny Luckstone, a freckled halfling with red hair, is sitting on her knees braiding Katja Cleaver’s hair. Katja is a half-orc with long dark hair, sitting with her legs off the edge of the bed. Antiope Jones, a black human girl wearing a bonnet, is sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling and talking expressively. The bed had a purple bedspread and blanket and the background has 7 posters, each colored with one of the girls’ color schemes. /END ID]

Katja Cleaver would literally love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
