#katou haru


This isn’t art but Fugō Keiji BUL really made a Kingsman reference. All the more reason to love this anime 10 times over.

AU where Daisuke helps Haru adopt a little girl named Ayako and she practically becomes a Kambe despite being HARU’S kid. Later on Ayako and Suzue jokingly plan out Daisuke and Haru’s wedding in which Ayako designs their clothes. P.S. they get married….in those clothes

R to L

“You were my new dream”

“…and you were mine”

Happy one year anniversary fkbu

R to L

The third division decides to have a night out on Valentines. Kamei starts making fun of Haru cuz he knows sober Haru hates Daisuke which is a common knowledge to all…or so he and the rest had thought.

Heres a Persephone!Haru and Hades!Daisuke that y'all never asked for. Its kinda self indulgent cuz I originally I thought beauty and the beast au would fit DaiHaru but the more i thought about it especially post ep 11 I started coming to a conclusion that rather than batb, their story reminds me of hades and persephone.

Ok im not really well versed in the greek mythology verse so Im gonna just wing it:

  • Persephonewas a goddess of springtime (yah get where im going here?) and later the Queen of the Underworld. So yeah thats why I chose Haru.
  • Hades was not only considered as the King of the Underworld but he is also the richest and the most stable among any god. So yeah thats why Daisuke.
  • Haru was well beloved by everyone in his community above because of his beauty, kindness and his strong will to protect those dear to him. Although he is reckless, he does cause a lot of trouble that could give other gods and goddesses a heart attack.
  • Though he does put up a strong exterior, he is insecure about his position because he was always underestimated alot saying a god like him doesnt have any right to be involved in their business in olympus and that he should just stick to growing some flowers and sht.
  • Daisuke lived in a static and isolated life up for centuries. Although he was powerful, he was feared not only by other gods but by mortals as well due to his title. Daisuke decided one day to go to the surface for a change.
  • Its been a while since anyone knew what Hades looks like but Daisuke decided it was better safe than sorry so he changed his appearance slightly.
  • While he was walking around, he heard something coming from deep within the woods so he decided to follow it.
  • There he saw Haru in the middle of the forest and it was love at first sight.
  • I know there was kidnapping involved but uh yeah fck that. Im Jared, 19.
  • Haru notices Daisuke and ask what he is doing. But basically, Daisuke is an emotionally constipated man and accidentally pissed off Haru by saying
  • Daisuke:How much for you to rule the Underworld with me?
  • Basically the whole premise is shady shit happens in Olympus and Haru and Daisuke work together to solve it all the while Daisuke continues to propose to Haru only to be shut down every single time (until one day he says yes of course). Oh and two of them being able to bring the best out of each other.

Thats it. Thats all im gonna offer. Cant fanfic for my life.

“New and a bit alarming. Who’d have ever thought that this could be?”

-something there(that wasn’t there before)

This is my take on that scene from harus perspective. At first I was kinda bummed out by the fact that I would never know daisuke’s reaction to certain scenes especially the scenes where he protects Haru but then I had an epiphany.

What if those momemts are reserved only for Haru to see and its up to us to imagine it? Thus this.

Also, hope u like my attempt to make Daisuke in an AV suit. QwQ)/

ep 4 was literally the calm before the storm what the hell was this i wasn’t prepared kshskskhs
