#kayla liveblogs


I hope Mike makes it out of this okay, and alive. He’s got to play along with and dbe within 3 feet the people WHO TOOK HIM APART. I feels so bad for him right now.

Fitz called this. Fitz told you. [head desks so hard] 

And you’re surprised Ward pulled the “Double crossing piece of shit” card.

FITZ WAS GONNA WHOOP HIS FUCKING ASS. That’s my boy. I’m so in love with Fitz.

Mack and Bobbi are both having doubts. Come over  to the right side, my loves. [entices them over with their cute scientist lovers]

Please get Kara away from him. This is so gross.

Coulson, you’re the light of my life. Only you could make “Hey sweety” sound like “Listen, asshole”

“A deal with Ward”

Hunter’s reaction, shying away from Fitz, was priceless. Like, “Hey man, I told him it was dumb already”
