#kazuha one shot


~ gone with the wind ~

kazuha + letter L from the fanfic alphabet for anonymous

  • pairing:kazuha x reader
  • theme:love at first sight
  • warnings: [n/a]
  • fandom:genshin impact

When riding on beidou’s boat, Kazuha likes to perch himself near the front of the ship so he could get a good view at the scenery ahead. Today he would be grateful that he situated himself in that exact spot. If he hadn’t he may have missed a sight so beautiful that even poetry couldn’t describe it.

Beidou’s crew were returning to Liyue and Kazuha had decided to join the group. currently they were pulling into the ground regions harbour. That’s when Kazuha spotted a particular person standing on the docks.

It felt like the air had been stolen from his lungs. You were stunning. So much so that Kazuha wasn’t sure that you were real and yet there you were letting the sea breeze blow through your hair as you watched the ships sail by.

Kazuha could take his eyes off of you. That is until one of the crew members called to him and he turned to see what they needed. When his gaze reverted back to where you stood you were nowhere to be seen. Just like that you were gone with the wind.

A bit of panic rose in Kazuha’s chest. No, where did you go? Why had he let himself get distracted? Now his new muse was missing. His heart, which had been beating so hard since Kazuha first laid eyes on you, couldn’t take it.

“Hey Kazuha,” Beidou says, approaching him as the ship begins to drop anchor. “Everything alright?” She asked, noticing that Kazuha seemed disappointed about something. However Kazuha assured her he was fine. “Okay, well do you have any plans while we’re here in Liyue?” The captain continued, changing the subject.

Kazuha thought for a moment before he nodded. “Yes actually, there’s someone I need to find”.

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