#kc draws


Spock is still wearing his uniform, Jim notices, the bright blue fabric stark against the red sky. The sight sets his heart pounding in a way that has nothing to do with exertion.

read@twakiju2’sfic for the t’hy’la bang

more art i did for this

“Well, he’s Spock,” they watch as Saavik captures one of Spock’s pawns, and Jim melts at the encouraging almost-smile Spock gives her, “he’s good at everything.”

read@twakiju2’sfic for the t’hy’la bang

more art i did for this

“Spock,” Jim says finally, “what the hell is the Romulan commander doing in your family portrait?”

read@twakiju2’sfic for the t’hy’la bang

more art i did for this

y’all… the art dump that is about to be upon you…

anyways. have a bean bag jim as a sneak peek
