#kc fic


The Run-Up [5.7k]

This was the piece originally published in @tohellandbackanthology, and now that we’re able to publish our pieces on our own, I’m glad to say here it is!! Super happy to have participated in such a great project, and even happier that everyone gets to read this now. <3 Hope you enjoy.

Rated T, no major archive warnings
Tags: friends to lovers, soccer player dean, coming out, pining

Dean Winchester is a professional soccer player on the verge of retirement. After this season’s playoffs — win or lose — he’ll have to say goodbye to his team and make the arduous move to the opposite coast… but it seems like a fair trade for some measure of anonymity and time with his new niece.

Castiel Novak, the team’s assistant physiotherapist, has a few things to say before Dean leaves.

My FTH 2021 fic is finally here! Thank you to @captainhaterade who bid on my work and helped me come up with this idea!

Rated T, 10K words, no major archive warnings

King John Winchester is dead, and his heir Crown Prince Dean is summoned from exile to take over the throne. Together with Cas, his closest ally, the prince takes up residence in the capital.

In doing so, however, they leave behind a decade’s worth of shared history in the place they met, and find that fulfilling their duty to their country might mean losing each other forever.

I apologize.

I’ve had a really rough day today and I just can’t get the fic out today. To the few of you that read them, thank you. And I’m sorry. I’ll try to get it done this weekend, but I just don’t have the capacity to finish it today…


  • “The sun spilled in through the blinds and created long, skinny puddles of light on the floor below. It was early still and Sangwoo wasn’t awake yet. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took and Bum traced his collar bone with his slender middle finger, keeping his hand open and weightless; his wrist hovering carefully above his throat. The cool of the night was slowly conceding to the warmth of the morning sun, and between the chilly air and Bum’s delicate touch, goosebumps crept across Sangwoo’s skin, radiating from his chest as his heart pumped away deep below….”