#of course its another soccer au


The Run-Up [5.7k]

This was the piece originally published in @tohellandbackanthology, and now that we’re able to publish our pieces on our own, I’m glad to say here it is!! Super happy to have participated in such a great project, and even happier that everyone gets to read this now. <3 Hope you enjoy.

Rated T, no major archive warnings
Tags: friends to lovers, soccer player dean, coming out, pining

Dean Winchester is a professional soccer player on the verge of retirement. After this season’s playoffs — win or lose — he’ll have to say goodbye to his team and make the arduous move to the opposite coast… but it seems like a fair trade for some measure of anonymity and time with his new niece.

Castiel Novak, the team’s assistant physiotherapist, has a few things to say before Dean leaves.
