#keep being you




Fic Recs

So the first thing I want to say is that I have not been reading as many fics as I should have. Once school gets out, I will feast on many of those longer fics I’ve been saving for myself - and I’ll probably make a new list of recs at that time. But for now, some of my favorites, in no particular order! I could never rank them.

This fic was the first one I read for Viktor, and still one of my absolute favorites! It immediately drop kicked me into the Arcane fandom, and I genuinely couldn’t put it down! I love Viktor’s characterization and particular playfulness in this story. The reader was extremely relatable and the emotions were described so vividly. It’s so well-written, and the tension that exists is truly delightful to read, and had me hooked, clinging on for more. Those journal entries had my soul leaving my body and I have not since recovered. I’m also in love with her TA!Viktor series!

Sucha good one. I didn’t mean to read 76k at once but… once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. I regret nothing. It’s such a beautifully put together interpretation of Viktor and what his world would look like in the show, all the parts that aren’t shown. The story is clever and addictive, the characterization of Viktor had me crying at points, and every character, even ones that were created for the fic, has so much life to them. And the Jayce and Viktor banter? Off the charts.I was laughing out loud at points, and couldn’t stop smiling the next day just thinking about it, because the lines are just so hilarious. Not to mention, extremely witty. And, as someone who is nonbinary, I am ever appreciative of the gender-neutral pronouns. In the words of my sleep-deprived self in my discord server the night I found it:

This one! I am such a softie for soulmate fics, and this one just hits all the right spots. Sharing your soulmate’s pain is something that works so very well for Viktor, and it was perfectly executed here. Angsty, yet tender. A beautiful progression of trust with him, despite his attempts to push the reader away. Stunning writing, with lovely, emotive descriptions. I don’t have enough words for how much I loved this one.

I’m generally so lucky to have Av as a friend, and I appreciate them endlessly. But this fic! Their writing is always so beautifully composed, and this one is noexception. Every description gives so much life to the work - painful, yet… incredibly wistful in regards to life and childhood. It’s like seeing a painting come together in real time. I wept. I ached. I felt raw emotion. This is a fic I come back to a lot when I need to feel something, and it always does its job. Sad, yet so beautiful.

This one is a Jayvik fic, and I adore it from the bottom of my heart. First of all, it’s such a clever premise - Jayce messes with Hextech crystals and gets trapped in a sort of inter-dimension state? He’s able to see the world but the world isn’t able to see him. It’s very well-written, the plot is incredibly engaging (I read it all in one go), and I love the way the two of them are characterized. Angst, desperation, and yet… very tender. And a happy ending!

Pov: me reading that I was included on this list, then slowly descending into madness as I read your review

Coming right in to disagree with your tags Dicax because Convergence isn’t boring and is one of my fave fics too. It’s not boring at all.

It’s imbued with a passion for knowledge, medicine and making the world a better, accessible place for everyone regardless of class, disability, ethnic or cultural background, etc. Add to that the pure wit, dynamic between all of the characters, whilst remaining true to their characterisation; and the utter nerding-out — Hi, watch these nerds flock and fawn.

TL; DR — Convergence is a fic of pure love and you deserves every praise lauded for it.
