#keith voltron

Some early valentines icons I made!For me and @3dkind to use only! Please don’t use these!A whole se

Some early valentines icons I made!

For me and @3dkind to use only! Please don’t use these!

A whole set with all the paladins + Lotor and his generals is coming soon that can be matched with whatever ship you’d like is coming soon, and that one will be free for anyone to use so please be patient for that one! <3


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i always relate to ‘ready to fight’ keithbased on a posti always relate to ‘ready to fight’ keithbased on a posti always relate to ‘ready to fight’ keithbased on a posti always relate to ‘ready to fight’ keithbased on a post

i always relate to ‘ready to fight’ keith

based on a post

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Join the Empire

Another redraw - another AU I haven’t revisited in a long time. :)

The galraAU is one of my all time favorite AUs with sheith being the empire’s power couple.

A birthday gift to my friend  @askthepoorlydrawnpineapple (i forgot your main acc)A birthday gift to my friend  @askthepoorlydrawnpineapple (i forgot your main acc)

A birthday gift to my friend  @askthepoorlydrawnpineapple (i forgot your main acc)

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Here ,A pre-season 8 klance art that no one asked for but ,man i miss them

today is my birthday! 6/16so of course my gift to myself (and to you) is more klance

today is my birthday! 6/16

so of course my gift to myself (and to you) is more klance

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Whenever I see people draw Galra Keith I see him with ears, tail, paws, FULL GALRA, or a combo of those things. What if his Galra side DID affect him, but it only affected his skin?

(Sorry in advance if all of this is in all weird past/present/too many tenses/tense and has mistakes)

So, what if…

Keith’s skin started to get splotchy purple sometimes because of his Galra side. The thing that would trigger it/make it flare up would be when he’d feel really intense emotions/adrenaline inducing situations. Things that really get the heart pounding. 

This picture wouldn’t be relevant until far later (because no one knows what he has yet) but just to give one example of  “heart pounding”. Hahaha


It would have been something he’d been dealing with since birth but wouldn’t really start to affect him to a point that he starts to get worried until the gang gets to space. Because SPACE IS STRESSFUL and whatever Galra-born condition he has hadn’t gotten a chance to mature in his system yet.

He’d still grow up without knowing about his mother, his alien side. He doesn’t know what he has as Galra, just knows that it’s annoying when it happens.

When he was younger, if the condition ever flared, it’d be on his hands. Maybe a bit on the nape of his neck. Small flecks of purple, occasional larger splotches. He was tired of being asked about it so he’d begin wearing gloves and start letting his hair grow a bit longer.

Now when this starts to happen to him in space, it’s worse and he has NO idea why. He chalks it up at first to space allergies.

He would eventually go to Coran because there’d be something that would happen that would cause it to flare farther on his body then it had ever in the past. He’d managed to hide it from everyone until now (if he removed himself from the situation that caused it to flare up, it would start to fade after 30 minutes, and would be almost gone within an hour or so, leaving his skin just looking a little heat flushed where it had been), so he wasn’t worried until he came out of a hard training session and was greeted in a mirror by more than half his face being a different color than he remembered it being when he’d entered the room earlier.

Coran would look into it and get back to him with a rare Galran condition called that Alteans had come to know as Florenpura based on how it looks as it spreads, a flourishing purple marking.

Something that has two strains, one known as Full Florenpura (FFP), and then Median Florenpura (MFP), which Keith appeared to have. Children born to one Galran parent and one non had a chance of being born with either strain, or being completely unaffected.

Florenpura was Galran-made. A chemical serum. Something that all Galrans had administered into their systems at birth after Zarkon’s whole… going crazy from quintessence and wanting to  destroy everything/take over incident… as a means to make the Galra spread and grow stronger as a race. It would carry through generations without needing to be re-introduced to their systems.

When a child was born of a Galran and non-Galran parent, and the full florenpura gene was inherited and in effect, the condition would change the outward appearance of the child for life. It would change their skin to a robust deep purple, as well as the scleras to be an off-white/yellow. Once the child matured to the age of 3, it would turn the child purple rapidly over the course of a few days. It would be painful for the child. Their skin would be hot to the touch as it would spread and take over. They’d run high fevers. And once it was said and done, if the child withstood the pain and bodily strain transformation, the child would visually present as Galra and be truly accepted as one of their kind.

As for Keith’s condition, median florenpura. A child born with this strain would never go through the full transformation that came with the other type. The condition would never grow to be strong enough to take over the child’s body, and only flare and recede throughout the child’s life and carry through to adulthood. The splotches would tend to favor one side of the body (though small spots could still appear on the unfavored side), and never fully cover the skin of the person who had it, no matter how bad the flare-up was. When it appears, the affected skin feels warm to the touch and can sometimes feel like a burning hot to the person affected by it. As is starts to fade, the heat is reduced to a slowly dulling pins and needles sensation before it completely goes away.

Now back to poor Keith, who upon hearing this of course begins to spiral. This is all new information for him. How could he be part Galra? The people they’ve been fighting so hard against… the bad guys. Coran is at a loss too, not even thinking about Keith’s parents seeing as that it would probably be very very very unlikely he had Galran family. Maybe he’d been injected with something while fighting hand to hand on a Galran ship? Maybe it was something he breathed in on a mission? He couldn’t think.

He’d run back to his room, keeping his composure for most of the way until losing it the second his door would swish shut. Fists coming into contact with it and an angry metal clang. Keith had heard all the things that Allura had said when she spoke about the Galra. Calling them things like “vile”, “monsters”, and “disgusting”.

Did this mean he was all of those things now? 

Of course, in this AU Lance would be hardcore pining for Keith so Lance starts to get personally offended when Keith starts to hide in his room a lot and avoid him. Maybe they’d start to have talks through his door when Keith would run off and hide while his florenpura faded. 

Sure, Coran knew what Keith had. What Keith was. But Keith wasn’t ready for anyone else to know yet. Especially Lance.


TO BE CONTINUED LATER I GUESS. This is enough word vomit for now. I have a lot of art ideas and more really cute scenarios in my head with acceptance and boyfriends being boyfriends so you’ll most definitely see more on this from me in the future. I hope you like what I’ve come up with! It’s been fun to think about all this silly stuff. ;O;
