#kendall schmidt mpreg


Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Kendall Schmidt and Micaela von Turkovich were packing up from the camping trip that Michaela had been protesting for the last month since Kendall’s water had just broke.  But he thought he would have more time since the triplets weren’t due for a few more weeks.  And Kendall thought they could go camping one last time before their kids would come.  But he was so wrong and as they had finally arrive that morning at the campsite was when the contraction started to hit him. But he was ignoring them until they were getting hard to ignore and only a few hours in to the trip was when it ended.

Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Kendall Schmidt is heading back to his car from relaxing day at the beach due to a specific reason.  And that reason being is he is in labor.  He has been since around noon and awhile after that been feeling contractions and couldn’t believe his child is coming today let alone right now.  But he slowly start packing up his things and make his way to the car.  However as he is putting his key Kendall feel his water breaks as it start dribbling down his legs.  And he know he has to call his girlfriend to meet him at the hospital.
