#kent zarneki

sneaking kenzie and button (and a college au) into a comic for my uni zine society <3 i like to tsneaking kenzie and button (and a college au) into a comic for my uni zine society <3 i like to tsneaking kenzie and button (and a college au) into a comic for my uni zine society <3 i like to t

sneaking kenzie and button (and a college au) into a comic for my uni zine society <3 i like to think that in aus, these two meet through volunteering at the local shelter!!

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— franz kafka, letters to milena

I’d like to thank my mutuals for introducing me to MindBlind by @mindblindbard. It’s definitely beenI’d like to thank my mutuals for introducing me to MindBlind by @mindblindbard. It’s definitely beenI’d like to thank my mutuals for introducing me to MindBlind by @mindblindbard. It’s definitely beenI’d like to thank my mutuals for introducing me to MindBlind by @mindblindbard. It’s definitely been

I’d like to thank my mutuals for introducing me to MindBlind by @mindblindbard. It’s definitely been one of my favourite WIP IF’s to date and I can’t wait for when it’s finished!


Everyone meet Larten Dahlia Wiseman, asshole sister extraordinaire and Aeon’s very own security risk!


  • Sign: Scorpio
  • Myers-Briggs Personality Type: INTJ (The architect)
  • Languages: English - French - Pig Latin
  • Religion: Agnostic
  • Expletive of Choice“Son of a hamster”
  • Favorite Food: Cookies of course! However, is willing to sell her soul for anything spicy. Nick’s sriracha cake was heaven for her.
  • Favorite Drink: Loves nothing more than an in ice cold glass of water. She’s a moderator on r/HydroHomies.
  • Style: Wears black for the simplicity of it and likes how jarring the colour makes her look when paired with her physical traits.
  • Music: Listens to classical music most of the time but also likes Musical Soundtracks. Was definitely a theatre kid.
  • Movies: HEIST FILMS are her bread and butter. The Ocean’s Franchise is her jam and would gladly marry Cate Blanchette for free
  • Dogs or Cats: Ten’s most definitely a cat person. She plans on becoming a crazy cat lady if things don’t work out with Gray.
  • TV Shows: She mostly watches true-crime documentaries. It’s a hobby her and Hope both share. 
  • Coping Mechanism: Works out a lot because it makes her zone out. She likes the ache in her muscles. 
  • Grudge on Gray: Let’s just say Larten doesn’t forget and definitely doesn’t forgive.
  • What she loves most about Gray: The man sings Hakuna Matata, what’s not to love?
  • Quotes: “I’m beauty, I’m grace, and I’ll punch you in the face if you tick me off.”
  • 10 for Ten:
  1. Can’t drive for shit. She’s failed her license exam not once, not thrice, but two times.
  2. Only ethical because she doesn’t like upsetting the people she cares for. She becomes more expedient when working alone.
  3. Answers phone calls from unknown numbers with a Russian accent and “McDonald’s, may I take your order please?”
  4. Already tall but wants to be even taller. Think Gumby
  5. Once hijacked a golf cart when she was younger and will never regret it.
  6. Nick and her battle for dominance every Halloween when it comes to their costumes. She once went as a Victoria’s Secret Model. Game. Set. Match 
  7. Is currently learning to speak Latin backwards just to fuck with people.
  8. Has a cook-off with Nick every summer for the annual Wiseman-Alavidze BBQ! Gray insists on being the judge because food. Nick and her are currently tied 2-2. 
  9. Loves classic cars even if she can’t drive and nearly proposed to Kent when she saw his ride. 
  10. Puns and bad jokes are not the only things she has in common with Rosy, both of them also have great butts. 

* A convo she had with Sally during her short-lived crush on Ambrose Kim*

Larten: Kim’s hot.

Sally: Kim’s a teacher!

Larten:A hot teacher with an ass made for Lee Jeans

Glitch: *falls off chair from laughter”

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