#kholin critical


literally i was explaining moash discourse to my friend who hasn’t read the books and i was like “moash killed elhokar, but elhokar killed his grandparents and also waged a war w the intent of genocide of an indigenous population and prolonged it for profit” and he was like “i don’t really care about the individual murders but wait what was that about genocide???” honestly like it’s not hard to get


GOD the end of oathbringer was literally so powerful, and i can’t believe row starts and dalinar has done literally nothing by way of reparations and has suffered no consequences from telling the world he’s a war criminal who killed his own wife


i have a new level of disrespect for this man


stormlight needs to return to actually having discussions about pacifism i cant do another infinity war type book…..like i recognize that rhythm didnt focus on philosophy the way the others did partially cause it wasnt a big dalinar book and while the moral quandary between dalinar and taravangian is probably going to consume his kowt chapters, it just looked silly from adolin’s eyes like. i really do think the discussion of imperialism and colonialism and war needs to be had by literally anyone who isn’t a kholin
