#killer clowns


is it just me or does 2016 kinda feel like a fever dream?

  • Like there was the big election that seemed like it was advertised way more than any other election we’d had before
  • then there was the killer clown thing that we did nothing about
  • that weird app between vine and tik tok was popular called musical.ly or something
  • there were like no bigger artists that put out music (except for maybe Ariana grande I think) so we were just kind of bopping to weird rappy-hip pop songs that nobody really knew the names of the artists who made them
  • I’m not even gonna start on the god awful make up trends I’m mean Jesus Christ
  • everyone was still coping from the loss of one direction.

Like that was a weird ass year





Im not American so please forgive me if this comes across as rude but when Americans start a sentence with “during the 2016 killer clown craze-” I can’t help myself. Talked about like it was a force of nature. Said with a nonchalant air like its an inevitable part of growing up. The killer clown craze.

england is literally throwing a celebration for their killer clown rn what are y'all talking about

England also did actually have the killer clown craze too! I don’t know if any of them actually killed but I know people were arrested for dressing up as clowns and jumping out w weapons or some shit like that.

No actual deaths by clown, and the craze died away after a few weeks, but we did have a lot of idiots lurking around with make-up and knives for a while, trying to look creepy, scarring children for life and annoying all the actual clowns I know.

One showed up in the alley next to my house, so, given that our neighbourhood is about eighty percent elderly people, I took to doing nightly clown patrols for a while (literally just doing a circuit of the neighbour, with intent to explain why giving people actual heart attacks isn’t funny).

It was only later that I realised I had been doing so in my cute bat hoody, with the wings and pointed ears, and that dressing up as a bat to hunt for evil clowns was perhaps not the sanest use of my time.

I beg to differ. Dressing up as a bat to hunt for evil clowns was a brilliant use of your time.
