#killing eve fanart


The Lovers card also comes up for people in long-term relationships, often when the choice to leave or not to leave has arisen. More than just a ticket to ride the hot sex high-way, the Lovers is about making choices. An important aspect of this card speaks not of love but of building up your personal value system and figuring out who you are and what you believe in. It’s interesting that such a theme would be paired with the Tarot’s major love card, but it makes sense. If anything has the power to challenge our personal ethics, it’s the lure of attraction. In recovery circles, the biggest threat to a newly sober individual is said to be “romance and finance.” If the Lovers card has come up for you, you may be trying to make a romantic decision using the barometer of your morality. Is the person you are intrigued with already committed? Are you? Is it an office or academic situation, with a host of potential problems, that has piqued your interest? Is the object of your affections somehow off-limits—perhaps a close friend? Maybe you know the person you’re drawn to isn’t good for you, or maybe isn’t a good person at all, and you’re trying to figure out how you can indulge your powerful attraction without really letting this person in. Romantic complications present endless possibilities. What the Lovers card always wants you to do is take the high road—which is challenging. In fact, science has shown that obstacles placed before lovers only increase the brain chemicals that make them want each other so badly.

-Excerpt from Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea

When the Eight of Swords arrives, you are so deeply stuck that you have given up any hope of fixing the situation. Or maybe you delayed fixing a situation until it swallowed you whole and now you’ve lost hope. Either way, here you are: bound so loosely that you could totally escape, but you don’t; imprisoned by a half-assed fortress of swords you could actually walk right out of; and blind-folded, but making no effort to pull the blindfold off your face. If you did allow yourself to see, you’d have to acknowledge that this miserable situation is at least partly your own doing. You have tremendous personal power, but for some reason you are choosing not to use it, or you have handed it over to someone else. The reality is that you got yourself here and only you can get yourself out. If you are waiting for a rescue, an apology, or an about-face from someone other than yourself, you’re going to be stuck down here in gloomy Swordsville for a lot longer. At this point it hardly matters who else was involved or what drama or circumstance got you here. The problem is, regardless of how you got here, you chose to stay here. It’s now up to you to quit the job, end the friendship, file for divorce, offer an apology, begin to make amends, or stand up to your parents. However, the Eight of Swords is shaking down in your sphere, and it’s time to claim your power and get on with your life.

- Excerpt from Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea

 3D Piggy Villanelle my goal was the style of funko mystery mini figure because i think they are cut 3D Piggy Villanelle my goal was the style of funko mystery mini figure because i think they are cut 3D Piggy Villanelle my goal was the style of funko mystery mini figure because i think they are cut 3D Piggy Villanelle my goal was the style of funko mystery mini figure because i think they are cut

3D Piggy Villanelle 

my goal was the style of funko mystery mini figure because i think they are cute and fun to collect + I know i can’t do better than this hehe

This is my first ever “not following a tutorial, but doing something alone” model

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Are You from Pinner?

Killing Eve season 3 episode 05

 Yesterday i found a poster here for this film with Rami Malek and i liked the idea on it so much an Yesterday i found a poster here for this film with Rami Malek and i liked the idea on it so much an

Yesterday i found a poster here for this film with Rami Malek and i liked the idea on it so much and i felt like it fits Killing Eve so well 

So I made a ke version for it, just like when i saw those Prodigal Sons posters…

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*smile* (affectionate)

*middle finger* (reciprocate)

The photos hit me hard, so here is a little comic of a headcanon I have for s4

 Someone needs to hurry up 

Someone needs to hurry up 

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All the single ladies, all the single ladies

All the single ladies, all the single ladies

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It is difficult to concentrate when your gf looks that good.  

It is difficult to concentrate when your gf looks that good.  

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I am here to give the people what they want

Happy anniversary to this iconic moment! 

Happy anniversary to this iconic moment! 

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Talullah Shark and The assassin of the triangle brows

Eve smoking is something that can be so personal 

Eve smoking is something that can be so personal 

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We deserve a soft epilogue…

Prompt for Killing Eve Week first (real) kiss

A bloody Villanelle prompt request by @g4l-p4ls

A bloody Villanelle 

prompt request by @g4l-p4ls

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I just know they are going to be so powerful in season 4, pleaseeeeeee

I just know they are going to be so powerful in season 4, pleaseeeeeee

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Happy december Killing Eve fandom! Have a little V elf for your holidays✨

Killing Eve ornament for my christmas tree

A quiet moment

I don’t even know, I just felt like drawing the grinch outfit because why not

A little Eve new month new icon!Happy November!

A little Eve 

new month new icon!

Happy November!

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Happy Halloween to all in the Killing Eve fandom!

Demon!V x Monster!Eve for the occassion

villanelle skin study + expression practice. jodie comer reposted this on ig no big deal

ig: ine8s
