#killing eve spoilers


all i can think about after finishing killing eve season 4 is the way someone in literally every lesbian couple that was shown kissing on screen this season got maimed or murdered in some way or another lol


laura neal, honey. I don’t know what kind of delusional reality you live in. but this was the complete opposite of “triumphant,” “glorious,” or “satisfying.”

my heart goes badump badump!

“We had to find a way to do these characters justice”


the lil cheek kiss is the cutest most innocent thing i’ve ever seen :,)))


there’s nothing profound about writing a character who’s near-suicidally devoted to taking down her enemies because she’s lost everything and then taking the last person she loves away from her and ending the show with her in anguish. there’s nothing groundbreaking about writing a character desperately struggling for agency & identity & to break away from the organization that abused her only to have her killed off in the process of destroying them, for shock value. and there’s certainly nothing new or fresh or clever about giving queer characters the tragic ending they were always “destined” to have, yet again. but whatever.

hm yes anyway this is the last time I trust any television show with queer representation. this was the last straw.

are we gonna talk about how when v turned around you can see on her face she wasn’t expecting eve to turn around bc she’s never anyones first choice. MY HEART

i realised when i was drawing v’s suit that the pattern was literally just little rainbows, so HAPPY

i realised when i was drawing v’s suit that the pattern was literally just little rainbows, so HAPPY PRIDE MONTH

(my ko-fi ☕)

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This is the truest ending Killing Eve will ever have, the one that was the most deserved to them and us.

“All that you gave, wasn’t enough

there’s.. something about… the way you are…. that makes me….. //sigh// …

there’s.. something about… the way you are…. that makes me….. //sigh// ……

missing my dead-eyed killer queen. fondly remembering oksana in her element, armed illegally inside a russian federal penitentiary hunting down her ex gf

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