#king arts

Also, this is how big the box was. People got a good kick out of watching me as Loki try to awkwardl

Also, this is how big the box was. People got a good kick out of watching me as Loki try to awkwardly carry this thing back to the car. lmfao

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Oh yes~Yes, this full scale replica got added to the Loki hoard of things this weekend from the CalgOh yes~Yes, this full scale replica got added to the Loki hoard of things this weekend from the CalgOh yes~Yes, this full scale replica got added to the Loki hoard of things this weekend from the CalgOh yes~Yes, this full scale replica got added to the Loki hoard of things this weekend from the Calg

Oh yes~

Yes, this full scale replica got added to the Loki hoard of things this weekend from the Calgary Expo. And I uhh…. can’t use my credit card for a while now because I gotta pay this thing off. Basically this item has such an inflated price compared to what it was when it was first released, because that’s just the nature of the collectibles scene (things sometimes spike in price FAST). But I managed to get it for less than the booths price tag on it making it cost less than me having to pay for it online at the moment. They dropped the price for me because I was dressed as Loki, lol (Which is actually great sales tactics, pandering to your crowds and making happy customers).

I don’t have pics of it fully out yet because I need to clear a space for it so I can assemble the stand and have it look all pretty on display. I paid too much for it to be knocked around and potentially wrecked. 

Which is also why, before anyone asks, NO I am not going to be using it as a cosplay prop. If anything I’ll use it as reference to make a convention safe version for me to use and abuse. This one is going to be for display purposes only.

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