#kiowa gordon

“For darkness? I came from a pretty happy upbringing,  but my mother was obsessed with horror novels“For darkness? I came from a pretty happy upbringing,  but my mother was obsessed with horror novels“For darkness? I came from a pretty happy upbringing,  but my mother was obsessed with horror novels

“For darkness? I came from a pretty happy upbringing,  but my mother was obsessed with horror novels and my father with science fiction. Horror and darkness always felt comfortable to me — an escape from the banalities of things that drag me down. There’s something kind of beautiful about it.”

Aaron Guzikowski - Creator/Writer, The Red Road

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Kiowa Gordon at the premiere of Blood Quantum (September 2019)

kiowa gordon aslysolin blood quantum|dir. jeff barnaby

i made this for all the embry call by the fire imagines that we as a community can write

kiowa gordon aslysolinblood quantum| dir. jeff barnaby

kiowa gordon aslysolin blood quantum | dir. jeff barnaby
