#kirby and the forgotten land spoilers



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Kirby and the Forgotten Land spoilers //












Kirby and the Forgotten Land Spoilers Below

I love Fecto Elfilis so much, they are so cool

hello is this HAL Laboratory? yes erm I’d like to report a bug where you marked my save file as 100%

hello is this HAL Laboratory? yes erm I’d like to report a bug where you marked my save file as 100% complete when ELFILIN STILL HAD THINGS TO SAY

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so it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time dso it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time dso it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time dso it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time dso it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time dso it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time dso it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time d

so it turns out Morpho Knight Sword really is overpowered and literally cut my Ultimate Cup Z time down by over an hour while also needing only one retry. but that’s fine because that’s the kind of thing I expect from a end-of-post-game ability anyway and it helped me get a few extra Rare Stones for Trader Waddle Dee and in turn contributed to 100% CLEAR!

I should be happy about this, like how I was happy to 100% Super Star and Triple Deluxe and so on, but … I’m actually kind of sad. I was really enjoying everything about this world so much that it’s a bittersweet feeling to have experienced close to all that it can offer. that feeling is something no other Kirby game has elicited, and it makes Kirby and the Forgotten Land one of the best Kirby games in my book. what an absolute triumph for Kirby’s 30th year!

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i don’t have the time or energy or motivation to finish this but i really like how it was comin along so here u go!

my jaw drOPPED when they pulled out this move in the final boss battle g Od it looked so cool but it was also so hard to dodge but also i wish it happened for longer oughghg my god my head is so full of forgotten land hELP me

man if the beast pack originally came from the originull wasteland, I did some thinking about that and my brain came to the conclusion that since all of the beast pack’s higher-ranking members ASIDE from sillydillo are animals native to africa, and the originull wasteland prior to its abandonment was a port/coastal/scenic resort town, I kind of wonder if the beast pack’s higher-ups are descendants of exotic wild animals that were kept at an african-themed (or at least forgotten land’s equivalent to it) resort to bring in tourists?
it would give leongar EXCELLENT motivation to hold resentment for the people who left the animals behind, as these ancestors would have been trapped in an unfamiliar place for the sake of being entertainment for tourists, only to suddenly be abandoned with nobody to feed or take care of them when the people all left, then have to figure out how to adapt to a world that was never necessarily even THEIRS until now

AND THEN considering that being trapped in a strange place against your will to be gawked at by tourists only to be abandoned when they’re done with you sounds like a certain somebody ELSE we know who was influencing leongar’s mind, it would make SO MUCH SENSE that fecto forgo would see this in the back of leongar’s mind, then prey upon that little bit of resentment in order to get what they want, and would give leon and elfilis/fecto forgo a LOT in common with their history and their motivations. remember after all that leongar’s monologue about his motivations happened while he was lucid and not quite 100% under fecto forgo’s control

some minor tweaks and here’s a complete reference for Nimbis with everything I could possibly think

some minor tweaks and here’s a complete reference for Nimbis with everything I could possibly think of to include! absolutely obsessed with my fluffy little moth fella and how fun they are to draw

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sword of the surviving guardian 

sword of the surviving guardian 

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