#kirby inspired


SonicAsura’s Doodles #42

There once was a lady

With a love for roses

Watching the sky everyday

To see the beauty it proposes

A free spirited soul

An illness grew in heart

That one day take it’s toll

And tear her life apart

Death isn’t her fear

She met a curious beggar

When the end is near

Why greet it with eager

‘Life is fleeting’

'But it can’t be waste’

Enjoy your heart’s beating’

Until Death has its taste’

Few days soon past

Lady who loves roses

Breathed her last

Her story doesn’t closes

Beggar they were not

Living chaos seeking an soul

To fill the empty slot

One not fearing Death’s toll

Elysium that can’t fade

An emissary now made

Lady of roses reborn

Chaos with hidden thorn

Now she soars

Happily ponder

Her heart now roars

Rose Elysium gazes for wonder

I felt like writing a poem for her story. Trying to get rid of the rust on my skills. This is Rosa, a former human now an being of chaos called Rose Elysium. Her design having some inspiration from a particular boss in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. She’s loosely related to said franchise however, just her Emissary form.

You’ll be seeing her in some future stories very soon. Rosa is a wanderer who can travel between dimensions and time. Where she’ll appear will be your guess. And neither the people that this Emissary could charm.

Until next time folks, I’ll see you later! For now, enjoy one of my favorite tracks from Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
