#kirishima imagines


Head First To The Rescue

Summary: When her two boyfriends are captured by the LOV, Reader rushes head first into the fight to rescue them.

TW/CW: Katsuki Bakugo x AFAB!Reader x Eijiro Kirishima established poly relationship. Aged up Pro Heroes Bakugo, Kirishima, and Reader. Reader calls Bakugo Kat and calls Kiri Ei. Ummmm Bakugo and Kirishima are both captured by the LOV. Reader sustains a burn injury from Dabi and passes out from using her quirk too much. Yeah I don’t think there’s any other than that.

Requested?: Nope, this is just a little something I came up with in a daydream and decided to write bc my mha masterlist is super empty compared to most of my others.

Word Count:1,437

A/N:The first part that is in italics is just a little background on the reader’s Volcano Dragon quirk. So, if you want a little more info on that then you can read it if not feel free to skip it lol. This was kind of rushed in writing and I did not edit it so I’m sorry if there’s any errors, typos, or just weird sentences. I hope you enjoy the read though. Love to all!

[This gif is so freaking cute!]

First, I want to give you all a little background on the character bc I’m giving her a quirk that I have literally put a shit ton of thought into lmao. So, her quirk is called Volcano Dragon and her Hero name is Kazan. Her mom has a volcano quirk and her dad has a fire dragon quirk. The volcano quirk is kind of like Kiri’s in that she can harden her skin into volcanic rock. Honestly, this part of her quirk is a huge part of the reason that she and Kiri ever became friends in the first place. He just couldn’t help it; she is so manly lol. Anyway, another part of her volcano quirk is that she can shoot lava out of her joints and withstand extreme heated temperatures. Extreme heated temperatures include things like Shoto’s fire and Bakugo’s explosions.

As for the Dragon part of her quirk, she can breathe fire and her skin can form scales like a dragon’s on command however she has to actually make them appear, they don’t just appear on their own. She also has enhanced strength, smell, eyesight, and hearing. So basically, she’s a dual-purpose wall/shield hero. She can shield people like Kiri does but she can also attack with her fire and lava.

Now let’s talk drawbacks. If she breathes too much fire it causes her throat to be really sore. If she uses her volcano quirk too much, she has symptoms of a heat stroke which include things like dizziness/fainting, headaches, nausea/vomiting, and confusion. As for her hero costume, she wears black leggings, a black sleeveless turtleneck, black leather gauntlets, and black combat boots. The boots and gauntlets have neon orange laces, and the leggings have neon orange stripes down the sides. The shirt has neon striping that resembles a volcano erupting. Without further ado, let’s get to the actual story lol.

As my friends and I work on helping clear the area after a pretty serious battle with a group of villains, I take notice that a certain two heroes seem to be absent. Having been given the all-clear, we all sit down to take a break. “Has anyone seen Kacchan and Kiri?” Deku asks looking my way. So, I’m not the only one who has noticed. I look around as Deku pulls out his phone and says he’s going to try calling them; I don’t see them anywhere in the wreckage and begin to worry. “Uh, (Y/n) they didn’t pick up,” he says as he steps up beside me.

I pull out my own phone and dial Ei’s number. Kat has a tendency to not pick up if he’s not in the mood to but Ei always picks up for me. Not this time apparently, I think as I hear his chipper voicemail come through the speaker of my phone. I look around and begin sniffing the air for the familiar scents of my two boyfriends. I catch their scent and take off in the direction of where I hope they’ll be. I run for several blocks and swing a right into an alleyway before laying eyes on them.

Unfortunately, they’re not alone. Kat and Ei are muzzled and have their hands bound as they kneel at the feet of one Tomura Shigaraki. Behind them, I spot Toga, Dabi, and Twice as well. I hear footsteps approaching behind me and know that my backup has arrived. I glance down at Kat and he looks absolutely rageful. Ei on the other hand just looks worried for Kat. He and I both know Kat hates being restrained. If looks could kill, every one of the villains before me would’ve died on the spot from the look I give them all. Shigaraki chuckles darkly, “Hello heroes, nice of you to finally join us.”

“It would be wise to let them go. I’m only going to give you this one warning,” I threaten. Nobody messes with my boys and gets away with it.

“Now why would we want to do that, Doll Face. We’ve got you all right where we want you. These little brats are bait,” Dabi taunts as he steps up beside Shigaraki.

Behind me, I can hear Deku muttering about who knows what and I can sense the tension in the alleyway. “Fine, have it your way. We’ll fight this out,” I grumble as I smack my gauntlets together and activate my quirk. I rush headlong after Shigaraki and am careful to avoid his hands. This causes me to be locked in battle with him. I try again and again to get within his guard and take him down without getting touched but finally have to resort to using my fire breath. I know my throat is going to be sore from how much I’ve already used it but close-up attacks aren’t going to work here.

Unfortunately for me, having my back turned to Dabi screws me over. I feel the burn on my side and quickly react by deploying my scales. Pivoting around, I fling lava out of my wrists and manage to hit him with it. At this point, Shigaraki is yelling to retreat. As the villains flee into the shadows, I immediately make my way over to Kat, ignoring the pain in my side.

I drop to one knee in front of him and reach behind his head to unfasten the muzzle. Once that’s removed, he starts ranting about how I should’ve come up with a plan instead of immediately attacking and how I should’ve been more careful to not get hurt. He even rants about how I shouldn’t be helping him right now, I should be getting the burn on my side, which burnt through my hero costume, checked out. I ignore his rambling rant and begin examining the contraption around his hands. It’s similar to the one they used on him at the UA sport’s festival. “Would you shut up for a second so I can figure out how to get this thing off you?” I yell, interrupting his rage. He goes quiet and glares at me instead. Finally, I conclude that there’s only one solution, “If I break this thing in half can you blast it off?” He nods so I place one hand in a fist on top of the contraption and hold the underside of it with my other hand. I smash the thing in half and he immediately stands up to blast it off as I make my way over to Ei.

Thankfully, someone else managed to get the muzzle off of him but they’re all gathered around trying to figure out how to get his hands free. “Break it in half for me. It’ll be easier for me to break it off that way,” Ei suggests so I do as requested.

As the adrenaline starts to wear off, I suddenly feel very dizzy. The overheating follows soon after with nausea. I don’t even have time to sit down before I pass out. I do however recognize the scent of the person who catches me, Kat.

When I wake up again, I’m laying on one of the lounge couches at the Hero Agency we work for. My head is laying is Kat’s lap and Ei is rubbing small circles into my calves as my feet are propped up in his lap. Ei is the first to notice that I’m waking up and grins at me sweetly. I smile back as the others take notice. “You really kicked some ass out there, Kaz,” Mina chimes in as the others cheer.

“Well, you know what they say, Hell hath no fury like a woman who’s pissed off because her boyfriends are in danger. Or something like that,” Denki adds laughing.

“Yeah, that’s not how that goes, Amigo,” Sero responds as he claps Denki on the shoulder, “You did kick hella ass out there though. Way to go!”

“I don’t think the LOV will ever think about messing with you again, Babe,” Ei agrees.

I look up at Kat who’s glaring off into the distance as per usual. I reach up and poke his cheek, “You okay?”

“You could’ve gotten hurt pulling a stunt like that, you damn idiot,” he answers.

“What was I supposed to do, Kat? You and Ei were in trouble. Was I supposed to just turn around and walk away in hopes that you would handle it?”

“I think what he’s trying to say is that maybe having some sort of plan would’ve been better,” Ei interrupts before Kat and I start arguing. Kat and I are both fiercely protective of each other and Ei, so much so that we get in arguments about putting ourselves in danger pretty often but as always, Ei saves the day and calms us down. “Let’s be real here Kat, if you were in her place and she and I were captured, you’d have done the same thing. Hell, even I would’ve done the same thing if I were in her place. All that matters is that we’re all alive and here and together.”

Kat huffs but I can tell that he agrees with Ei’s statement. Kat looks down at me before bending down to kiss me on the forehead, “Thanks I guess.”

I giggle at his show of affection as our friends all oh and aw at us. Ei grins as he pats my leg gently before getting up and picking me up, “I think it’s time we head home and get a shower and some rest.” With this, he heads for the elevator with Kat in tow as I wave goodbye to our friends.

Less than an hour later, I find myself snuggled into Kat’s side after we’ve all had a shower. Ei lifts the covers and scoots into bed behind me, throwing his arms around my waist, “Thank you for coming to our rescue. That was very manly of you.”

I giggle at him, “You’re welcome, Ei.”

“And I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call,” he adds.

This draws a chuckle me and Kat both, “You had your hands restrained, dumbass.”

“I know but I always answer the phone when you or she calls,” Ei answers.

“Alright boys, let’s go to sleep,” I interrupt as Kat yawns. The three of us snuggle closer before drifting off to sleep. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have these two amazing boyfriends, even if I do have to save their asses a few times a month.


Taglist:@emiijemii @cursedwings2005 [for some reason it’s not letting me tag you :( ] @willowtree42095

Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima relationship angst :’)

Just some angst/problems that might come up with dating these guys. By the way, this is by no means an attempt to ruin your comfort characters! These are just some ideas on maybe parts of a relationship they wouldn’t be so good at. No one is perfect,either in a relationship or as an individual, and I still really like these characters overall :)))

warnings: trauma, minor angst, slightly unhealthy habits

-Todoroki Shoto-

  • Understandably… anything regarding physical contact is a bit of a weird subject
  • He had pretty mixed feelings about it at first and the two of you agreed to avoid it. Eventually, he started to get more comfortable with it, and the two of you began doing things like hold hands, hug, and cuddle a bit
  • No matter how gentle you are, he tenses upon the initial contact and then slowly relaxes
  • He’s so softwhen you touch him. He wraps his limbs around you, buries his head in the crook of your neck, and blushes softly as he drinks in all the physical contact he never got
  • Sometimes he thanks you for really random stuff, like remembering how he likes his soba. Asking specific questions about his day/how he’s feeling. Letting him talk about his interests. And it isn’t an idle “thx btw” it’s a sincere “thank you, so, so much for doing that, I truly appreciate it” and it kind of breaks your heart how low his standards are for how people treat him
  • The only reason he’s been seriously addressing his trauma is not that he’s upset about it, but because you’re upset he isn’t upset
  • The “meet the family” conversation was avoided for so long. If you both have bad home lives, you probably avoid it indefinitely
  • If you have a good family though, while Todoroki probably had a great time spending time with your family, he probably felt guilty that he couldn’t offer the same to you
  • He makes up a lot of excuses to his family to avoid putting you in a weird situation. He worries his sister would use you as proof that the family was healing, his brother would probably try to make you side against Endeavor, Endeavor might try to get you to talk to Todoroki for him… no way is he putting you through that
  • He wasn’t the best at expressing affection at first, but as he began to realize that “wow, you aren’t going to hurt me or try to use me :)” he became more open

-Iida Tenya-

  • Iida holds himself to SUCH high standards and can be really uptight, and I don’t just mean in terms of his hero work and academics, but in terms of being a boyfriend too
  • He wants to be the model boyfriend: strong, supportive of you, protective, encouraging, funny, charming, good at planning dates, romantic, calm and cool, etc
  • Sometimes the of you can laugh about it — Iida’s bad flirty lines, Iida’s list of your likes/dislikes, how dramatic he is about little things
  • Other times… you can’t laugh. Depending on the type of person you are, you might like how organized and list-based Iida’s dates are, or at least appreciate the work that goes into them. Or, you might be annoyed out of your mind, wondering why the two of you can’t just say “hey let’s hang out” without Iida making an itinerary
  • If he ever forgot an important relationship-related event like an anniversary, birthday, or Valentines Day, he would feel AWFUL and completely freak out about it. Dozens of apologies, trying to act perfect for days on end to make up for it, being especially uptight… you get the idea
  • Even when he doesn’t mess up, it’s difficult for Iida to really relax into a relationship. After you’ve been dating for a few months, he’s still quite stiff with affection — not because he’s unaccustomed to it, he’s just a naturally tense person
  • Veryguilty of being a bit of a workaholic and making you feel like… yes, he’s physically there, but he’s not there,like when you finally convinced him to watch your favorite movie, only to see him reviewing notes the entire time
  • And thinking about the “wow, I saw Iida’s to-do list for today and I’m literally nothing but a box for him to check off” can lead to some real FUN arguments
  • Sometimes when you cuddle his grip on you is just a little too tight because he’s so worried about something happening to you

-Kirishima Ejiro-

  • Similar to Iida, Kirishima also puts a lot of pressure on himself to be a good boyfriend
  • But unlike Iida who gets so worked up that it’s obvious he’s upset, Kirishima is waytoo good at hiding the strain he puts on himself
  • He could’ve just had the crappiest day of his life, but he’ll force a smile for you, offer to help with your homework, and get you something to drink
  • He goes so far out of his way to do things for you to show how much he loves you — carrying your books and backpack on top of his, even when his arms are shaking from being overworked; staying up late to talk to you without mentioning that he promised to wake up early to help Bakugou train; letting you have some of his lunch even though he forgot breakfast and will probably end up giving part of his dinner to Kaminari
  • It isn’t toxic masculinity because Kirishima is certainly still soft on you and in touch with his emotions, but his standards for himself are definitely too high
  • Part of him knew this wasn’t healthy, but the other, unconfident part of himself convinced him it was worth it every time you bragged to the others about how amazing your boyfriend is
  • When you realized what Kirishima was doing to himself, you were honestly devastated with yourself for not realizing sooner
  • And when you confronted Kirishima about it he reacted like a hurt puppy because he thought you were going to break up with him
  • You two had a long, long chat about communicating boundaries and such
  • Aside from that, Kirishima is like,,, really, really good with relationships??? He communicates well, is flexible, understanding, etc. Sometimes he does push himself a bit too hard in training or doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for you, but you’re there to cheer him up :)