#kisaragi momo


Red eyes on. Time to run

hi y'all anyway here’s the siblings jamming out cuz 1 is an idol who sings and the other is an amateur music composer so i think they should do jam sessions more

thinking about that hug scene from the manga again,,, makes me cry

thinking about that hug scene from the manga again,,, makes me cry

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Ayyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme ZiAyyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme Zi

Ayyooo it’s 15 August again and I am back just to post these. These are my parts for Kagepro Meme Zine which you can freely access here!

also I’m more active on my Instagram and Twitter @/nahusnab

Happy Kagerou Day(s)!

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Act 2Kisaragi Attention

Translation of the second audio commentary that comes with the DVD/Blu-ray of Mekakucity Actors. Raw version here. Please consider purchasing the original copies and feel free to message me about possible corrections. If there happens to be any issues with the link, please contact me on my main blog!

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[Episode 2 starts playing in the background]

Jin: Hello to everyone who is listening to the audio commentary of Mekakucity Actors Act 2 – Kisaragi Attention. I’m the creator and screenplay writer, Jin.

Nanamin: Hi, I’m Kashiyama Nanami, the voice of Kisaragi Momo!

Suzu: Yes, and I’m Togashi Misuzu, the voice of Amamiya Hibiya!

Suzuki: Eeh, I’m going to supervise the process this time too. I’m Suzuki Kenta from Aniplex.


Everyone: It’s a pleasure! *clapping*

Suzu: Wow, it’s begun!


Jin: It’s begun.

Suzuki: Indeed, it’s begun.

Jin: Act 2! The continuation, Act 2!

Suzuki: Yep. Its audio commentary. First things first, as expected, let’s start from Jin-san’s greetings.


Nanamin: That’s right!

Suzu: So we’re taking turns.

Suzuki: We’re taking turns, of course.

Suzu: True, this is multi-role.

Suzuki: As for the other people who participate, we had Asumi Kana-san last time.

Jin: That’s right, it was Asumi-san.

Suzuki: We had Asumi-san, who voices Ene.


Suzuki: And this time, we have Kashiyama Nanami-san, who voiced Momo.



Suzuki: And Togashi Misuzu-san, who voiced Hibiya.



Suzuki: Let’s have some fun.

Jin: Let’s make this fun!



Suzuki: Let’s have fun with this.


Jin: Counting on you!

Suzu: We’ll be in your care.

Nanamin: Please take care of us!

Suzuki: It’ll be a pleasure. From the very get-go, Momo-chan is already…

Jin: Already running.


Nanamin: She sure can run.



Jin: Back at the very start, when I asked you to take this role…


Jin: At the time, that was exactly the moment when I was wondering what to do with Momo in the novels.

Nanamin: I see! Yes, yes.

Jin: And when I heard your voice, I started writing your reactions into the novel.




Nanamin: I’m glad!

Suzu: That’s great, isn’t it?

Nanamin: Yep, yep, yep. That makes me so happy.

Jin: You had a big part in making this second episode, where Momo is very active, into a reality.

Nanamin: Not at all! Jin-san, thank you very much!

Jin: I’m very happy about it.

Nanamin: Me too! *laughs*

Suzu: I mean, you were already into it, right?

Nanamin: Yeah, I’ve been enjoying this series from the get-go.

Suzuki: Ah, you don’t say.

Jin: Thank you!

Nanamin: I read the novels and listened to the music a lot, and the first song I listened to was Kisaragi Attention.

Jin: Ah, this is…

Suzuki: Isn’t it destiny~?

Suzu: Fate, right?





Suzu: Two opposites!

Suzuki: Indeed! One on the right and the other on the left!

Jin:Destiny”, huh… we might need subtitles for that one.


Nanamin: I just love Momo-chan.



Suzu: So does Jin-san, right? You love Momo-chan.

Nanamin: That’s right.


Jin: Ah, true. On a personal level.

Suzuki: Whenever people ask which characters you like most, it’s always…


Suzuki: …Kisaragi Momo.

Jin: I adore her.

Nanamin: So happy!

Jin: I was extremely satisfied. For real, like, “Ah, i-it’s the real thing!”



Suzu: Like, “She finally talked”?

Jin: “The real deal has spoken!”

Suzuki: “The real thing is right here.”

Jin: “SHE HAS SPOKEEEN!!” That was pretty much it.

Suzu: So while you were watching, you were like, “She’s talking to me, yo.”


Jin: “She’s talking to me, right?”

Suzu: “She’s talking to me!” I totally get it, totally get it.

Nanamin: “Look at me!”

Jin: “She’s looking at me, right?”


Suzu: Holy crap!

Jin: The author is a creep!

Suzuki: No, no, no.

Jin: He’s a creep!

Suzuki: But she’s perfect for the role.


Nanamin: *whispers* Thank you very muuuch.


Suzu: That’s wonderful.

Suzuki: And this was the opening theme, “Daze”.


Suzuki: It’s so cool.

Jin:Thank you very much.

Suzuki: Hmm, and the video clip too. It’s arranged pretty solidly.

Nanamin: This time, in the second episode, it’s playing at the beginning. In the first, it played at the end.


Suzu: That was a special version of it.


Nanamin: That’s right. Now in the second episode, it’s the first time…

Jin: The first time that it’s played as the opening.

Suzuki: And it’s slightly different.


Suzu: There are many characters and, hum, many firsts in this episode.


Suzuki: Aah, indeed.

Nanamin: It’s a lot.

Suzu:Yup, yup, yup.

Jin: Including the ordeal that’s about to go down…

Suzuki: It’s about to happen.

Suzu: The ordeal! The ordeal!

Suzuki: And when the time comes—


Jin: It’s like we’re summarizing these mere few minutes.

Suzuki:Like, “Look forward to it!”

Jin: This isn’t even a sneak-peek of the next episode or anything!


Jin: “If you keep watching, you’ll understand.”

Suzuki: “If you keep watching, the time shall come.”

Jin: Those who are quick-witted will speed it up and then come back to this moment.


Suzuki: *laughs* And when theycome back to this bit, we’ll be like, “Welcome back.”

Suzu: They’re gonna watch what’s ahead first, huh?


Nanamin: There’s lots of characters that didn’t show up in the first episode.

Suzuki: Right? Indeed. Well, Momo is one of them.

Nanamin: Yes, and Kenjirou too.


Suzuki: Kenjirou is voiced by Fujiwara Keiji-san.

Nanamin: He’s cool.

Suzu: He’s got a listless aura, huh?


Nanamin: So sharp!


Jin: Really, he looks like he sticks.


Jin: The bad smell feels like…

Suzu: Like it’s been accumulating… Hum…

Jin: It’s amazing.

Suzu: It gets under your skin, doesn’t it?


Jin: I was like, “He taaalked!!”



Suzu: There it is! Momo-chan’s mystery pose!

Nanamin: Here it comes!

Suzuki: That’s right. Momo does that.

Nanamin: It happens quite a few times, huh? The mystery pose.

Jin: Momo-chan’s pose this time was incredible.


Suzu: She’s still doing it!

Suzuki: A kick with that posture.

Jin: If you look from the front and then from a general view, it doesn’t change much.


Jin: She’s pretty much doing her best to do that pose.

Suzuki: Indeed, indeed.

Nanamin: Must be pretty hard to pull off that stance.

Suzu: But Momo-chan really moves around a lot.


Suzu: It’s fun to watch.

Nanamin: Aaah. *laughs*

Suzuki: That’s true.

Suzu: She makes you feel energized.


Suzuki: Well, when we were making Mekakucity Actors, I was wondering if Momo wasn’t going to be the number one bias of the anime.


Suzuki: I guessed that once she gained movement, she’d become even cuter.


Suzuki: That was the image I had. And that might be expressed through the mystery pose.


Jin: She keeps making more and more mystery poses.

Suzu: She’s a little fool, after all.


Nanamin: I really want people to pay attention to her test’s paper sheet too.

Jin: Ah! The test sheet…

Suzuki: Kashiyama-san, as expected of you!



Suzu: They gotta pause, right?

Jin: They’d have to pause.

Nanamin: I so want them to pause and look at it!

Suzuki: We’d like them to pause.

Jin: We’d like them to pause.

Nanamin: It was so detailed…

Suzuki: They put many Easter eggs in it…

Jin: There was so much trivia, wasn’t there?


Jin: There’s lots of information bits about Shaft-san in this test sheet.

Nanamin: They can be found in several places. These Easter eggs, I mean.

Suzuki: First of all, in this background—


Nanamin: Ah, there it is! There!

Suzuki: There you are, there you are.

Nanamin: Such great art skills. *laughs*

Suzu: Lots of things about it are so surprising…

Nanamin: No, I mean, this is dirty, yet the art is so awesome.


Suzu: But what if there was a teacher like him?

Nanamin: Aah… it might be good. He seems fun.

Suzu: He’d be popular, wouldn’t he? For sure!


Suzu: He’d be particularly popular with the girls.

Jin: Ah, is that so?

Suzu: That’s the feeling he gives off.

Nanamin: Ah, he would.

Suzu: He doesn’t have to come at the students so forcefully.


Suzu: But he could give advice to everyone whenever they needed it.

Nanamin: He’s nice, right?

Suzu: Yep. He is.

Suzuki: Unfair, isn’t he?

Suzu: He isss!


Suzu: Such an unfair grown-up, huh?


Suzu: An unfair glasses dude, huh?

Suzuki: “Unfair glasses dude”!

Nanamin: Unfair glasses!

Suzu: Unfair glasses.

Jin: I like bitter old men.

Suzu:Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Suzuki: Ah, I see.

Jin: In many manga, you have these four-eyes, kinda decadent middle-aged male characters.

Suzuki: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Jin: I really like them.

Suzuki: I see. So from that, you created Kenjirou.



Jin: The type that looks like he smokes a lot.


Suzu: Aah, true!

Nanamin: That suits him.

Suzu: It totally matches his image!

Jin: There’s an additional story where he stopped smoking because his daughter was born.

Suzu: AH, IS THAT SO?!




Jin: Surprisingly enough, there’s no story – even in the main one – that, hum, how should I put it?


Jin: That focuses on this aspect of Kenjirou-sensei.

Suzuki: Hm, hm, hm.

Jin: So I made several little sub-stories about him.


Jin: About this character that I love.

Nanamin: That’s rare. A rare topic.

Suzu: This made me feel kinda warm and fuzzy.

Suzuki: Well, this is such an interesting topic.


Suzuki: Of course, Jin-san is the only one who knows the details.

Nanamin: That’s right! The listeners must be surprised too.

Suzu: This scene was eerie…

Nanamin:I was in shock at this one!

Suzuki: The way it was animated…

Suzu: When I saw it during the recording… well, at first, I thought it was so surreal. But when the sound and animation was actually included in it, I was like, “Wow, this is terrifying.”

Nanamin: True. I was stunned.

Jin: That’s kinda…

Nanamin: Those things are called radio cassettes, right?

Suzuki: Radio cassettes, yep.

Suzu: It’s radio cassettes.

Nanamin: At first, we didn’t know those were radio cassettes in the recordings.

Suzu: Right, right, right!

Nanamin: “What’s in there? Ah, I wonder if those are people,” I thought, but what do you know? It was radio cassettes.

Jin: Right, radio cassettes.

Suzuki: Yeah, they were machines.

Nanamin: I was flabbergasted.

Jin: This flashback was entirely like this.

Suzuki: That’s right.

Jin: The past was represented by playback equipment. The guy from the agency and everyone else were radio cassettes, gramophones and whatnot.

Suzu: Ah, a gramophone!

Nanamin: Ah, that’s right, there was one.

Jin: It was scary…

Suzu: Ah, a little bit of propaganda.

Suzuki: You’re paying proper attention, huh.

Suzu: Unceremonious advertising.

Nanamin: If you take a good look, it’s right there.

Suzuki: As expected.

Jin: Thank you.


Suzuki: This kind of Easter egg steals the spotlight from the story, as you’d expect, but of course, it’s interesting.


Suzuki:You find yourself wanting to look at the spot where it showed up for a second.

Jin: In the background.

Suzuki: Same with the test sheet earlier. You want to have a proper look at it.

Nanamin: That’s right. Yes.

Suzuki: There’s lots of stuff incorporated here and there.

Suzu: Like, “Something showed up over there just now!”


Suzu: But really, this is the kind of show that you can have fun while looking at every nook and cranny of it.

Suzuki: True. Shaft-san made it with these kinds of insertions.

Jin: For real, like… there’s details in places that not even I noticed.


Jin: Also, I was sometimes told, “There’s something-something in that one spot”, to which I’d be like, “EEEH?? Really?!” and then, when I checked, it was actually there!


Jin: I’d be so frustrated because I couldn’t find it!

Nanamin: *laughs* You’d only notice it later.

Jin: Only later.

Suzu: There’s also one of these in the latter half.



Suzu: Hm, here comes a scene that makes you go, “Now’s the time!”



Suzu: Like, “Hm? Hmm?!”


Suzu: That angle.

Nanamin: That angle!

Jin: That neck tilt.

Suzu: To think we’d see Kenjirou-sensei doing this.


Suzu: That’s all we can see.



Nanamin: That’s rare stuff.

Suzuki: You can only see it in Mekakucity Actors.

Suzu: Only here.

Jin: Only in Mekakucity Actors.

Suzu:This is amazing! So good…

Nanamin: Ah, there it is, the oshiru cola!


Suzu: There it is.

Suzuki: I hope oshiru cola turns into merchandize.

Jin: Oshiru cola…

Nanamin: Oshiru cola is incredible.

Suzu: I wonder how it’d be in real life.

Jin: Well, I think it’d taste really bad.




Suzu: You’ve said it, huh.

Jin: I wonder which it would be. Would it… hum, lean more to the p-pasty side?

Suzuki: Ah, I see.


Jin: And about the flavor—

Nanamin: No, if it were pasty, it’d be too…

Jin: To please her palate, I think it’d have to be pasty.

Nanamin: Uwaah! Ah! *laughs*

Suzuki:Yeah, yeah.

Suzu:Hm, hm. But if there were no soda pop in it…


Suzuki: We couldn’t call it cola.


Jin: That’s why I imagine that it’d feel hella stingy in the nose.



Jin: Like, as a sign that it’s a carbonated oshiruko or something.

Suzu: So like, you can sense something underneath it…


Jin: And there’d be plenty of bean skin left in it.



Suzu:What, so it’s granulated bean paste? *laughs*

Nanamin: Bean paste! *laughs*

Jin: Granulated bean paste it is.

Nanamin: Granulated bean paste.

Suzu: Could probably put mochi in it.

Jin: Is that her?

Suzu: Ah, a call from her manager.

Nanamin: A call.

Suzu: For Momo-chan. A call.

Jin: Popular girl.

Suzu: As expected of a hot seller!

Jin: As expected.


Suzu: You did it!

Nanamin: But then again, at what time does she even work?


Suzu: Stop, stop, stop.

Suzuki: Shh, shh, shh!

Nanamin: Ah, is that a minor detail?

Suzu: Just a minor detail.

Nanamin: Is that so?

Jin: We don’t see it but she does work.

Nanamin: She’s doing her best. Doing her best.

Suzu: Our Momo already has a packed schedule!

Jin: With photoshoots and the like!

Nanamin: Is that so?

Jin: She does a lot.

Nanamin: She has it tough. *laughs*

Suzu: Her CDs are selling too.

Nanamin: They are, right?

Suzuki: They sell like hotcakes.

Nanamin: The signboards were all filled with photos of her.

Suzuki:Indeed, at the beginning of the episode, right?


Suzuki: They sure were.

Nanamin: A whole lot of them.

Suzuki: First of all, this place is amazing. This location.


Nanamin: That’s right.

Jin: This whole area!

Nanamin: That’s her school, isn’t it?

Jin: It is.

Nanamin: It’s sick!

Suzuki: The school’s music room.

Jin: That’s right. Awesome, isn’t it? This school.

Nanamin: Very! It’s an incredible school.

Suzu: But it kinda feels really quiet. Ah!

Suzuki: Here it comes.

Nanamin: Ah. This is…

Suzu: The serious part.


Nanamin: It’s the past. A scene from the past.

Jin: When I was making this background music, since this was a dark scene, I tried to make it as such.

Suzu: That’s right, the soundtrack was also…

Suzuki: Made by Jin-san, yes.


Suzuki: He’s the one who produced it.

Jin: This is the point where Momo-chan cries, so I felt a weird heat when doing it!


Suzuki: Oooh. So that’s the producer side of Jin, right?

Jin: That’s right, the producer side of me. I was so like, “At this part, Momo-chan will be like this and that” and nodding to myself.


Suzu: So lighthearted!

Jin:I was like, “Yessir!”


Jin: This part is awesome too.


Nanamin: Ah, this part was kinda…

Suzuki: To think Momo’s feelings from back then would be portrayed like this…


Jin: I didn’t include this in the novels at all, so this was an opportunity to depict it.

Suzuki: Hmmm, I see.


Jin: Hum, it was extremely gratifying. When I watched it, I was really like, “Aah, I’m so glad. I’m so happy that I was born.”

Nanamin: True. I didn’t think there’d be a flashback in the anime.

Suzu: Hm, hm.

Nanamin:When they told me I’d have to voice a little Momo, I was—

Jin: Aah, scary!

Nanamin: Ah, there it is, there it is, there it is!

Suzuki:Creepy, isn’t it?

Suzu: It’s terrifying! This one is so freaky!

Nanamin: Idol taboo.

Suzu: *laughs* “Idol taboo”!


Jin: ‘Cause it’s sitting on a chair, right?


Suzu: Man, this is pretty amazing… To think it’d be depicted in this kind of way.


Nanamin: It was a surprise.


Nanamin: It makes a buzzy sound, doesn’t it?


Jin: It’s the first time that Momo’s mom shows up.

Suzuki: Aaah, true.

Nanamin: That’s right. The mom.


Nanamin: She’s super nice.

Jin: A secretive-style mom.


Suzuki: I see!


Jin: A secretive mom.

Suzu: Even though she gave birth to Momo-chan.


Jin: He hasn’t yet come about in this episode, but Momo-chan has an older brother.

Suzu: Ah! That one!

Jin: That one Onii-san.

Nanamin: Aaah, the rumored Onii-san! *laughs*

Jin: That one.

Nanamin: That one!

Jin: The infamous red Onii-san.

Suzuki: Red Onii-san.

Suzu: The red Onii-san.


Jin: Hum, her Onii-chan has black hair. And that black color is taken after their mom.


Suzu: Ah, that makes sense!


Jin: And Momo-chan’s father has a hair color similar to hers.

Suzuki: Like, a bit brighter.




Nanamin: I see.

Suzu: So that’s how it is.

Jin: In short, the black color went to the older brother.

Nanamin: Ah, then Momo takes after her dad, right?

Jin: And this stylishness of hers went to the younger sister.



Suzu: Wait, that balance is too convenient!


Suzu: Nicely done, huh?



Suzu:Did well, did well.


Suzuki: We have lots of secrets being revealed here.

Nanamin: I know, right?

Suzu: Momo-chan in a school uniform.

Nanamin: That’s right. We can only see Momo-chan wearing her uniform in the anime.

Suzuki: This Momo-chan is…

Jin: Only here.

Suzu: Nowhere else.

Jin: Ah, this one is scary too, huh?

Suzu: Ah, that shadow is.

Jin:That shadow is scary.


Nanamin: I felt like crying in this part. It’s so sad.

Jin: Ruffles your feathers, doesn’t it?


Jin: It does, right?

Nanamin: Aah, so sad…

Suzu: It’s bound to.


Nanamin: “It’s bound to”!

Jin: “It’s bound to”~.

Suzu: Of course it does.

Nanamin: Ah, here!

Suzu: Makes you wanna cry, doesn’t it?!

Nanamin: Here! It was amazing, the way that tears came out of the painting.

Suzu: Makes you cry.

Jin: That shadow. It’s scary as hell!

Suzu:Yeah, really. There’s kind of… hum, a peculiar disconcertion to it.              


Jin: Like, there’s this vagueness when you’re a little kid, where you think things like, “I’d hate if this or that happened.”

Suzu:Yep, yep.

Nanamin:Yep, yep. It’s sad.

Suzuki: But, hum, for everyone in the Mekakushi-dan, this is a common point. Jin-san created them through going beyond these conceptions of having traumas and whatnot.

Jin: Like a complex.

Suzuki: Yes, like a complex. Well, as an example, we have Momo’s past being dug up. Of course, the other characters actually…

Jin: Yes, each of them has all sorts of complexes. Especially Momo. I kinda… wanted to see it in art form.




Nanamin: There’s his dearest wish!

Jin: Oya? Oya? Might this be my taste?

Suzu: His heart’s desire has been fulfilled.

Nanamin: She’s a good child. You can tell that she’s a good child here.

Jin:That she’s a hardworking and good kid.

Suzu: She has to be, right? Momo-chan’s got a lot on her plate.

Jin: Right, right, right.

Nanamin: She does.

Suzuki: Indeed. She’s amazing.

Jin: She’s like a bargain sale of character settings.

Suzu: Exactly, exactly!


Suzu: A deluxe one at that!

Jin: Amongst her relatives, it’d be like, “Bargain sale of character settings – little sister, has a bit of a psychic power, is an idol.”


Nanamin: And relatable!

Jin: “Also, relatable.”


Jin: “And energetic!”


Jin: She’d be that kind of bargain sale.


Suzu: From what we just heard, she shouldn’t be cheap!


Nanamin: I know, right?! Right?!

Jin: She’s filled to the brim with good qualities. Filled to the brim.


Jin: My, she’s so cute.


Jin: And now, at the vending machine over there…

Suzu: Here he comes! Here he is!

Nanamin: Ah, here it is! *laughs*

Jin: That guy.

Suzu: That guy. The one who just showed up for a second. That one guy!

Nanamin: That one. When take a closer look, it’s like, “Huh?”

Jin: When you take a closer look…

Suzu: “When you take a closer look”? What you see on the screen is…?

Jin: You see… is it okay to say it?

Suzuki: Ah, totally. I think it’s completely fine to say it.

Suzu: It’s totally okay.

Nanamin: It’s okay.

Suzuki: He’s holding something.

Jin: He’s got something there.

Suzuki: Something just flashed.

Nanamin: It flashed.

Jin: This QR code is readable.

Suzu: That was a surprise to me.

Nanamin: I was surprised too!

Suzuki: This was actually an Easter egg too.

Jin: Another Easter egg.

Suzu: I did it. I took a pic.

Nanamin: I didn’t notice it at first.

Jin: To think nobody was ready for that one.



Jin: Not a single person was prepared for that moment.


Nanamin: It catches you off-guard.



Jin: And now! Here it is!


Suzuki: Here it is. Togashi-san, we sure made you wait.

Jin: We sure did.


Jin: Thank you for your hard work.

Suzu: Thank you very much.

Suzuki: He has arrived. Hibiya-kun is here.

Suzu:*Hibiya voice* AUNTIE!!

Nanamin: *horrified gasp*


Nanamin:*Momo voice* I got called “auntie”!

Suzu: THE HECK YA DOIN’?! *laughs*

Nanamin: Don’t say “auntie”!


Jin: Togashi-san’s first appearance.

Suzu: Thank you very much!

Jin: He finally arrived.

Suzu: But I was shocked that he shows up right from the second episode.

Jin: Ah, really?

Suzu: In the manga, it’s later.

Nanamin: I was shocked too.

Suzuki: True, indeed. In the anime, this is how the course of events goes.

Jin: Ah, that’s right!

Suzuki: For Hibiya and Momo.

Jin: They meet at this part.

Nanamin: This is how their first meeting goes here.

Suzu: I read the novels and the manga, so I thought he’d show up closer to the latter half.

Jin: I see. Hum, if things happened like in the novel, he’s a character that comes about a lot later.


Jin: Actually, it’s not the latter half of it, but he’s the kind that shows up suddenly once the readers have already warmed up quite a bit to the other Dan members. That’s what it means to be the eighth member.



Suzu: That’s right.

Jin: Well, after this, it might be no good to call him the eighth.


Jin: But while everyone stays curious about what exactly this means, they can get familiar with him as a character.


Jin: He’s still a little boy and there’s an age gap between him and the others.

Suzu: Yep, yep, yep.

Jin: So he’s a character I’ve thought a lot about.

Suzu: But really, I also listened to the songs, and he had a 180-degree change from the image that he gave off in them.



Jin: I was pretty determined to break that down.

Suzu: Exactly! At first, when I read the novels, I was like, “Whoa, is that so? He’s this kind of kid?”

Jin: He’s a little—a little bit like that.

Suzu: A little bit like that.

Jin: Just a bit gross.



Jin: He’s precocious. A precocious young man.

Suzuki: The image he has in the songs might be different from that, indeed.

Suzu: I know, right?

Jin: He’s a little perverted.

Suzu: Kinda, kinda.

Suzuki: And now, the second episode’s…


Jin: Ah, it’s already here?



Suzuki: …insert song.

Jin: The insert song.

Suzuki: It’s playing.

Suzu: And there’s a PV.

Suzuki: “Kisaragi Attention”.


Jin: “Kisaragi Attention”.

Suzuki: The vocals were done by Haruna Luna-san.


Jin: Haruna Luna-san was the one who sang it.

Nanamin: So cute~!

Suzuki: True. Originally, it was sung by the VOCALOID IA.

Jin: That’s right. I used a VOCALOID called IA.

Suzuki:In the anime, how should I put it? Well, it’s a strange way of saying it, but it’s sung by a human.

Jin:“A human”!


Suzuki: The vocals are done by a human singer. And again, you had to remake it and it turned out like this.

Jin: Right, I remade all the songs.

Suzu:Ah, you had to rearrange them.

Nanamin: That’s right.

Jin: Hum, we recorded enough songs for a whole album. I got fired-up when making them.

Suzuki: Exactly. That’s truly wonderful.

Suzu: So, hum, now that Kisaragi Attention has come up, the people who are watching this for the first time will probably be really looking forward to what’s coming next.

Jin: That’s right.


Jin: Like, “I hope there’s more of this.”


Suzu: I think this is the moment where they realize that they’ll have one more thing to look forward to.

Suzuki: She’s sparkling…


Suzu: She is. She’s the kind that people admire.

Jin: She sure is sparkling… Momo-san is so good…

Suzu:Sorry for, hum, dashing off while holding her hand.

Jin: No, but for real.

Nanamin: Ah, sorry for taking yours.


Suzu: Really sorry.


Jin: You’ll get punished later.

Suzuki: Punishment for you later.

Jin: Severely punished.

Suzu: I’ll take it to the face!



Suzuki: Your screen time will be reduced.

Suzu: Eh, no way!

Suzuki: Hibiya will show up less.

Nanamin: Oh, my! Oh, my!

Suzu: Auntie, I’m sorry!

Nanamin: Oh, my!

Suzu: Momo! I’ll call you Momo!


Suzu: So forgive me!

Nanamin: Do that! Don’t call me “auntie”.

Jin: Instead, I might make him the protagonist of a spin-off series.

Suzuki: Ah, I see!


Suzuki:Like some sort of reward.

Jin: He’ll be a hot topic!


Suzu: Hold on!

Nanamin: “Maternity Spiral”, the spin-off.

Jin: “Maternity Spiral”.

Suzu: *laughs* “Escaping the Maternity Spiral”!

Nanamin: “Maternity Spiral”…

Suzuki: …The spin-off.

Jin: Let’s see… he began standing out in particular after the anime started.

Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.

Jin: Hum, in the end, Hibiya-kun shows up very late in the original, so I wanted everyone to see him a bit more when making this. But in the timing of the anime’s broadcast, the movements of the characters come up really impressively thanks to the acting. So you just go all at once, “Hey, hey. Isn’t Hibiya-kun cute?”


Jin: This would be like a dark force.

Nanamin: He’s cute~.

Suzuki: He is.

Nanamin: He was a cutie.

Jin: I got the opinions from older ladies on it.



Suzu: Is that true? Older ladies in all of Japan?

Jin:Older ladies in all of Japan.


Jin: They love you.

Suzu: Hehe! Hehe!

Jin: *chuckles* It’s Hibiya! Hibiya is here.

Suzu: This wasn’t cute! That’s bad!


Suzu: It came out creepy! Ehehe! Ah, she’s crying.


Suzu: Bye, Momo.

Nanamin: Ah, and then…!


Suzu: Ah, and then, after that…


Suzu: …comes the mysterious…

Suzuki: So cool…!

Jin: She’s so cool…

Nanamin: She’s in a pretty incredible place.

Suzu: I know, right?



Suzu:On a hyper-tall spot.


Nanamin: The suspicious air to her is just incredible.

Suzu: She must like high places, huh?


Jin: And that’s a wrap.



Suzu: It went by so fast!

Nanamin: That was a blink of eye!

Suzuki: And from the second episode onward…

Suzu: That’s right.



Suzuki: …we have a song that, well, if we go by the reading in katakana, it has the same pronunciation as “Daze”.

Jin: That’s right.

Suzuki: But it’s “Days”, which means “days” in Japanese.

Suzu: Amazing. The opening and ending songs are both called “deizu”.



Jin: I wonder what we’ll do if it plays on the radio.

Suzuki: Aaaaah, I see.

Suzu:Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nanamin: Ah, indeed!

Suzu: They can only say “deizu”.

Jin: I didn’t think anything through!



Jin: Like, “Which is which??”

Nanamin: I see.

Jin: “Is it the ending?”

Nanamin: If it’s not written anywhere, nobody can tell.

Suzu: Yep, yep, yep.

Suzuki: Interesting, isn’t it? Same sound but different meaning.

Jin: Isn’t play with words pretty common lately? In the internet and the like, you find a lot of stuff that you can’t tell the reading by voice, but instead by the switched ideograms. I made these lyrics while bordering a lot of expectations on this too.

Suzuki: I see. And the vocalist is…



Nanamin: She’s heavenly…!

Jin: She purifies you! She purifies you…

Suzuki: And the video clip was produced by…


Nanamin: Wow, this art is so amazingly touching.

Suzu: She also drew the storyboard of the opening sequence, right?

Suzuki: That’s right. In the end, Jin-san and Sidu-san came in with all their might.

Jin: Right. About Sidu-san, hum, I requested her a video of the inside of a train.


Suzu: That’s right, the background is…



Jin: It turned out wonderful.

Suzu: But after watching this second episode, I got tearful at this ending sequence.

Nanamin: Me too. To think Hiyori would be the focus.


Suzu: Heh, Hiyori~.

Jin: Everyone’s still gonna be like, “Who on earth is this little girl??”

Nanamin: *giggles* True.

Suzu:Like, “What a crazy day”?


Suzuki: Time will be up soon.

Jin: Ah, time to end it?

Suzu:That’s sad.

Jin: So fast…

Suzuki: Let’s bid our goodbyes simple and quick, starting with Togashi-san.

Suzu: All right! Thank you very much for watching up to this point. Hibiya-kun will be active from now on too, so please look forward to it!


Nanamin: Yes! Thank you very much. I believe the course of events will stay interesting in episode 3 as well, so please keep looking forward to it. Thank you very much for today~!


Jin: Yes, I think, erm, I’m probably going to be in the next audio commentary too.


Suzuki: What’s with that? Isn’t it okay? Please be in it!


Jin: Again, I believe we will talk about all sorts of things. I hope everyone will continue looking forward to the main story and to episode 3 as well. Thank you very much. We will be in your care.

Suzuki: This part C of the episode actually has a meaning too, right?

Jin: That’s right.

Suzu: This part is really important, isn’t it?

Nanamin: It is. Yup!

Jin: I hope everyone can pay attention to the part C as well.

Suzu: If anything, I want something like picture book of just this.

Suzuki: My, my!

Jin: Aaah, that’s great! A picture book!


Nanamin: Hmmm, true!

Jin: A picture book would be great. Like, you could read this to children.

Suzuki: That’d be wonderful… Well, time will really be up soon, so let’s meet in Act 3.


Suzuki: Thank you very much.

Jin/Nanamin/Suzu: Thank you very much~!

 * Permission to upload the image to give credit to the author / artist image. X

* Permission to upload the image to give credit to the author / artist image.


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