#kissing in the rain


What was that Shipwrecked Comedy project called again?

You know, the one where Sean is an adorkable nerd trying his best and Mary Kate plays his love interest

There’s literally nothing else I think about when I stare out the window at the heavy rain, ot

There’s literally nothing else I think about when I stare out the window at the heavy rain, other than being in your arms, maybe under a lamppost somewhere with the large raindrops splashing on our faces when your lips meet mine again.

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A Little Rain…

  • Doctor Who
  • Thirteen x Rose
  • prompt: rain

A Little Rain…

They end up darting through the trees,
laughing, the Doctor
just ahead
of Rose,
pulling at her hand.
They’d been exploring in the village
when the rain started,
not a sprinkle
or a dizzle
but a downpour,
like standing in a waterfall.
Rose shrieks a laugh
and their hands reach out
as one,
finding each other
with ease.
(A thousand
their hands
can find each other
They run,
their steps
finding an easy rhythm,
arms pumping,
hearts beating
in time.

But when the Doctor
has her fingers
on the door of the TARDIS
Rose pulls her back,
into her arms,
presses her back into the rough blue.
There’s a hum of approval
from the ship–
she always
has to have her say–
but they barely notice.
Fingers push dripping blonde hair
from eyes, other find
warm skin just above jeans
or hook through belt loops.
Breath mingles,
smiling lips
press together,
fingers splay
on the small of a back.
A tongue teases,
kisses deepen,
heads spin.
Pulling apart to
eyes meet,
foreheads press
No words are needed.
is enough.


NaPoWriMo day 16
