


If models are made for modelin’ Thick girls are made for cuddlin’

Let it be Tumblr

Hmm….. yes please.

They grow up so fast.

They grow up so fast.

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“Pussy Cat Post” | 1950s

“Pussy Cat Post” | 1950s

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Haiii any littless wanna add me on snapchattt

Or any ones that wants too message me for my snapchatt

you add me or I add you :)


Remember to take care of yourself !because at the end no one else is going to be there while you&rsq

Remember to take care of yourself !

because at the end no one else is going to be there while you’re crying alone in your room wondering why everything is your fault or wondering what you did wrong, or at the end they’ll say you can count on them and tell them anything but in reality you can’t.

anyways… sorry i haven’t posted lately doubt anyone noticed but yeah.. sorry i been busy with school homework and all and haven’t been feeling good ..

But stayy safee fwiendsss!!

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hehe cute bunyyyyyyyy

hehe cute bunyyyyyyyy

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You don’t need  sex you need love and care for each otherbut sad how their some called “daddy'

You don’t need  sex you need love and care for each other

but sad how their some called “daddy's” who don’t understand this.

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Lilith the LittleBreaking out of my art slump to bring you the newest addition to our household: Lil

Lilith the Little

Breaking out of my art slump to bring you the newest addition to our household: Lilith!

She is a spotted brown tabby but she has these beautiful ember and orange splotches all over her body. The brightest and most vibrant being on her chest, but she has this adorable little deep orange dot on the end of her tail too.

The poor dear has a viral infection with secondary bacterial infections presenting every couple of weeks. I’ve got her on medication, but I tell you it has been rough since we got her mid October.

Otherwise she is a spit fire of energy and cuddles. She insists on being *on* me for at least a few hours a day and she is routinely zipping about the house wrestling toys and trying to entice the other animals to play.

She doesn’t have a proper meow, but is learning she needs to be vocal to communicate with humans so she has this high pitched ‘oooorrrree’ or ‘ooroow’ she does instead. Whenever she opens her mouth for a proper meow just a little ‘eh’ comes out. 

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i miss my Daddy constantly. and i’m a little workaholic, with two jobs and a Daddy who’s in a different time zone. it’s so stressful. the more i take on, the less i have time to talk to Him especially with the time difference and all. i know i really shouldn’t be complaining. even when i flew to see Him i sat next to a man who was visiting his girlfriend and he was telling me how he was from a land in the Middle East and when he was at home they were ten hours or some sort apart. i don’t understand how he was able to maintain a relationship with barely any communication. it’s very hard.. i feel like all me and my Daddy have is our communication which seems to get less and less the more we work forward with getting our lives in order for us, and to finally be together. He is what keeps me going, He is what makes my day a good day. He is what i look forward to, the one person when something happens that i dial to tell first. i never want to loose that and sometimes with the distance and how busy life gets and Him being in a whole different time zone it makes everything so.. bad, so difficult.. so hard to maintain. without Him, i do not know strength. He is my rock, He is what keeps me going. i need Him in my life as much as possible. why is He across the country..
