#kitty purrs


every protest/activism post on here is like “do NOT post pictures of protesters etc” and then so many will just turn around and spread pictures of those exact people. cmon now man

when u reblog someones post and check out their blog and then u see them checking out ur blog…. sniffing each other

ALSO im switching my talking tag from bean talks to kitty purrs on all my blogs. i wish i could change all my bean talks tags to kitty purrs but i suppose i will have to deal

discord needs to make it so u can mute a person. i dont wanna block them but i wish i didnt have to see what theyre saying for a bit

cruel world . blanket too hot foot out too cold

hurt my own feelings by opening a post with tags i have blacklisted who wouldve thought the thing it was tagged for that i have blocked on purpose bc it upsets me would be in the post that was tagged as the upsetting thing (that i yknow. have blacklisted. on purpose. so i wont see it)

listening to a song to get it out of my head but then listening to it gets it stuck in my head even more. unending agony

think i burned my jamoncillo but by god am i going to eat it

i love weevils . favorite bug ever

please stop reblogging from elytrians. he is gayarsonist and he still interacts w d.smp blogs in private and is Still Currently mutuals w active d.smp blogs

maybe i want to be a little guy and get pampered and hugged and kissed and petted and cherished and held and loved and doted on. maybe i want to be someones specialest little guy ever. maybe i want to be taken care of and told i was missed while i was gone and that people think of me when we arent talking and that someone looks forward to talking to me. maybe i want to be told how much people want me around. yknow

quick reminder that i dont want d.smp or harry pot.ter fans following me

sometimes i hate neurodivergent emotions soooo much. its like hey what if everything u felt was bass boosted and distressing. what if u cried all the time. what if something frustrated u and it made u want to punch something. what if something very small ruined ur whole day and it takes the whole next day to recover. well what if i want to react to things calmly and have a good time? did u think about that? huh? did u ever consider that i Dont want to have a meltdown anytime i experience a particularly strong emotion? die


something i hear a lot from people is some sort of weird fear that people are faking a disorder for clout or for a trend or attention, especially in discussions around self dx. but the thing is that that isnt smth that even happens on a frequent enough scale to consider it in discussions like these

there is no “mainstream” or “trendy” disorder. if u think there is, u are forgetting the fact that no matter how well known or commonly talked about a disorder is, its still not considered smth acceptable and trendy by society. no ones going to fake their adhd for funsies. no ones going to fake autism for the attention, etc. it just doesnt happen on a scale larger than a handful of very few people Ever. people dont fake these conditions for the hell of it, bc regardless of “"popularity”“ society still sees us and our symptoms as bad and wrong and we are punished for it

stop bringing this sort of thing up in these discussions as if its an actual problem we face on a regular basis. people dont have issues for fun. perpetuating this weird made up gatekeepy fear is only going to harm people questioning if they have something and drive people away from extremely valuable resources

smth i want to add is that even in the case of the very few who DO "fake” it for attention, i have never ever once met one who did not have very genuine symptoms of at least Something that could be helped

they are clearly struggling with something already, bc no one goes through the trouble of faking this sort of stuff if there arent actually issues at hand

be kind. be patient. be welcoming to people regardless of ur opinion on the validity of their conditions, because u will never know the full complexity of what theyre experiencing, and turning them away for arbitrary opinions will only do harm for the whole community in the long run

something i hear a lot from people is some sort of weird fear that people are faking a disorder for clout or for a trend or attention, especially in discussions around self dx. but the thing is that that isnt smth that even happens on a frequent enough scale to consider it in discussions like these

there is no “mainstream” or “trendy” disorder. if u think there is, u are forgetting the fact that no matter how well known or commonly talked about a disorder is, its still not considered smth acceptable and trendy by society. no ones going to fake their adhd for funsies. no ones going to fake autism for the attention, etc. it just doesnt happen on a scale larger than a handful of very few people Ever. people dont fake these conditions for the hell of it, bc regardless of “"popularity”“ society still sees us and our symptoms as bad and wrong and we are punished for it

stop bringing this sort of thing up in these discussions as if its an actual problem we face on a regular basis. people dont have issues for fun. perpetuating this weird made up gatekeepy fear is only going to harm people questioning if they have something and drive people away from extremely valuable resources

oh my god. i love men in big stompy boots and spiked collars and faggy little outfits and i love men with fucked up messy self cut hair and i love men in makeup and painted nails and i need to kiss a freaky punk faggot right fucking now

i need to kiss a men right now

i love men and i love being attracted to men i love that men exist and i love loving men
