

“You raised Livvy for you, not for her or anyone else. You knew the damage it might do. You only thought of yourself. I wish— I wish I’d never known you—”

-Queen of Air and Darkness

Have fun with my Kitty comic

Please dont hit me too hard… please

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

Books are my opportunity to escape the reality for a short time. Some books are good others not so and then there are stories that stay with me forever like Cassie’s books. Essentially the dark Artifices series

(I read, love and adore CC’s books since more than 10 years now)

There are times where I wish I could go into my favorite books. Just climb into the pages, get lost in the story and meet my favorite characters. That’s not really a possibility but I can still dream… and I can draw it

So in my world Kit, Ty and Livvy take me into theirs where I can visiting the shadowmarket with Kit, debating with Ty about Sherlock Holmes, train with Livvy and meet the other characters ☺☺☺

Have fun with my fanart/photo mix for the #GetCaughtWithShadowhunters challenge? Game? on Instagram

It’s the first time I made something like this

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.
