

It’s fanart time!

I have this headcanon where Clary, Julian and Ty having a painting session in the the LA institute painting the blond and beautiful squad

I wanna join them….

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

Ladies and gentlemen I’m very excited to present you the first drawing of a little cards series I’m working on

The series will include five illustrations covering the twp characters

The first one is my baby Ty Blackthorn with adult Irene as the Jack!

I trying to draw them older (and sexier) so they can match the timeline of twp and I’m pretty happy with how Ty and Irene turned out! ☺☺☺

I hope you like them as much as I do

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

#tyblackthorn #theshadowhunterchronicles #thewickedpowers #thedarkartifices #twp #irene #fanart #digitaldrawing #artistoninstagram #tokasketch #artwork #cassandraclare #books

Books are my opportunity to escape the reality for a short time. Some books are good others not so and then there are stories that stay with me forever like Cassie’s books. Essentially the dark Artifices series

(I read, love and adore CC’s books since more than 10 years now)

There are times where I wish I could go into my favorite books. Just climb into the pages, get lost in the story and meet my favorite characters. That’s not really a possibility but I can still dream… and I can draw it

So in my world Kit, Ty and Livvy take me into theirs where I can visiting the shadowmarket with Kit, debating with Ty about Sherlock Holmes, train with Livvy and meet the other characters ☺☺☺

Have fun with my fanart/photo mix for the #GetCaughtWithShadowhunters challenge? Game? on Instagram

It’s the first time I made something like this

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

Merry Christmas!!! Happy Holidays and a peaceful time with your family and friends!

-From soon to be Santa Ty, trainee reindeer Kit and holy spirit/ Kitty supporter Livvy

I hope you like my little fanart where the power triangle are on their first mission to deliver Christmas presents and got slightly lost on their way

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

I know it has been a long time since I was active but first of all Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a really spooky fun time

Don’t be too hard on me. I’m a little out of practice So have fun with my little (kinda spooky but not really) Ty fanart.

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

“Tell me,” Kit said. Tell me what you need.

“Put your arms around me,” said Ty. His hands were pale blue blurs in the air, as if Kit were looking at a time-lapsed photo. “Hold on to me.”

-Lord of Shadows

My working shifts are so shitty so I’m currently super busy and don’t really have the time to do anything

BUT! I’m super happy that I could finally finished this Kitty piece

Have fun with my babies ☺

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

I’m currently a little stressed so I’m getting a little inactive

Let’s take a deep breath with Ty and me, enjoy this moment of silence and hope my stress level is getting a little lower in the next days

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

I’m still alive and I need a fluffy moment with my favorite ship.

Thank god my mom got me my tablet from home so I can still draw a little bit

Have fun with this casual kitty moment

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.

It’s FINISHED! I worked the entire day on my insta 2k celebration fanart you guys choose and I’m so happy with my final result

I present you smexy Kitty in all its glory

Gosh this was an emotional rollercoaster guys I struggled so hard with finding a pose that working with Kit and Ty or with the perspective…. I literally struggled with almost everything in this piece But it was a great challenge and I really like it! For someone who doesn’t draw smexy it turned out suprisingly good!

So I hope you guys like it as much as I do

PS: This is post TWP. They are both 18+, in a happy relationship based on love, happiness and trust

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Tap for better quality.
