#kiyota yoshida


Oc Stuff.

Kiyota’s Apartment/Shiro’s Planning Space (They share.)

(Picrew link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/52431)

Two people of the Sumairu Kirazu (Smile Killers).

The Red Hair Girl is Katawa Onaga and the White Hair Boy is Shiro Matsuzaki. Katawa is Kiyota and Shiro’s self acclaimed ‘little sister’ and Shiro is Kawata and Kiyota’s mentor/teammate.

Their Stats:

Katawa Onaga:

Age: 14

School Year: Junior First Year Kohai.

Any Club?: No.

Gender and Pronouns?: Female, She/Her

Personality: Bratty, Short-Tempered, Kind only to the Kirazu, Over-Protective.


Shiro Matsuzaki: One of her 'big brothers’. Shiro was the one who took Katawa under his wing and helped her to fight with the Kizaru. She’s very protective of Shiro and Shiro is mutual to this feeling of protection. If there is anybody she trusts most, that would be Shiro

Kiyota Yoshida: Another one of her 'big brothers’. Kiyota is the one to tease her more and ends up getting punched a lot by Katawa, mostly in his stomach. However, Katawa still cares about him and gets angry when she thinks somebody is trying to take Kiyota away from caring about her and Shiro.

The Sumairu Kirazu: Her family. Or 'family.’ Katawa was taken into the Kirazu after two men were chasing her down an alleyway. A Kirazu member and Shiro killed both men and took Katawa in to fight.

Shiro’s Actual Little Sister: She considers herself to be a big brother to Shiro’s little sister. She cares for her like any other member in Kirazu: with respect and care.

Michiru: N/A.

Shiro Matsuzaki:

Age: 17

School Year: Third Year Senpai

Any Club?: Foreign Languages Club

Gender and Pronouns?: Male, He/Him and It/Its

Personality: Leader-Like, Kind, Open-Minded, Protective, Reasonable.


Kiyota Yoshida: His best friend and teammate. Shiro cares a lot for Kiyota due to his sometimes reckless behavior when sent on a mission. Shiro usually has to end up saving him multiple times because of this.

Katawa Onaga: He considers Katawa to be his 'little sister’, though some times she can foul mouthed and over protective. He does however hold Katawa accountable for her actions and tries to teach her not to do that. It does not damage his relationship with Katawa though. He met Katawa when she was chased by two older men and

Shiro’s Actual Little Sister: When Shiro’s sister was born, he made a promise to himself to protect her at all costs. He spent all his time with her and make sure they’d have enough money to support them. He did everything for his sister to make sure she had a good life. Later in their life, Shiro and his sister got visited by the Sumairu Kirazu when they killed his parents.

The Sumairu Kirazu: His real family. The Sumairu Kirazu took him and his little sister into their organization after Shiro murdered his parents. His treats all of the members with respect.

Michiru: N/A
