#knit one girl two


Ok i have to do a long work task for a few hours, if you like my books please help signal boost them if you want, to help keep my spirits up!

Very appreciated

thefingerfuckingfemalefury:shiraglassman:wikdsushi-v2: shiraglassman: wikdsushi-v2: writingwithcolorthefingerfuckingfemalefury:shiraglassman:wikdsushi-v2: shiraglassman: wikdsushi-v2: writingwithcolor












I am overjoyed to officially announce that Knit One Girl Two, my lighthearted Jewish f/f romance about an indie dyer who falls for the wildlife painter whose art inspired her latest round of sock club, is now for sale in paperback with a gorgeous wraparound cover by Jane Dominguez. Of interest if you are looking for non-tragic Jewish fiction, or romance between Jewish characters of different levels of observance.

Also included in the book are Fearless (another print debut) about a newly-out band mom swept off her feet by the dapper butch music teacher from her daughter’s school while everyone is snowed in together at the All-State hotel, and “Your Name is Love”, a short story from the Mangoverse series about a royal guard who sets up an elaborate scavenger hunt date for her wife, complete with riddles, clues, and lots of emotional warmth.

This is an intensely lighthearted, feel-good collection with a common theme of women reconnecting with art, music, etc. from which they had drifted for a variety of reasons including depression and work/”life” getting in the way. (And 5 of the 6 main character women are Jewish, the exception being Lana from Fearless.)

The paperback is $9.99; there is also a $2.99 eBook version that will save you some money from buying the eBooks separately. Here’s a PDF link for that if you prefer to avoid the Big Site. By the way, the print version is large-print (18-pt Corbel on cream paper) in case that information is helpful.

By the way, I highly recommend @mickeycookies, who drew that wonderful picture of Clara and Danielle at the top of this post, if you are in need of a commission. I was blown away when I opened my email.

Please share, if you are a fan! <3

[Image one: Absolutely stunning art of indie yarn dyer Clara Ziegler and Danielle Solomon, the stars of Knit One, Girl Two. Clara, on the left, is a thin young woman wearing a sleeveless pink flannel shirt and bluejeans; Danielle, on the left, is plump, and wearing dangly open-avocado earrings with a swooshy green dress to match. They are leaning against each other, foreheads touching, eyes closed and smiling, arms around each other, and it is heartwarming and pretty and lovely.

Image two: Full book cover for the paperback version of Knit One, Girl Two and Other Stories by Shira Glassman, with cute art of Clara and Danielle kissing on the cover, as well as a tuxedo cat being a little bit of a smug pest with a ball of yarn. End ID.]



I’ve said it before and I will SAY IT AGAIN Knit One, Girl Two changed my life and having the opportunity to own a physical copy??? on MY bookshelf????? dont mind if I do!!!!!!

Aww yay this is so sweet!

Mod Shira just released a book, if anyone is interested.

Found my next read! Let’s hear it for Jewish fiber artists!

Yay thank you! I hope you enjoy it and just for the heck of it here’s a picture of my current knitting WIP

Dude, that’s gorgeous.

Here’s the finished. Thank you!


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Clara and Danielle from Knit One Girl Two, in art by @agaricals, @mickeycookies​, and @coloricioso

Knit One Girl Two is a low-stakes comfort-read romance between two Jewish women in Florida. Clara dyes yarn, but she’s out of ideas for color themes—that is, til she sees Danielle’s wildlife paintings. And then she finds out they love the same femslash pairing and start swapping fanfic links… This is the kind of book where the biggest on-screen conflicts are things like “help, my small business is growing too quickly” and navigating different levels of observance (Clara is secular, Danielle goes to a reform temple and keeps “kosher-lite.”)

It’s available by itself for $2 (also on Kindle) or, for $3, you can get it bundled together with two other lighthearted f/f stories, equally focused on women returning to their creative passions. The bundle is also a large-print paperback for $9.99.


cover art credit: Jane Dominguez


They are. So! Cute! Knit One Girl Two is delightfully easy to read, realistically wholesome, and just so, so soft. I can’t recommend Shira Glassman enough.

Aww thank you! That’s really kind

Your writing deserves all the praise ever! <3

Post link


Giveaway: Audiobook of Fearless by Shira Glassman

Lana Novak has spent years with her interests in the closet: Her love of women for her safety, and her love of playing the violin for practicality. Having finally come out as a lesbian, she’s finding it difficult to fit looking for a girlfriend around her work schedule and keeping up with her two socially and extracirricularly active kids; she hasn’t picked up a violin in over twenty years.

All of this changes when Lana and her clarinet whiz daughter Robin get snowed in at the hotel hosting All State. There, Lana meets Melanie Feinberg, Robin’s hunky butch band director, who seems to be interested in Lana as well. As the two of them bond over music, Mel learns of Lana’s history with the violin, and encourages her to pick up the instrument again. But Lana is afraid that it’s been too long; can she find the courage to play again?

Written by Shira Glassman, this hour-long audiobook is warm and gentle, a perfect treat to listen to while crafting or doing chores.

For a chance to win one of five freecopies of the audiobook, LIKE this post! Winners will be selected on May 15th, at 9pm US Eastern time.

An additional digital copy of the Knit One, Girl Two collection will be given away to one reblogger!

Can’t wait that long? Pick up your own copy of Fearless on PayHiporAmazon!

Prefer a non-audio copy? Find it on its own on Amazon, or as part of the Knit One, Girl Two collection with two other short stories about bi women and lesbians reconnecting with their art! PayHiporAmazon for digital, and Amazon for paperback.

Speaking of fan-run giveaways

There’s still one week left to enter this!
