
Hello agaiiin~ I know that I’ve been posting a lot (don’t get used to it lol) but considering the amHello agaiiin~ I know that I’ve been posting a lot (don’t get used to it lol) but considering the am

Hello agaiiin~ I know that I’ve been posting a lot (don’t get used to it lol) but considering the amount of engagement I got for my last post, I thought I’d try my hand on an art raffle! It’s a thank you from me to the 200+ people who thought that following me would be worthwhile (*/ω\)

Now I’ve already written the rules, but to be more specific, (and because I couldn’t fit every detail in oops-) I’ll rewrite them below!

To participate, you must:  

  • Follow me (new and old followers are welcome!)
  • Both Like and Reblog this post with an active tumblr blog (Please don’t use giveaway blogs!)
    • Also,reblogging the post more than once will not increase your chances of winning. I’ll only count each person once.
  • Three winners will be selected at random, and they will all get the same type of prize.
  • The Prize: A drawing of 1-2 established characters of your choosing. (Meaning, no OCs, sorry!) They will be drawn in the artstyle shown above.
    • Please note that I cannot draw characters with overly complex designs, nor will I draw NSFW.

The deadline for this raffle will be from 13th - 18th June! After that, the raffle will be closed and I will pick the three winners. 

Aaaand I think that’s it! Once again, thank you all for enjoying my works, I treasure every like and laugh at every reblog comment I see XD And even if you just lurk around, I’m grateful to have you here! Thanks for making my time on Tumblr worthwhile, and of course, good luck! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

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“Jeez, I told you two not to play in the mud! Now we can’t get back to class until you’re both clean“Jeez, I told you two not to play in the mud! Now we can’t get back to class until you’re both clean“Jeez, I told you two not to play in the mud! Now we can’t get back to class until you’re both clean

“Jeez, I told you two not to play in the mud! Now we can’t get back to class until you’re both clean!” 

(Repost) (Have some preschool/childhood komakamuhina! Because ya’ll are sleeping on this trio and I need to show that this blog is still alive :,)

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(Repost) ARGH I got so busy at the end of the year that I couldn’t finish this on time, but regardle(Repost) ARGH I got so busy at the end of the year that I couldn’t finish this on time, but regardle

(Repost) ARGH I got so busy at the end of the year that I couldn’t finish this on time, but regardless I wish you all some wonderful holidays and a (hopefully) better 2022!

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