#kore and the beast

Here are some design concepts that went into creating Persephone’s more or less final design.The maiHere are some design concepts that went into creating Persephone’s more or less final design.The maiHere are some design concepts that went into creating Persephone’s more or less final design.The mai

Here are some design concepts that went into creating Persephone’s more or less final design.

The main points for her were to provide as much of a foil to Hades as possible. Circles dominate her design, and she has very minimal sharp corners or edges. Her face, waist, nose, almost everything is rounded. Her hair was a paaaiiinn

Body is pear-shaped (no hourglass figure) with a wide waist, minimal bust. Aaannnd….yeah. Can’t think of anything else to add. Bleh

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Took me 82735373 years but I finally managed to finish my Persephone design!Kore and the Beast is a

Took me 82735373 years but I finally managed to finish my Persephone design!

Kore and the Beast is a retelling of the (you guessed it) Beauty and the Beast fairy tale, featuring Hades and Persephone. You can check out Hades’ design here.

If I have time, I will also have her design process up sometime later tonight.

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Concepts for my Aides (Hades) design. I kept a list of the most important points I wanted to portrayConcepts for my Aides (Hades) design. I kept a list of the most important points I wanted to portrayConcepts for my Aides (Hades) design. I kept a list of the most important points I wanted to portrayConcepts for my Aides (Hades) design. I kept a list of the most important points I wanted to portray

Concepts for my Aides (Hades) design. I kept a list of the most important points I wanted to portray through his character, given his personality. 

Aides is a very reserved, secluded creature, with particular tastes. This is why I opted for triangles as the basis of his main shapes. Sharp angles, but with enough fluidity for him to easily shapeshift and disappear into invisibility. 

His skull design was initially a mask that could be removed to reveal his monstrous face. I’d opted for a ram skull, given its association with death, but the shape and design of it didn’t mesh well with the face underneath. I then decided to contort the skull, make it into his actualface

Then it was just about finding clothing designs, colours, and skull designs that fit. 

PS: excuse my horrid handwriting omg

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My own take on Beauty and the Beast, featuring Hades and Persephone. This is my (more or less) final

My own take on Beauty and the Beast, featuring Hades and Persephone. This is my (more or less) finalized Hades design. Design process is here. Persephone (Kore) design is here!

Edit: am an idiot and forgot that I wanted him to be called Aides for this particular story and not Hades, oops!

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