#kotlc tam


Keefe Sencen’s eulogy

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today to celebrate the wonderful life of Keefe I’m not your legacy boy Sencen. Keefe was a wonderful friend to those who were close to him. We all knew him by his trademark messy blonde hair, smirk, and “I don’t care” attitude. Keefe loved serving the black swan, and we could talk about all of those adventures but I think if he was here today he would rather have us talk about his prankster legacy. He loved to break into dame Alina’s office and put nasty things in her desk. He also loved to destroy things such as the glass pyramid on top of foxfire. And let’s not forget his most infamous prank, the great gluon incident. These pranks helped him win the foxfire detention record. However the most important thing in his life was his adorable boyfriend tam song. They didn’t get along at first but soon they were inseparable. As we wrap up here today Keefe Sencen lives on in all of our (and especially his fan girls) hearts.
