#kotobuki minako





The BN Pictures YouTube channel will be hosting weekly simultaneous viewing parties to celebrate the release of TIGER & BUNNY 2, which will have guest appearances by the cast! The channel will host an episode per week, every Saturday (officially begins from Saturday 9th April at 21:00 Japan time) and will kick it off with guest appearances by Hiroaki Hirata (Kotetsu) and Masakazu Morita (Barnaby)!

Note that these weekly viewing parties will not be streaming the actual episodes on the BN Pictures channel, as the series is being exclusively delivered by Netflix. So I can only presume that we will be watching the reactions of the cast as they view each episode per week. There is also no confirmation at the moment if these videos will be region locked or not, so will have to see on the day!

Source:TIGER & BUNNY Twitter

Unbelievably the Netflix Anime YouTube Channel have subbed the first episode of the Watch Party, featuring Hirata Hiroaki (Kotetsu) and Morita Masakazu (Barnaby)! So boot up episode 1 over on Netflix on one screen and the watch party on another, and enjoy the commentary! Hopefully this will continue to be an ongoing weekly release from the channel. Warning of spoilers in their commentary and duo goofiness.

Also just a reminder, if you want to see more of this content by the Netflix Anime team, please leave a like and a comment on the video to let them know!

Episode 2 of the watch party with Hirata and Morita are up, enjoy more of their shenanigans! Remember to like and comment on the video!

We’ve got our first guest appearance in this week’s cast watch party, the lovely Minako Kotobuki (Karina Lyle/Blue Rose)! Can she put Hirata and Morita’s shenanigans on hold?
