

Dear CG: Bring KOTOR2 to SWGOH

Dear CG: Bring KOTOR2 to SWGOH

Starkiller was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. While originally indifferent, after some serious thought I believe he was the greatest addition Capital Games made in 2021. Despite the fact that it was an end-of-quarter cash grab, it opened up a whole new avenue for SWGOH players to hope for.

Officially, the bulk of content created under the Star Wars umbrella was deemed non-canon by…

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The song just fit so perfectly I couldn’t not do it.

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I imagine their post Malachor V falling out to be shouty and dramatic.Support me on patreon

I imagine their post Malachor V falling out to be shouty and dramatic.

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Closing the ask box for now. I just can’t keep up with the ammount I’m getting as I have less free t

Closing the ask box for now.
I just can’t keep up with the ammount I’m getting as I have less free time these days and I feel kinda guilty leaving ppl waiting for their answer for a long streaches of time.

Gonna post the asks I gatered so far in batches.

First one under cut.


@heimkoheimkofan I was expecting like a stone age style club but this makes a lot more sense as far as utility goes for big ppl.
And the entire 2003 clone wars series was soooo good.


@criminalhobbit@ralsei-deltarune@deadpoet117@determination-personified@halibellecter@lady–revan@kentonowvo@slushie-kun@beextonpoet @pressxtoceane @secretlyjoyfultidalwave

I’m sorry I can’t answer all of those individually anymore. I really appreciate all you guys you;re so sweet to reach out to say you like my art. Thank you so much! You’re all wonderful.


@revangarcia I know the one you’re refering to! And yeah that might have influenced that headcanon yes^^. It just felt more in turn with the Revan/Malak dynamic I picture than Revan being the one behind his jaw being gone.

So yeah for me Malak list his jaw sometime durning the war with Revan feeling guilty she couldn’t shielf her friend from the damage that comes with following her where she’s going.


@keysoffate I find it interesing that unlike with Atton and the Disciple, Visas is actually more secure from falling to the dark side out of jelousy even though she’s closer to the Sith.

I think she sees her for what she could be past the Atris propaganda.


@keysoffate This one confesused me a little gotta say^^;


@hdreaper The fact that everyone I run into hates on Vrook brings me so much joy tbh


@firebreathingsteven I think in the heat of the moment she made the decission pretty quickly.

The impact only really hit her when they reached Telos and ppl started bringing up what it means to the planet. Which only added to the Malachor complex she carries around and made her really eager to complete that fuel for Telos side quest.


@crim-bat this is very nicely written but also I can’t pucture my Revan actually going back to working with the order after regaining all her memories. Probably why she’d go to the Unknown Regions alone…


@avenger09 I have so many feelings about that line. And Malak in general poor guy.


@keysoffate idk my exile post Malachor probably wouldn’t kiss ppl out of the blue and with how this question is phrased that’s all I can picture here^^;


@bluewhal3s took me a couple playthroughs to realise this


@jeddid98 she’s the grandma with impossible standards


@ineedholy-water I may be biased but the prequels were the first Star Wars thing I watched and Anakin was always my fav. So all my characters like him too




@loser-meganes I usually just see what part of myself the story the characters are a part of brings out. The way it happens is the first playthrough is usually the closest of me just playing me since I don’t know what the story is about yet. Then the characters evolve to become more individual and in tune with story themes and setting. I also tend to latch on to backstory elements that are left open enough for me to come up with what character pasts may have been.


@ask-celeron they also just see fighting as a very intimate thing


@dreaming-of-the-unknown It’s nice that everyone can put their own spin on dealing with all that trauma^^




@marvelous-myrtle Somewhere inbetween on the Atton-Disciple brokeness spectrum. Mical is pretty lonely on his less broken side of the scale tbh.


@heimkoheimkofan gonna be honest I don’t remember much about them past the fact they exist


@mrneighbourlove he is pretty neat. Tho I’m still taken by surprise by how many enthusiasts of his there are in here^^

As far as covering things idk. I am playing with the mods so I’ll see it. We’ll see if it’ll give me art ideas.


@omgnoabsolutelynot He’s great. Doing truly great working past his part in the war.




@jerichot I wouldn’t call whatever she feels for him love but hey that means more Nihilus love for you^^


@amusedcory now I guess

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‘The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel Revan understood t

‘The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel Revan understood that difference, more than anyone knew.’

Kreia’s Revan talks really do wonders for the character i think.

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Another short animatic. Idk that part of the song made me think of Kreia and I just went with it.

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‘You are different. When I look at you, it is like staring at the death of the Force.‘ Support me on

‘You are different. When I look at you, it is like staring at the death of the Force.‘

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‘Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force.’ Support me on patreon

‘Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force.’

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A tiny baby Revan with a slighly less old Kreia. Support me on patreon

A tiny baby Revan with a slighly less old Kreia.

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She’s so happy when you tell her that I love it. Support me on patreon

She’s so happy when you tell her that I love it.

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I don’t usually draw younger Kreia but when I do it’s lowkey gay. Support me on patreon

I don’t usually draw younger Kreia but when I do it’s lowkey gay.

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Fun fact when I first heared the song before I knew the plot to the musical I assumed that part was geniuine.

So I pictured a dumb flashback Exile/Atris thing accordingily.

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Force sensitive squad getting ever stronger. Support me on patreon

Force sensitive squad getting ever stronger.

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How am I supposed to deal with someone this nice?? Support me on patreon

How am I supposed to deal with someone this nice??

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‘Combat among the Echani is… a personal thing.’ Support me on patreon

‘Combat among the Echani is… a personal thing.’

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Why did you go back, face trial? Support me on patreon

Why did you go back, face trial?

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He’s very sweet in his Atton way. Support me on patreon He’s very sweet in his Atton way. Support me on patreon

He’s very sweet in his Atton way.

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