
♫ pallet jumping ♫ pallet jumping ♫ (Taken with Instagram at Paulie Gee’s)

♫ pallet jumping ♫ pallet jumping ♫ (Taken with Instagram at Paulie Gee’s)

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chiesaki: Nico Niiyama ♡ 不思議メンヘラ



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a good old beer is still the best aphrodisiac.

a good old beer is still the best aphrodisiac.

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good starter.

good starter.

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a bit late, but the month’s not over yet! happy pride everyone!!(the first pic was done last year, sa bit late, but the month’s not over yet! happy pride everyone!!(the first pic was done last year, sa bit late, but the month’s not over yet! happy pride everyone!!(the first pic was done last year, s

a bit late, but the month’s not over yet! happy pride everyone!!

(the first pic was done last year, so that’s why they don’t also have trans and nb flags on em. also why i don’t have one just for transgender since. well i only have one character who is cishet jgjfksf, and only a few who are cis)

be proud of who you are always! ( *︾▽︾)

all these characters are from my webcomic, Jewel Thieves! check it out for alien, genie shenanigans, and stealing from the rich!

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I am Thinking About Restarting Andraste.com

I am thinking about restarting my website from a clean slate. That or making it all behind a password wall.

I am getting tired of the theft and copyright infringements.

and here is a picture of Pure Rebel I took last week.

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