#kuroko x reader


studying with them

a/n: in honours of exam season :) will be very slow with works, hope you guys will be patient w me! :)
ft. gom + taiga

studying with KISEis like teaching a child. he gets distracted easily, everything around him catches his eye, and he tends to doze off. “ryouta,” you sighed, flipping the textbook, “you need to pass so you can play in the finals. you don’t want to miss that, do you?” he pouted, “i just can’t focus, it’s so boring. why do i need to know algebra when i’m set for life.” you sighed, until, “why don’t we make a bet? for every question you get right, you get a kiss?” knowing that kise was competitive, he immediately accepted the challenge, gaining the full twenty kisses from the twenty questions. 

you and MIDORIMA had this special, lowkey cafe that you both would study in when tests and exams were coming up. when he notices you’re getting a bit tired, he would get up and order your favourite drink and pastry before giving it to you saying, “don’t fall asleep right now, we still have a couple hours to go. take a break and eat this.” you happily accepted the snacks, feeling your energy go back up again before you studied the material in front of you.

AOMINE was such a bad influence; he never ever studied, never picked up a pencil or paper. so when you voiced out your concerns to him, telling him that, “can’t you at least study for our future? i’m working hard for ours, and it just seems like you don’t care,” something in him sparks. “do you mind if you can tutor me this week, babe?” he texts you, adding a bunch of sad emoticons. you agreed, and although he had lots of questions about every subject, it also helped you study, since you were basically teaching the material. you made a mental note to treat him to something after exams for working so hard. 

another lazy one; MURASAKIBARA. but he’s easier to convince! buy him snacks and he’s basically wrapped around your finger. both of you study in a quiet park on your own, him asking you questions from time to time when he doesn’t understand something. for every subject he studied, you give him a limited-time snack that you’ve collected, solely for this reason. 

you and AKASHI study in the comfort of his library in his home. side by side, you both study your own material with soft music playing in the background. he makes sure he has your favourite cup of tea or coffee prepared before you arrive, and he makes sure you take breaks in between sessions. he’ll massage you, he’ll take your hand and lead you out to the garden, or he’ll let you nap on his shoulder as he reads a novel for half an hour. when you need help, he’s immediately at your service, making the material ten times more comprehensible than your teacher. 

KUROKO likes to study with you in the library. you both share a spotify session where you take turns choosing a playlist. when he sees you getting antsy while you’re studying, he’ll hold your hand and give you a slight smile; just a little gesture of encouragement. he’ll rub the back of your hand before turning his attention back to his textbook, and then you feel more calm as you read your own. he never lets go of your hand. 

KAGAMI really tries to study on his own but can’t because he also gets distracted easily; which is why he loves studying with you! seeing you work hard inspires him to work hard as well, so he takes you to a park near maji burger to study, and then after you guys enjoy a cheap meal! these moments make it more enjoyable for him, and he hopes the same for you.

**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**

© please do not copy, repost, or steal my works; this includes any sort of translations too.


Hand Kisses…

Your finger tips

Taiga doesn’t know himself as to why his go to place to kiss your hands are your finger tips…but it just feels right to him! He does this often actually…when you do something for him, when he congratulates you, when he greets you, when he’s happy, at random……..he just does it a lot whether he’s aware of it or not. You just find it endearing really…especially when he gives you that happy grin of his…

Your palm

Daiki adores when you play with his hair while he lays in your lap, while you cuddle or if he just leans on you…the warmth of your hands were addicting & quietly, he cherishes every single touch. He would just randomly take your hand during these soft moments & just lays a kiss right in the middle of your palm…these are also the rare moments that he’s quiet, not saying a single word after leaving butterflies in your stomach from such an affectionate gesture…

Inside of your wrist

You’re always watching over him…taking care of his health, reminding him of things, brushing away his hair or food from his face…Atsushi loves it to be honest, & he never fails to grab that hand of yours to leave a small kiss on the inside of your wrist every time…it’s just another way of him quietly thanking you & telling you how much he loves & appreciates all that you do for him…that he can’t really put into words because he finds it hard to do…

The back of your hand

Tetsuya simply does it to show you his love & affection. He finds it the most natural thing to do…pulling your hand up to place a loving kiss. You’ll always feel his lips curve into a smile while doing so too…at times he murmurs loving words, praise, comfort or a heartfelt ‘I love you’ into your skin… But it’s when he maintains eye contact while doing so that has your heart racing just a bit faster than it already was…can you blame yourself when he looks at you with so much love? As if you two were the only two people in the world?

Your knuckles

ForSeijuro, what started as a gentlemanly courting gesture & something to fluster you, it quickly became a habit…but not a habit he deems bad. In fact he loves it, he’d feel incomplete seeing you but not place his lips on your knuckles even once…if he’s feeling a bit playful or extra, he’d straight up get on one knee before sweetly kissing your hand…he knows it flusters you to no end, yet you love it all the same…do it back to him & you’ll have him clearing his throat in an attempt to calm himself…& you might just see the rare sight of the tip of his ears burning red…

First joint just above your nails

Shintaro isn’t much into pda & he’s easily flustered…his tsundere side may also play a lot into this fact…just pulling the tips of your hand doesn’t overwhelm him too much & he has the courage to leave a gentle kiss just above your nails. And if he managed to not get flustered from that…he may just run his thumb across them…it may or may not also be an apology because he can be a bit harsh with his words, or he feels like he isn’t showing you the love you clearly deserve…

The pad of your thumb

He doesn’t really know why, but Ryouta just loves running your thumb against his lips & leaving several pecks on them every now & then. There’s just something so intimate about the small & simple gesture, compared to the loud & bold gestures he’s used to giving you…something subtle & soft such as this is just as wonderful…he just can’t get enough of it…

