#the basketball which kuroko plays




A Knb long story featuring you, Akashi Seijūrō, Aomine Daiki with hints of KuroMomo.

Comments, constructive criticism and advices are so welcome and appreciated; my dm box is open and I won’t cancel comments unless they are insulting.

The characterisation of the personalities was inspired by the canons and works of the following Tumblr authors, whom I thank in advance: you are a great source of inspiration.


Let me hear your voice!

Disclaimers corner:

All characters belong to their respective authors, they are used for writing purposes only.

[content suitable for mature audiences will be reported in the relevant chapter post].


The familiar sight of Earl grey tea, its deep orange warmth, the delicate smell of bergamot filling your nostrils as the waitress smiles at you, gracing her way of serving you the perfectly blended drink.

A small moment of pure bliss.

“It won’t need sugar, will it?” he says, in that gentle tone that wins everyone’s heart, and, after those crazy years, maybe yours too.

You smile at him and nod, thanking the girl who leaves you alone at the breakfast table of the beautiful manor house. 

“I’m going to miss this garden so much,” you acknowledge, turning your gaze to the French window that leads directly into that corner of paradise where the two of you usually spend your free time discussing art, music and life. 

“Stay then”, he suggests with a small smile on his lips, because he knows how inflexible your resolutions are once made, but he still loves to tease you, sure he can easily turn the tables on you if he really needs to.

After all, he has chosen you since Teiko’s time to be his muse not only because of your impeccable demeanour and undisputed musical talent, but mostly because he couldn’t tame or understand your way of thinking.

“I’ll miss you too Seijūrō” you smile faintly, returning your attention to him.

The handsome boy shakes his head lightly as his magenta gaze reaches the right page of the morning paper, where his father’s company has announced the annual program of the “Shiori Akashi Foundation” gala night. 

“Has he accepted our final project?” you ask, closing your eyes briefly as you sip the delicious drink, ready to listen to his smooth voice.

Akashi’s expression switches from a slight frown to something undetectable, a mix of so many emotions alternating in his mind that even he, the king of self-control, got lost in the translation process.

He blinks twice, his hands letting go of his grip on the thin inked paper falling onto the table, then he covers the smirk on his face with one hand as he stares blankly in your direction.

What the hell is going on? 

Why are his eyes suddenly burning with that sinister light again?

“Seij” you call back to him, intertwining your pale fingers with his long ones and under your tender touch he seems to rejoice, the ghost of his dark shadow being chased away like leaves in the warm spring breeze.

Ma fille prodige!” he announces, letting go of your hand and coming closer to show you the result of your plan. You almost choke on your tea as his sensual scent reaches your core, your skin can feel a sudden weave of heat caused by his proximity: sensations you’ve learned to master over those years of rehearsals  and confidential talks but at the same time vibes you can’t deny or get used to. 

“Here, darling,” his gentle voice invites your eyes to read the paper, although they don’t want to follow anything but the bright expression on his face, his velvety red pools full of unanticipated joy, his lips curved into a playful, almost childlike smile. You lean back just to get closer to him as he puts his right hand on your shoulder and drags the chair close to yours, still focused on his target.

“I think you were right… He couldn’t treat you the way he treats me, that’s why we’re going to have our concert just the way we imagined it,” he announces, still stunned by the result of your previous encounter with his powerful but intimidating parent.

“I didn’t do anything special,” you reply, “I just told him that celebrating your mother’s life through her son’s happiness is one of the highest forms of love, and I mean that, so basically I was just being myself. No need to thank me, you see?” you stumble over your own words, as your brain refuses to function properly now that he’s a breath away.

“ It’s you, it’s all because of you my precious” he breathes softly “Thank you with all my heart, it means a lot to me,” he continues, taking your hand in his, squeezing it a little to seal the moment, enjoying the sight of your flushed face.

“Sei I…” you hold your breath as he lifts his hand to your temple to caress your head gently, unaware of the risk he’s taking. 

Your lips curve upwards, your eyes widen and the sudden idea of grabbing him by the back of the head and locking his lips into yours was more than real in your intentions, if it wasn’t for a double knock on the door that broke the spell.

“Come forward!” he raised his voice, not moving from his position.

“Young master, Miss, good morning,” the butler announced himself  “The car to the train station is ready at any time,” he concluded, closing the door behind him.

“Time to go back to Tokyo and get your award” the young man points out, putting some space among you to scan your emotionless expression for some clue.

“It’s just a graduation ceremony,” you huff, leaving your chair and walking towards the window  to carve the image of the flowering garden in the clear morning light into your mind.

You hear his footsteps as he approaches, his gaze fixed on you.

“Did I say something wrong ?” he asks, leaning his back against the window pane to make sure he has your full attention.

“It’s just that I really, really don’t want to go home,“ you answer reluctantly, tightening your shoulders.

"You have a chance to inspire someone to be like you, and people like me need people like you” he smiles, ignoring the knocks on the door.

“Seji, don’t use your charm on me, you know being good at music is hardly a point” you smile crossing your arms over your chest, casting a resigned glance at the door.

The young man looks deeply into your eyes and reduces the distance between you two, lowering his voice, his warm lips so close to your skin it makes you shiver.“Come back soon,that’sthe point,” he finishes quickly, whispering in your ear as an embarrassed butler coughs to disclose his presence in the room.

Keep reading

studying with them

a/n: in honours of exam season :) will be very slow with works, hope you guys will be patient w me! :)
ft. gom + taiga

studying with KISEis like teaching a child. he gets distracted easily, everything around him catches his eye, and he tends to doze off. “ryouta,” you sighed, flipping the textbook, “you need to pass so you can play in the finals. you don’t want to miss that, do you?” he pouted, “i just can’t focus, it’s so boring. why do i need to know algebra when i’m set for life.” you sighed, until, “why don’t we make a bet? for every question you get right, you get a kiss?” knowing that kise was competitive, he immediately accepted the challenge, gaining the full twenty kisses from the twenty questions. 

you and MIDORIMA had this special, lowkey cafe that you both would study in when tests and exams were coming up. when he notices you’re getting a bit tired, he would get up and order your favourite drink and pastry before giving it to you saying, “don’t fall asleep right now, we still have a couple hours to go. take a break and eat this.” you happily accepted the snacks, feeling your energy go back up again before you studied the material in front of you.

AOMINE was such a bad influence; he never ever studied, never picked up a pencil or paper. so when you voiced out your concerns to him, telling him that, “can’t you at least study for our future? i’m working hard for ours, and it just seems like you don’t care,” something in him sparks. “do you mind if you can tutor me this week, babe?” he texts you, adding a bunch of sad emoticons. you agreed, and although he had lots of questions about every subject, it also helped you study, since you were basically teaching the material. you made a mental note to treat him to something after exams for working so hard. 

another lazy one; MURASAKIBARA. but he’s easier to convince! buy him snacks and he’s basically wrapped around your finger. both of you study in a quiet park on your own, him asking you questions from time to time when he doesn’t understand something. for every subject he studied, you give him a limited-time snack that you’ve collected, solely for this reason. 

you and AKASHI study in the comfort of his library in his home. side by side, you both study your own material with soft music playing in the background. he makes sure he has your favourite cup of tea or coffee prepared before you arrive, and he makes sure you take breaks in between sessions. he’ll massage you, he’ll take your hand and lead you out to the garden, or he’ll let you nap on his shoulder as he reads a novel for half an hour. when you need help, he’s immediately at your service, making the material ten times more comprehensible than your teacher. 

KUROKO likes to study with you in the library. you both share a spotify session where you take turns choosing a playlist. when he sees you getting antsy while you’re studying, he’ll hold your hand and give you a slight smile; just a little gesture of encouragement. he’ll rub the back of your hand before turning his attention back to his textbook, and then you feel more calm as you read your own. he never lets go of your hand. 

KAGAMI really tries to study on his own but can’t because he also gets distracted easily; which is why he loves studying with you! seeing you work hard inspires him to work hard as well, so he takes you to a park near maji burger to study, and then after you guys enjoy a cheap meal! these moments make it more enjoyable for him, and he hopes the same for you.

**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**

© please do not copy, repost, or steal my works; this includes any sort of translations too.

Just finished watching its season two.

I just love it. They’re improving in each and every battle they went through.
Uhh. Speechless. (I even forgot to take screenshots)


I was holding back my tears every time they win. Haha!
The feeling is so overwhelming it makes me cry. But my sister and brother were watching beside me so I just couldn’t cry. Lolololol

