#kyle stowne

A sneak peek at a project in the works. Lines by Ron Smith, colors by myself.I’m trying on a new colA sneak peek at a project in the works. Lines by Ron Smith, colors by myself.I’m trying on a new col

A sneak peek at a project in the works. Lines by Ron Smith, colors by myself.

I’m trying on a new color-scheme for HodgePodge, and finding that I really like the new one for Linn in practice.

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Kyle Action Figure Sculpt

A 2" Scale figure sculpt for Kyle, in his Hazmaxx armor. made primarily in sculptris. Kyle’s the team’s mechanical engineer and chemist. He lost his arm to a time field collapse, thus his prosthetic. His HazMaxx armor protects him from environmental threats and can synthesize, mix, and project chemical compounds on the fly.

A stone-color and ink-wash version would be inevitable, on account of his Fossilization DynoPower.

DynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, DynDynoGuard Pages 1-8 Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?Edit: Quick update, Dyn

DynoGuard Pages 1-8

Feeling a bit like a dinosaur with a telecope these days?

Edit: Quick update, DynoGuard is supported through my patreon, and $5 and up backers get high-res pages with and without word balloons.


Concep, Story Colors & Lettering : @therobotmonster (Trent Troop) 
Script: Trent Troop, @siphersaysstuff (Greg Sepelak), Erin Mills
Lines: @zeromayhem​  (Evan Gauntt)
Suggested Listening: Radioactivity, Kraftwerk 

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Just had to share this panel detail of Kyle being Kyle. @zeromayhem​ really captured my boy’s personality here. 
