#kyle valenti



The Truth is Right Here (32/?)

Case #X-08212014-5: Bradshaw Ranch Abduction Notes

Isobel shifted in her seat, settling back comfortably and taking a drink of her beer. A cool breeze blew by, ruffling her hair and she closed her eyes. Enjoying the music playing from the speakers of the outdoor bar she was sitting in and the sound of other people around her. There was something comforting about being in a crowd, enjoying the day – a little warm, but under the trees and umbrellas, with a slight breeze, it felt perfect

Isobel felt relaxed. For the first time in a while. Comfortable. Like she could breathe, she realized. Like she’d beenbreathing. Leia sniffled at her feet and brushed her head against her leg. She laughed softly, reaching to pat her. 

When she’d moved to Albuquerque, she’d had one real goal. Sweeping up the shattered pieces of her life and putting them back together. It could be nothing else. Isobel was too angry to do anything but move forward, one foot in front of the other. Fuck Noah. 

Fuck him. 

Since Isobel had moved here, she’d started slowly to build a new life. Brunches with Maria and Liz, movie night with Liz and Kyle. 

The one person she’d spent little time with at all was Alex. But she had plans to change that, eventually.

Maybe she was just slipping into Michael’s life, an interloper of sorts, but they had been nothing but warm and inviting. Treated her like family. Pushed her to stand on her own two feet. It was a refreshing change, not being treated like she was made out of glass, liable to shatter at any minute.

Co-written with @ladynox

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Roswell, New Mexico | 4.01 “Steal My Sunshine”
