


2x06 script snippets 3/5

Thanks to @larenoz for sharing the script she won! This mod is focusing on bringing positive attention to the Malexa scenes and fuming about what was left out.

  • Alex talking about seeing queer rep on TV is so meta lol
  • Alex talks more about fear in this version, both not being afraid of Maria and not being afraid of his dad destroying what he loved, if only he could love her
  • “You made me want more connection, not less”

What did you find interesting in this snippet?

Yes hi hello

I need to incorporate this into my Little Mermaid Malexa WIP Immediately.

Begin description for this set

Gif 1: At an outdoor market, season 2 episode 6. Maria and Alex stand looking after Forrest (out of frame). Maria has a small smile, Alex looks happy but unsure of himself. Maria turns to look at Alex (who doesn’t look away from Forrest) and bites her lower lip in a “proud of you” smile. The text reads “What is a soulmate? It’s like a best friend but more. It’s the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else.“.

Gif 2: At the bar of the Wild Pony, season 2 episode 10. Michael and Maria sit at the bar together, Michael is fastening a bracelet to Maria’s outstretched wrist. Her face is mostly hidden by her hair, but Michael looks at her fondly before looking down at the clasp. The text reads “That someone who makes you a better person. No, actually they don’t make you a better person. You do that by yourself because they inspire you.“.

Gif 3: Flashback to ten years before the beginning of the show in the Manes’ shed, season 1 episode 6. Teen Alex and Michael are sitting on an old futon side-by-side. Michael is loosely holding an acoustic guitar across his lap and looking off into space as he thoughtfully considers his words, Alex is slightly hunched next to him and looks first at the guitar then at his face, waiting for him to speak. The text reads “A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever. It’s one person who knew you, accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would.“.

Gif 4: In Michael’s airstream, season 2 episode 6. Maria and Alex sit on Michael’s bunk while Michael stands to the side looking down at them. Maria is resting her head on Alex’s shoulder looking at Michael, and Alex is looking at Maria. Alex turns to look up at Michael, and after a moment Maria lifts her head off Alex’s shoulder and reaches out to take Michael’s hand. The text reads “And no matter what happens, you’ll always love them and nothing could ever change that.“.

End description


The Truth is Right Here (32/?)

Case #X-08212014-5: Bradshaw Ranch Abduction Notes

Isobel shifted in her seat, settling back comfortably and taking a drink of her beer. A cool breeze blew by, ruffling her hair and she closed her eyes. Enjoying the music playing from the speakers of the outdoor bar she was sitting in and the sound of other people around her. There was something comforting about being in a crowd, enjoying the day – a little warm, but under the trees and umbrellas, with a slight breeze, it felt perfect

Isobel felt relaxed. For the first time in a while. Comfortable. Like she could breathe, she realized. Like she’d beenbreathing. Leia sniffled at her feet and brushed her head against her leg. She laughed softly, reaching to pat her. 

When she’d moved to Albuquerque, she’d had one real goal. Sweeping up the shattered pieces of her life and putting them back together. It could be nothing else. Isobel was too angry to do anything but move forward, one foot in front of the other. Fuck Noah. 

Fuck him. 

Since Isobel had moved here, she’d started slowly to build a new life. Brunches with Maria and Liz, movie night with Liz and Kyle. 

The one person she’d spent little time with at all was Alex. But she had plans to change that, eventually.

Maybe she was just slipping into Michael’s life, an interloper of sorts, but they had been nothing but warm and inviting. Treated her like family. Pushed her to stand on her own two feet. It was a refreshing change, not being treated like she was made out of glass, liable to shatter at any minute.

Co-written with @ladynox

Read more on Ao3
