

Here’s a lil bit of pre-reveal post-relationship Ladrien for you hehe. I loveee this trope bc I can get them to finally kiss and be in loveee <3. Lemme know what you think :).


“So, I heard something interesting today.” Ladybug giggled as soon as she swung in through his open window. Sauntering towards him, she locked her hands around Adrien’s neck and peered up at him from beneath her lashes.

There was a playful glint in her bright, bluebell eyes and he couldn’t stop himself from grinning down at her. There was definitely a plan up her sleeve and he couldn’t wait to figure out what it was. A teasing, sassy Ladybug was his absolute favorite Ladybug. Plus, she looked absolutely beautiful whenever she was playing a trick on him.

He chuckled quietly, wrapping his own arms around her waist. Squeezing her gently, Adrien asked, “Oh yeah… and what’s that?”

She leaned back with the most adorable grin on her face. Taking one of her hands, she tapped his nose. He scrunched it at her before Ladybug murmured, “I heard that a certain someone is my biggest fan.”

Oh, so that’s what she was being so playful about. Well, he could definitely play the same game as her. They both already knew exactly who her biggest fan was. Though his previous Ladybug shrine may have been a bit embarrassing, it won out in the end. Because, somehow, he ended up winning the girl over.

Trying to hide the small quirk on his lips, Adrien gasped dramatically. Staggering a step back, he placed a hand over his heart. “Are you saying that I have competition?”

“Mhm,” Ladybug hummed, rocking back on her heels as her grin grew even larger. “Plus, he’s tall and blonde and some even say that he’s extraordinarily handsome.”

“And just where did you hear this rumor from?” He pouted over at her in mock anger. The mischievous twinkle in his green eyes betrayed this expression though. 

She shrugged, the same glimmer in her beautiful blue eyes as she twirled her yo-yo on her finger. There was an indifferent expression on her face but the small, sweet smile on her lips proved that she was still teasing. “I don’t know… around.”

  “And who is this mysterious ‘big fan’ of yours?” Adrien demanded, crossing his arms against his chest. 

A smirk twitched across Ladybug’s lips as she began to take a few steps closer to him. His heart trembled at the sight. She was always so beautiful whenever she teased him. Before long, his arms had uncrossed and he was unable to keep the smile off of his face.

Ladybug tapped her chin before wrapping both of her arms around his neck once more. “You know… I think that I heard his name was Adrien. Yes, that was it, Adrien Agreste. He’s my biggest fan.”

“Adrien Agreste, huh? He sounds like a real idiot.” He leaned his forehead on hers, staring down at her pretty pink lips.

“No, I think you’ll find that he’s actually very sw-”

Not able to stop himself, Adrien cut her off with a kiss. Ladybug squeaked once, blinking at him in surprise before her eyes fluttered closed. Her fingers dove into his hair quickly, tilting her head to deepen their passionate kiss. Pleasant tingles danced along his back as she gently ran her fingers through his short, blonde locks. 

Following her lead, he tugged out her pigtails, running his own fingers through her beautiful, dark hair. If only he could keep those pigtails out forever. Her hair was amazing whenever he got to see it down.

Pulling back, he leaned his forehead on hers once more, panting for air. “Is this so-called biggest fan allowed to dothat?”

Ladybug giggled and Adrien was delighted at the sound. He would wait a million years just for a chance to hear that wondrous melody once more. Biting her kiss-swollen lower lip, she nodded her head. “You know I think he is.Wait… let me check one more time.”

Standing up on her tip-toes, this time she connected their lips together. He swept his tongue out, chasing after the wonderful taste of her lipgloss. This was better than anything he had ever dreamed up before. In all the years previous where he hoped and waited for her to take notice of him, Adrien had never believed that it could be anything like this. How could he ever think that he would get so lucky? 

Regardless, there was no way he was ever going to let her go. He was in love with her. Nothing would ever change that. It had been this way since he was a young teenager and he couldn’t imagine loving anyone else. It was only ever going to be her. He could only hope that she felt the exact same way about him.

The idea of being like this with Ladybug, the girl of his dreams for the rest of his life was just the most amazing thought ever. Butterflies fluttered in his chest at the idea of growing old with her and spending even more years together. Nothing, not even Monarch was ever going to split them apart. He wouldn’t let it. 

Pulling back with one last peck against her lips, Adrien murmured, “I love you, Ladybug. So much more than you could ever know.”

Just like always, her cheeks lit up in that pretty, pink flush as she grinned up at him shyly. He beamed back at her. He was never going to get tired of her blushes. It was almost like she was surprised that he felt that way about her. Which, to him, would never make sense. She was the only one for him. It was her. It was always her. The thought of her loving him even half as much as he loved her was amazing.

With a soft giggle, she murmured back, “I love you too, Adrien. If you’re my biggest fan then you should know that I’m yours.”

As soon as Ladybug finished speaking, he captured her sweet lips once more in a kiss. Somehow her Ladybug luck had rubbed off on him and Adrien intended to take full advantage of it. For however long she would let him.

Anddd here is chapter 8! I got the two babies to talk it out hehe. I hope you like it <3


Adrien yawned quietly, flicking through the stations on the TV as nothing stood out to him. Every so often, his gaze would glance over to the window, hoping that his lady would be arriving soon. She always cheered him up. Especially lately as they waited anxiously for Monarch to use the new miraculouses. Pressing the mute button, he looked over eagerly as he heard the whizz of a yo-yo.

“Oh, good! Ladybug you’re here! I’ve found a new movie for us to watch!” Adrien beamed as soon as she swung in his window. For some reason, much to his happiness, the spotted heroine had been coming over more and more often lately. Usually, they just talked and watched movies together, basking in each other’s presence.

It was both comfortable and exciting. Here he was getting to spend his late nights with the girl that he had been in love with since forever. It was like a dream come true. He could hardly believe that it was his reality. Of course, he was still dreaming that one day he’d be able to kiss her on these little movie dates. Maybe by then, they’d know each other’s identities and the magic would fade away as she detransformed into her civilian self.

The beam slid off his face and the happiness bubbling in his chest quickly disintegrated when Adrien took one look at her expression, though. Her eyes were downcast, her teeth worrying on her lower lip as she avoided his gaze. Something was very obviously wrong. 

Immediately, he stood up, racing forward to squeeze her hands lightly. Panic gripped his throat as he tried to search her face for any clues to what happened. “Ladybug? Are you okay? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” 

A breath of relief escaped him when her blue eyes connected with his. She looked nervous but nothing close to the panic attack she had when Hawkmoth stole the miraculouses.

“I-I need to ask you something. A-and I’d really like it if you could give me an honest answer. No, actually I need you to give me an honest answer. I just… I can’t sleep thinking…,” Ladybug trailed off, glancing away from him as she extracted her hands from his, rubbing her arm uncomfortably.

“Hey,” Adrien said softly, connecting their gazes once more. “It’s okay, Ladybug. Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise that I’ll give you an honest answer.”

She sucked in a deep breath for courage before gnawing on her lip. Brushing a strand of hair out of her face almost irritatedly, Ladybug asked firmly, “Do you blame me?” 

He blinked. Blame her? Blame her for what? Of course, the answer was probably no anyway. Adrien could never blame her for anything. Sure, he had gotten upset with her a few times as Chat Noir, but they usually got over those together… as a team. 

With a small frown marring his brow, Adrien asked what he was dying to know, “Blame you for what?”

“For not knowing that it was you that day on the train.” Her lower lip wobbled before she whipped her head away, pacing over to his foosball table. She ran a hand through her hair, letting out a shaky sigh before continuing. “For not trusting you sooner and being quicker than Hawkmoth when he got my yo-yo. For messing up in front of all of Paris.”

Adrien was already shaking his head before she had gotten through with her first statement. No. He would never blame her for something that wasn’t her fault. Taking a few steps towards her, he called out her name, “Ladybug.”

When she turned her head to look at him, he shook his slowly. He stopped walking when he was directly in front of her. Looking down at her seriously, he grabbed her shoulders tenderly. “Listen to me. None of that was your fault. The only reason that happened was because of Hawkmoth and Félix. It had nothing to do with you. So no. I don’t blame you for that.”

“But how can you not?” Ladybug’s blue eyes brimmed with tears and Adrien felt his heart shatter at the sight. “If I had known that it wasn’t you then none of this would have happened.”

“And if I hadn’t switched places with Félix none of this would have happened either.” Finally, he spoke the words aloud that had been eating away at him ever since they lost the miraculouses. “Do youblameme?”

“What?! No, of course not!” Ladybug shook her head vehemently.

He felt his chest get lighter the second she said that. Even though Adrien knew that it was neither of their faults, a small part of him couldn’t stop from wondering what if. 

With the weight having lifted off of him, he smiled down at her. “So then why do you think that I would blame you?”

“I-I don’t…” She sniffled once and then twice before throwing her arms around him. Adrien felt a startled breath leave him as she squeezed him to her tightly. It didn’t take long, though, for him to hug her just as tightly back. Burying his face in her shoulder, he almost didn’t hear her quiet murmur, “Thank you, Adrien. That… that means so much to me. You have no idea how happy I feel right now.”

“I feel the exact same, my little bug.” He pulled back, already missing the feel of her arms wrapped tightly around his. There was a shaky smile on her face before she wiped her tears away, staring at him with an almost awestruck look shining in her bright, blue eyes. His heart wobbled in his chest at just how beautiful she looked, even when she was still sad. 

“D-do you think that it’d be alright if we watched that movie now?” Ladybug asked with a shy giggle, shifting on her feet as she nibbled on her lower lip.

Adrien chuckled, slinging an arm around her shoulder as they walked the short distance to his couch. “Of course, Ladybug. Of course.”

And here is my second and final chapter of the day :). I hope you liked both of them! Though this one is definitely a lot more fluffy hehe.


Ladybug blinked in shock as she looked at the boy before her. Adrien Agreste was in his pajamas. But that wasn’t even the craziest part. He was wearing Ladybug- themed pajamas. All at once, she was extremely glad that she decided to come over today. Because she was about ready to die of happiness. The boy of her dreams wore pajamas themed after her. How adorable was that?

Feeling giddy, she scrambled to fully crawl in his window, banging her elbow against it in the process. Wincing with a sharp hiss of pain, she rubbed it and heard a squeak of surprise sound in front of her. Adrien stood up from his couch, staring at her with a pair of wide eyes. “L-Ladybug?! What are you doing here?”

Quickly, she let go of her aching elbow, giving him a wide smile. What was she even supposed to say?! With a small chuckle, she rocked back and forth on her heels, trying to think of something quick-witted to say. Drawing in a deep breath, Ladybug summoned the inner Chat Noir that had pulled her to come over today. “Oh, y-you know. I just decided to drop by and visit my favorite civilian.”

There. That was fine… right? She had heard Chat say that to Marinette enough times for it to be alright. Adrien looked anything but fine, though. His eyes were practically falling out of his head from how big they were. And, oddly enough, was that a bit of familiarity swirling around in his gleaming, green eyes, or was it just her imagination?

Opening her mouth, Ladybug was about to take back what she said and whirl out of here, cursing herself for ever coming when Adrien spoke rather breathily, “I’m your favorite civilian?”

A warm blush heated her cheeks at his words. Yes, yes he most definitely was her favorite civilian. But Adrien was her favorite everything. With a shy giggle, she nodded her head. “Y-yeah, you are.”

“Well, you’re my favorite superhero!” he rushed out, looking at her with so much joy and happiness that she felt like her heart was going to burst.

Ok, so maybe Ladybug was really glad that she decided to come over. He just called her his favorite superhero! Plus, she got to make Adrien feel good and got to see him in the most adorable pajamas she had ever seen. Seeing him in these pajamas almost made up for the fact that she went with him to the movie theatres that one time in her pajamas. Almost.

Biting her lip to contain a smile, she nodded her head at his outfit. “Is that why you’re wearing Ladybug pajamas?”

Instantly, Adrien’s cheeks turned a dark red and he moved to cover his red-and-black spotted shorts. A wave of pride and giddiness hit her then. She was actually able to make Adrien blush. Why had she never thought about doing this sooner?

“I-I’m sorry,” he mumbled, staring down at the floor as he shuffled awkwardly.

“Sorry.” Ladybug frowned. “Don’t be sorry. I really like them. They’re super cute.”

Adrien brought his head back up to face her, the bright red on his cheeks had faded away to a light pink. “Y-yeah?” he stuttered out, giving her the smallest, sweetest grin that she had ever seen.

“Mhm,” she replied shyly back. This was not exactly how she expected this visit to go. Ladybug wanted to be confidently sweeping him off his feet, not timidly blushing and stammering around him like she would be doing as Marinette. However, the fact that Adrien seemed to be flushing and stuttering too made her feel quite a lot better.

Finally, Adrien shook his head, also shaking her out of the dreamy stare that she hadn’t even realized that she was doing. “S-so, um, what are you doing here, Ladybug? Is there an akuma attack or something we need to worry about?”

“No, no! Don’t worry!” Ladybug rushed to reassure him, waving her hands in the air. “It’s nothing like that at all! It’s just like I said, um, I-I wanted to check up on you. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

“Oh!” Adrien’s serious, inquisitive stare faded away into a happy beam, sending a rush of butterflies through her chest. “Well, I’m really glad that you did! I always love seeing you!”

Adrienloved seeing her. How was she supposed to breathe with this information? Because that was the sweetest, most heart-warming thing that she had ever heard. Opening her mouth, she was about to tell him just how much she loved to see him too when he gestured to his TV. 

“Would you like to stay and watch something with me? At least for a little bit?” he asked almost hopefully.

Was she dreaming? Did he really just ask her to stay? Nibbling on her lower lip, Ladybug eagerly nodded her head before plopping down on the couch. Suddenly, she realized why Chat stayed over at her house for so long. It was so relaxing and nice to just be at ease and not have to worry about akumas or patrol. Plus, she got the added bonus of seeing the boy of her dreams the whole time. 

Adrien sat down right next to her, sending goosebumps racing up on the side closest to him. There was an entire couch available and he decided to sit next to her. This time, Ladybug wasn’t able to suppress the wide grin on her face. Today was absolutely perfect. She got to see Adrien in Ladybug-themed pajamas and got to sit next to him for at least a movie! 

His arm brushed lightly against hers as he reached for the remote, turning it to some movie that she wasn’t going to pay an ounce of attention too. Right now, all she cared about was how close Adrien was to her. Snuggling just an inch closer, Ladybug thanked both herself and Chat for giving her the courage to come over. She was definitely going to start doing it more often.

Sorry I missed yesterday’s chapter! I got reallly busy! On the plus side, you get two chapters from me :). I hope you like this bit of post-reveal, post-relationship too :D


A breath of shock left her parted lips as she trailed a gloved hand along her bulletin board. Turning around, she blinked at the boy who was staring at her with a desperate sadness that she just didn’t understand. Shifting uncomfortably, she gestured back at the pictures littered all across the board. “S-so you’re telling me that this was… isus?”

“Yes…,” the boy wheezed out, looking pained. She felt her heart squeeze in her chest but she didn’t understand the reaction. It was almost like it knew something she didn’t. Because she didn’t know him. She could barely even recall his name. She closed her eyes shut tight for a brief moment, recalling that he called himself Adrien before literally whisking her up to her room. 

The boy… Adrien had been clutching her to him almost desperately when she had finally blinked awake in the abandoned corner that they were in. She shrieked, jumping back in shock because she didn’t know him. Why was he holding onto her?! And why was she in the weirdest costume ever made?! None of this made any sense… because the last memory that Marinette had was getting home from her first day back at school. So how had she ended up here with some guy she didn’t even know?

“Ladybug?” Adrien had asked uncertainly, taking a step towards her.

She frowned in confusion at the words. Ladybugs…? Where? She had blinked around the park uncertainly, trying to understand what he was talking about. Seeing nothing, she finally asked, “I-I’m sorry but who are you? A-and do you know why I’m dressed like this? Is there a costume party going on or something?”

His face had fallen and, for some reason, she felt her heart fall along with it. Feeling uncomfortable at the reaction, she had taken another step back away from him. 

Hurt raced across his features and he looked as though he was going to reach out to her before he stopped, pulling himself back. Adrien had then run a hand through his hair, blowing out a harsh breath. “You don’t know me at all, do you?”

She had cleared her throat, scanning his face for anything that she recognized. There was nothing. Wait… squinting her eyes, she stared resolutely into his green ones. With clear recognition, she snapped her fingers, ignoring the hopeful expression that had spread along him. “Wait! I do know you! I’ve seen you before on Gabriel Agreste’s posters! You’re his son, right?”

His hopeful expression shattered and Marinette was confused once more. What else had he been expecting? Shifting uncomfortably again, she made a move to get out of the cramped corner that they were in, just wanting to go home and take off this ridiculous costume. Maybe her parents would know what was wrong.

“Wait!” His arm reached out, holding her gently in place. Oddly, a weird burst of electricity shot up her arm from where he held her. Even with the costume on. She had yanked her arm back, staring up at him incredulously. Adrien had then given her a sheepish grin, scratching the back of his neck before mumbling, “Sorry.”

“Listen… I-I don’t know what’s going on but I’d really like to get home. It was lovely meeting you, M. Agreste bu-,”

“Adrien,” he cut her off, his sheepish grin replaced with a look of almost brave determination. “My name’s Adrien.”

“Okay,” she dragged out. “It was lovely meeting you, Adrien. But like I said I really need to get home.”

Taking a step forward again, Marinette just wanted to get home and take a long nap. Maybe after she woke up, she’d realize that meeting the son of her favorite fashion designer was just one big, crazy dream. After all, maybe that would explain the crazy costume that she was in.

“Wait!” Adrien cut her off again and she looked back at him with a huff. A small, grin formed on his face at her irritation before he moved a step closer to her. “Let me take you home.”

“You know where I live?” She frowned. Was he a stalker? That didn’t make sense. Why would a model be stalking her? 

His lips parted, and his mouth gaped open and closed like a fish. After a while, his own brow furrowed. “I don’t know how to answer that without sounding creepy,” he murmured.

For some odd, unexplained reason, Marinette giggled. She didn’t really know why she was laughing. That statement probably should have terrified her. But, somehow, she wasn’t scared. Confused? Yes, definitely. But not scared. Adrien had blinked at her in surprise before he was laughing too, giggling right along with her.

After she had taken a deep breath and gotten herself under control, she was surprised to find that Adrien was now holding a yo-yo in his hands. And, weirdly enough, it matched her red-and-black-polka-dotted costume perfectly. Confusion once again taking over her mirth, she tilted her head at him. “Where did you get that?”

“Can you trust me just this once, Ladybug?” He held out his hand, staring at her with a pair of earnest, green eyes. “I-I just have something I need to show you.”

There was that word again. Ladybug. What was he even talking about? And Marinette shouldn’t trust him. She knew that. After all, this was her first time actually meeting him. And yet, for some reason, she did. Scolding herself already, she reluctantly took his hand. Once again, she felt warmth race up her arm from where Adrien was tightly holding onto her hand. 

She squeaked in shock when he pulled her closer to him. Opening her mouth, she was about to ask him just what he was doing when she heard the whizz of a yo-yo fly through the air. Turning her head, she watched the string wrap tightly around a building’s chimney. Honestly, what was this boy doing? About to step away, Marinette squealed when he tugged on the string, sending them flying up into the air. 

Shrieking, she buried her face into his side, certain that this was it. This was how she died. And what an unfortunate death too. How many times had her parents told her not to trust strangers? Why she had decided to listen to him was beyond her. 

Yet, the crashing fall never came. In fact, the roaring wind which was, just a second ago, whipping around her, now fell down to a gentle breeze. Her feet touched down on solid ground and she breathed out a shaky sigh of relief. Shoving him away from her, she glared. “What on earth wastha-!”

Marinette’s shout fell short, though, when she took sight of her surroundings. They were on her balcony. How were they on her balcony? Choking out a gasp, she stared at him with a pair of wide eyes. 

“Please, Ladybug.” Adrien pleaded, flinging open her trapdoor like he had done it a thousand times before. “I just need you to trust me one more time.”

Indignation and anger surged through her. With a strangled scream, she tugged harshly on her pigtails. “Whoorwhat is Ladybug?! I don’t know who you are! I don’t know how you got me here! And I just want to take a nap before I go back to school so will you please just go and leave me alone!” 

His lower lip wobbled as he looked up at her. Biting down harshly on her lower lip, she stuffed the apology that wanted to come out down. She didn’t know him! So why did she feel so bad about how hurt he looked? Standing firm, she crossed her arms against her chest. 

With an angry huff as she once again spotted her red-and-black-polka-dotted arms, she flung them down before grumbling. “Alright, whatever! I don’t care! I’m going into my bedroom and I’m going to take this stupid costume off once and for all!”

Jumping down into her bedroom, Marinette was surprised when a light thud sounded from behind her. Whirling around, she met his nervous, yet almost hopeful, face. Why was he still following her? Opening her mouth, she was about to yell at him to leave when he gestured behind her. Feeling fury overwhelm her, she turned back around only to be greeted with her bulletin board staring directly at her.

All of her anger had disappeared then, leaving her where she was now. Trailing her fingers along pictures that Marinette didn’t remember putting up. Pictures that replaced the ones of her and her parents. Pictures of her laughing, hugging, and kissing the boy behind her. 

“Marinette…Ladybug…” Adrien’s voice snapped her out of the confused fog that had settled around her. “Please tell me that you remember me now. That you remember us.”

“I-I…,” she trailed off, turning around to connect his sad, emerald eyes with her solemn blue eyes. “I’m sorry… but I don’t. W-what happened? I know you, right? S-so why don’t I remember you?”

Adrien blinked back tears that were billowing in his eyes and she hissed in a pained breath at the sight. She might not remember him or any of their memories… but her heart sure did with how it was trembling at the sight.

He chuckled darkly. Glaring down at her bedspread as he ran another hand through his hair. “It was all Monarch’s fault. You don’t remember him but he’s a supervillain who’s been terrorizing Paris for years. And you… well, you’re Ladybug the superhero who’s been protecting us from him. That’s actually why you have this ridiculous costume on.”

Adrien snickered softly, gesturing down at her costume. She shook her head, trying to understand. Supervillains… superheroes… magical costumes? Surely this was just all a dream. But it didn’t feel like a dream. And, at least she knew why he was calling her Ladybug. But her…? A superhero!? How?! 

He took a deep breath before continuing. “And, for a while now, you’ve been the guardian of the miracle box. A box that holds the creatures that give us our magical powers. But Monarch, he… well, he managed to steal most of these creatures but ours.”

“Wait, wait, our creatures?!” Ladybug’s eyes practically bulged out of her head. “What do you mean ours? Where’s your costume?”

Adrien grinned at her. “I have one too. I just wasn’t transformed like you were when Monarch threatened Paris. He… he said that if you didn’t give up the miracle box he would use every last superpower he had to hurt the civilians of Paris.”

“So I-I gave up this miracle box then? And then… then did that make me lose my memories?” She frowned.

“Yes. You gave it to me,” he said, giving her a sad, tiny quirk of his lips. “And, unfortunately, giving up the miracle box does make you lose your memories. And I think that’s what Monarch was hoping for. That you’d be confused and alone and that’s when he’d strike and get your miraculous. Luckily, though, you were with me.”

Ladybug gave him a small smile, all at once relieved that Adrien was there to help her. If he wasn’t and she was confronted with a supervillain… well… it wouldn’t have been very good. 

“Andyou were the one who told me to bring you here. You said that the pictures would help you realize that I wasn’t lying. And I… I’m so glad you’re alright.” Adrien threw his arms around her.

She whooshed out a large breath as he hugged her to him tightly. Patting him on the back, she hesitantly wrapped her own arms around him. Somehow, as her heart trembled in her chest, she just knew that he was telling the truth.

“Don’t worry, Ladybug.” Adrien sniffled, leaning back to look her in the eyes. “We’ll get your memories back. Together. I’m sure Su Han knows a way for us to fix this. And I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make you remember again.”

Sucking her lower lip into her mouth, she shakily nodded her head at him. “A-alright. I trust you, Adrien.”

With that final murmur leaving her lips, this time Ladybug threw her arms around him. She felt safe in his arms. Together she knew that they would figure this out.

Day 5 is here woot woot! Sorry it’s kinda late! I hope the Ladrien fluff helps with that :). Lemme know what you think plz <3


Adrien Agreste was officially distracted. Should he be? No. There was an akuma and he should be ready and prepared to slip away at a moment’s notice. However, there was one tiny, little problem with that. Ladybug herself. 

Lila had gotten herself akumatized once again and had decided that he was her main target for reasons unbeknownst to him. So, Adrien began to sneak away into a quiet corner of their school to transform when Ladybug had grabbed onto his hand before he could. She had told him to trust her, squeezing onto his hand and that was the only assurance he needed before blindly following her any and everywhere. Trust her? With his life… every time.

It was only when she had dragged him into a dark broom closet to hide from Lila’s screeching cackles that Adrien finally snapped out of the trance that Ladybug had put him under. Well, that wasn’t good. He was now essentially trapped in a room with the love of his life with no way to transform. How had he gotten into this situation?

Clearing his throat, he shifted uncomfortably, regretting it instantly when his chest brushed up against Ladybug’s back. “Uh, I-I think she’s gone now, Ladybug.”

She turned around and Adrien both loved and cursed how cramped the room was. Blinking, he attempted to adjust his eyes to the darkness to see her pretty, baby blue ones. Ladybug shook her head and he could practically feel her pigtails brush lightly against his face. His heart picked up speed before her lovely, worried voice broke the silence. “We can’t be too careful, Adrien. She’s after you. I couldn’t bear it if you got hurt.”

He blushed and was finally thankful for the darkness of the closet. Ladybug was just too distracting for her own good. Running a hand through his hair, Adrien wracked his brain to think up a solution to his little dilemma. Chuckling nervously, he asked, “Well, what about your lucky charm? Don’t you need to go and fight the akuma?”

“Not right now.” Ladybug snapped her yo-yo shut. “I’ve just sent Chat a message so hopefully he’ll be here soon.”

Okay. This was officially not good. What was he supposed to do now? Chat couldn’t come whilst Ladybug was still protecting Adrien. “Honestly, Ladybug, I think I’ll be okay. Right now, Lila doesn’t know where I am. I’ll just stay here and make sure that she doesn’t find me. That way you and Chat can save the day!” Adrien rocked back on his heels, praying that she would listen to him. He wasn’t certain what he’d do otherwise.

Her hand reached forward, taking his own and squeezing it gently. He felt a burst of tingles race up his arm from the sensation. A goofy grin stretched across his face before he could stop it. So maybe this wasn’t sobad. 

“I’m not going to risk your safety, Adrien. We still don’t know whether or not Chat got my message yet. And, like I said, I wouldn’t be able to bear it if you got hurt because of me.”

All at once, Adrien desperately wished that he had his usual night vision. Instead, he had to basically squint in what was hopefully his lady’s direction with a smile. Twisting the ring on his finger, he nodded his head. “I trust you both. I’m sure that once you get out there, you’ll save both me and the day. You’ll be my hero.”

Ladybug burst into a flurry of giggles and he heard her shift in the darkness. “I, uh, um… your hero? I-I don’t know about that. I-I mean… because, uh, Chat Noir and I will be your heroes. Yep, that’s right! Your everyday heroes!”

He could just imagine the wide, awkward grin stretched across her lips. And, god, did that little speech seem familiar… or was it just him? Before Adrien could do more than frown in thought, Ladybug was speaking quickly again, “But, uh, maybe you’re right! The sooner I can save the day… the sooner you’ll be saved, right?”

“Uh… right?” Adrien asked questioningly, raising his eyebrow in confusion. How had he somehow managed to convince Ladybug? And, for that matter, how had he gotten her almost as flustered and distracted as he had been earlier? Because if he knew how to do that… he would do it all the time.

“Right.” Ladybug nodded to herself before she reached up and grasped his shoulders warmly. Did she really have to do that? He had just started to feel less dizzy and now all he could think about was kissing her again. Before Adrien could get too lost, though, she murmured, “I need you to stay safe and in here, though. You can do that for me, right?”

“O-of course, Ladybug.” He bobbed his head back at her, even as his cheeks turned a bright red once more. “You can trust me.”

“Good,” she murmured, taking her arms away. Instantly, Adrien pouted, already wishing that they were back and wrapped around him somehow. Fighting the urge to take the step that would close the small distance between them, he listened to Ladybug say, “I’ll be back for you as soon as I’ve dealt with Lila, alright. Just stay right here and I promise everything will be okay.”

Snapping out of the small haze he was in, Adrien simply nodded at her. He would have to make certain to run back and detransform as Chat before she made it back then. That was definitely something he could do. Especially if it meant finally getting out of this little closet. Even though a larger part of him wanted to stay here with Ladybug.

He watched as Ladybug seemed to hesitate by the door. He wondered what she was doing before she whirled back around and brushed a glorious kiss against his cheek. “Stay safe, okay?” she murmured one last time before opening the door and running out into the brightly-lit school.

Adrien released a love-sick sigh as he watched her leave. Bringing a hand up to his face, he cradled his cheek protectively. God, did he love her. He felt Plagg hover nearby and turned to look at his kwami. “Well, kid, are you going to stare after her all day, or are you going to fight the akuma?”

“Right.” He nodded his head determinedly before saying the words that would begin his transformation. “Plagg, claws out!”

Today’s chapter explores Ladrien’s interactions in Ephemeral. I hope you like it. Though it’s kinda bittersweet knowing what happens after Gabriel figures out who Adrien is </3. 


Never in her wildest dreams had Ladybug ever anticipated Adrien being Chat Noir. In her mind, the two couldn’t have been farther apart. It was why the idea was so laughable when he first mentioned it. However, now it was like she couldn’t even imagine Chat being anyone else. Though it had been a struggle to reconcile the two at first, ever since she had her talk with Luka she realized just how much she loved both sides of him. Adrien was just as much Chat Noir as he was Adrien and she was always going to fall in love with both of them. 

Ladybug sighed, leaning her head against Adrien’s as she looked out at the city of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was so peaceful at night. The moon and stars twinkled above them. Though she knew it was wrong, Ladybug had been smuggling him out of his home more and more often. Sneaking a glance over at him, she saw a soft smile across his face as he gazed down at the Parisian streets. God, Adrien just looked so amazing in the moonlight. 

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest and all of a sudden she was struck by the urge to tell him. All Ladybug wanted to do at that moment was shout out that she was Marinette. But fear held her back. Regardless of how hard she tried to shove it away, that niggling fear in the back of her mind kept coming up to the surface. What if he didn’t love her back when she revealed herself? That might just break her. Losing this wonderful, special connection to Adrien would just be the worst thing imaginable.

It had taken her a while to come to terms with Adrien’s and Chat’s identity so how would he feel about hers? Plus, though she hadn’t realized it at the time, she had always had feelings for both of them, it had just taken her a while to figure everything out. She knew that Adrien had only ever seen Marinette as a friend. He had said so himself enough times that she almost couldn’t see him seeing her as anything else. If she revealed herself, perhaps their moonlit meetings would become too romantic for him and leave her with a broken heart.

While Ladybug knew that she should tell him, there was still that part of her that wanted to rejoice in these quiet, stolen moments. Where perhaps both of them were in love with the other and had nothing to fear. And, of course, Chat Blanc was still a menacing presence lurking in her memories. How could she reveal herself when that was a possibility? Could she really go through losing him again? It was too painful to even imagine.

Lost in her thoughts, Ladybug barely noticed when Adrien squeezed her hand, murmuring softly, “It’s a wonderful night, huh?”

She blinked over at him, shaking off the remnants of icy blue eyes boring into her own threateningly. Smiling back at him shyly, she nodded her head. “It is. Are you glad that I managed to steal you away from your home again?”

He turned to face her and she was hit with the full power of his warm, beautiful green eyes. She could stare into those eyes all day and never get tired of looking at them. Adrien squeezed her hand once more before softly saying, “Of course! I’m always happy whenever I’m with you, Ladybug. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here.”

She flushed, feeling positively giddy at his words. God, she loved him. He knew just what to say to keep her from sinking into a spiral of anxious thoughts and feelings. Peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, she murmured, “Me too.”

Adrien looked rather shocked before he beamed at her. His smile was as blinding as the sun, reminding Ladybug once more just how easily it was to fall in love with him. All at once, she wanted to lean forward and connect their lips in a kiss that she had been dying for. But she couldn’t. Not without revealing her identity first. It would be too cruel to both Adrien and herself.

Maybe… maybe this was her moment. Maybe she could finally tell him the words that were still desperately fighting to leave her. Opening her mouth, Ladybug was about to burst out the truth in a rushed statement when Adrien leaned back with a pair of sparkling eyes, beating her to the punch. “Plus, our fighting style has gotten even better, m’lady! We’re taking care of those akumas and sentimonsters so easily. We’re just so in sync now!”

Ladybug felt her cheeks turn a pretty pink once more. He was right. Now that she knew he was Adrien it was so easy to just call him and have him rush over to her side. Relying on him was just so comfortable now. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she hugged them to her with a small grin on her lips. “That’s all because of you, Adrien.”

He slung an arm over her shoulder and she felt butterflies flutter to life in her stomach at the gentle, comfortable touch. Adrien squeezed her to his side, whispering, “No, it’s because of us.We’ve always made the best team, m’lady.”

Giggling happily, Ladybug snuggled even further into his side. Could she really ruin this perfect moment by revealing her identity? Once again, the words froze in her mouth. The answer was no. No, she absolutely just couldn’t. Right now everything was positively wonderful. She wasn’t going to break it with the uncertainty of her identity. It just wasn’t worth it. 

Letting her eyes slowly flutter closed, she allowed herself to simply enjoy Adrien’s presence. Soon. She’d tell him soon, Ladybug reminded herself. But, for the time being, she would simply enjoy him and his arm wrapped around her shoulder. And maybe, if she was really lucky, and found the courage to reveal herself, perhaps they could finally go on that date that she had been longing for. That would be the dream.

Day 4 is done!!! This is part 2 to my chapter yesterday so plz read that first :). I hope you guys like it! I had a really fun time writing this chapter hehe. I love writing the babies kissing.


Ladybug swung from rooftop to rooftop back and forth as she gnawed on her lower lip. Her eyes kept being drawn over to Adrien’s window. All that she had been able to think about lately was Alya’s words. Adrien lovedher. So why couldn’t she just knock on his window?

Ugh! This was just ridiculous! She had been swinging for over ten minutes already. If she was going to do it, she should just get it over with! With a determined nod and a fiery blaze to her sapphire eyes, Ladybug headed straight for Adrien’s window. 

This was it! She was going to do it this time! No, she wasn’t! With a sudden, last-minute swerve, Ladybug zoomed away once again. Stifling a short scream, she almost wished that she could bang her head against a wall. How was she supposed to woo Adrien with her Ladybug confidence if she couldn’t even ask to come in?

It was just too hard… How was Chat able to visit her so easily? Ladybug’s lips quirked into a soft smile as she snickered. It was probably because he didn’t share the same feelings for Marinette as she did for Adrien. Once again, her gaze was helplessly drawn over to his bedroom window. With a lovestruck sigh, she once again wished that she could be as confident as she was in her fantasies.

The fantasy Ladybug wouldn’t have even knocked, she would have just swung right in much to Adrien’s delight. She would have smirked at him, twirling her yo-yo in her hand. That Ladybug would have claimed that she had heard a rumor about him and her. Maybe… if she was really lucky… Adrien would blush. He would nod shyly and all she’d have to do was take a few short steps towards him, dipping him into a lovely kiss. It was perfect.

Squealing to herself, the real Ladybug clenched her eyes shut as she beamed widely. Why couldn’t that be her reality? Slowly she fluttered her eyes open, only for them to widen as she smacked head-first into a window. More specifically Adrien’swindow. 

She groaned, rubbing a hand over her aching forehead. Okay. That was enough for today. Maybe she’d ask Alya or Chat for some advice at their patrol for tomorrow. She was not going to continue to be like one of M. Ramier’s pigeons repeatedly smacking into windows. 

With a quiet whimper, Ladybug slowly peeled herself away from the window with a pair of burning, red cheeks. Time to go home. Twirling her yo-yo, she was about to wrap it around a chimney when the window next to her squeaked open.

“Ladybug! Are you alright? I saw you hit my window!” Adrien’s concerned voice called out to her. She shrieked in shock, whirling around to stare at him with a pair of wide eyes. He was leaning out of his window, looking at her rather worriedly. 

Well, wasn’t that just great! Adrien saw her! Now she was doubly embarrassed. Shaking her head with a loud, awkward laugh, Ladybug waved a hand in the air. “Don’t worry about me! I-I’m great! I mean obviously I’m not great… I just hit your window! Like a pigeon!” 

What was she even saying?! If she continued to act like this, Adrien would figure out she was Marinette in just a few more stuttered, awkward sentences. As it was, he was already frowning at her like she had lost her mind. Wincing, Ladybug took a deep breath to calm herself before murmuring, “I’m so so sorry, Adrien! I-I guess, um, I just wasn’t looking where I was going and hit your window. I’m fine though, really. I-I’ll just be going now.”

He pursed his lips, running a hand through his hair like he was nervous. But that didn’t make sense! What did he have to be nervous about? Ladybug was the one who just smacked into his window like she was blind. In the next second, Adrien leaned back out of sight and she breathed a sigh of relief. Good. She could leave now and this time never come back. She could just forget about Alya’s information and just go about her day forgetting about the small… minuscule… tiny chance that Adrien might… possibly… maybe like her.

Clearing her throat, Ladybug turned her head back to face the city, twirling her yo-yo and wishing that she had never left home. Before she could wrap it around the nearest chimney, though, she heard the window squeak open. Turning her head back, she saw that Adrien had opened it even wider. “W-why don’t you come in? It, um, looked like you hit your head pretty hard and I’d hate for you to be hurt.”

“A-are you sure?” Ladybug asked quietly. Was this really how she got her chance? Not by knocking on his window confidently but by slamming head-first into his window.   

“Mhm,” he hummed, nodding his head at her as he gestured for her to come in.

With pink dusting her cheeks, she took her chance, hurriedly clambering inside before Adrien came to his senses and closed the window on her. As soon as Ladybug was inside, she blinked up into a pair of concerned, green eyes. He was standing much too close to her. Her heart beat uncomfortably fast in her chest as Adrien took a step even closer to her. 

He reached down, caressing her forehead with his soft fingers. “Does that hurt?” he murmured.

Not even registering what he had said, Ladybug simply nodded her head, letting her eyes fall shut. That felt amazing. Maybe she should have crashed into his window a while ago. In an instant, Adrien’s hand was gone and she had to physically stop herself from chasing after his lovely fingers. 

“How bad?” Adrien murmured again.

Slowly, she blinked her eyes open to stare at his frowning face. Huh? How bad was what? Before she could stop herself, Ladybug darted her gaze down to the hand by his side. How badly did she want his fingers back massaging her head? Verybadly. 

Adrien’s frown furrowed even more and she shook her head, trying to clear it. It was only then that she remembered what he had asked her. Waving her hands in front of her, she hurried out, “I mean no! I’m fine! It doesn’t hurt at all!”

“Are you sure?” he asked suspiciously.

“Yes, yes! I’m sure!” Ladybug practically shouted, bobbing her head up and down eagerly. Her face lit up again with embarrassment and she bit down painfully hard on her bottom lip. Why had she listened to Alya?! This was a disaster!

Adrien smiled gently at her and wow was he always that handsome when he smiled? Carefully, his hands brushed softly along her forehead once more. Everywhere he touched, she felt a spark of warmth run along her face. “It’s alright to be hurt, Ladybug. You can tell me the truth.”

Her lips parted as she looked up at him in wonder. Ladybug felt dizzy as she stared into his bright, almost loving green eyes. Ok, she needed to change the topic now or she was going to lose her mind. 

“So I heard a rumor today!” Ladybug blurted out. 

Abort! Why did she say that!? She could have said literally anything else and been fine. Now what was she going to do?

“What kind of rumor?” Adrien asked, his frown coming back.

“Just a silly one. I don’t think there’s any truth to it, anyway.” She sputtered up an awkward laugh, stepping back and away from his magic fingers that got her to reveal things she didn’t mean or want to. “Well, I had better be going now.”

Ladybug turned around, ready to fling herself out of his room and head home to her bedroom where she’d cry to Tikki for the rest of her life. Wincing, she reached for her yo-yo when a hand stopped her. She blinked down at it in surprise, feeling Adrien turn her back around to face her.

“What rumor?” he asked, searching her gaze intently.

She felt her mouth dry as her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. Could she really do this? It’s what she’s wanted since she practically met him. Darting her eyes down to the floor to avoid his intense stare, Ladybug mumbled, “I-I don’t know. I heard that maybe… potentially… you might… sort of have a crush on me? I don’t know why I’m even telling you this. It’s probably not true. Right?”

She winced as soon as the words left her lips. What was she doing?! She might as well just dig her own grave. Adrien was sure to laugh her out of his room now!

Instead, he squeezed the hand that he was still holding onto, bringing her uncertain gaze back up to his. “And what if it wastrue?”

Ladybug wasn’t sure if she could even form words at this point. Afraid that she might start babbling in a giddy, incoherent fashion, she cleared her throat before taking a deep breath. Using her free hand, she ran it through her hair. “I, um, I would probably kiss you. I-if you’d like that! A-and didn’t mind! O-obviously!”

“I-I wouldn’t mind.” Adrien’s face had turned red and she was sure her own matched his. 

Did he mean that? It certainly didn’t look like he minded. With butterflies swirling to life in her stomach, Ladybug stood up on her tip-toes before she could talk herself out of it and crashed her lips into his. Terrified that she had made a mistake, she almost pulled back before she felt Adrien’s lips move under hers. Oh. So that’s what it felt like.

Feeling giddy with the revelation of kissing Adrien, she gently cupped his cheek, wishing that her hands weren’t covered so that she could feel the softness of his skin on hers. Gently, she ran her tongue over his lips like she had dreamed of doing for years. She was definitely going to have to thank Alya for wrestling that information from Nino. Because it was true, Adrien liked her just as much as she liked him.

Pulling back, Ladybug leaned her forehead against his, pecking one final kiss on his perfect lips before murmuring, “I feel the same. In case you couldn’t tell.”

“Yeah?” He laughed almost disbelievingly.

“Mhm,” she hummed with a smile. “And I’m very grateful I heard that rumor.”

“Me too.” Adrien beamed at her before murmuring, “So does this mean…?”

Her cheeks pinkened and Ladybug nodded her head. “If you’d like to be.”

“I very much would, yes.”

Giggling happily, she leaned forward, brushing a kiss against his cheek. “Then I’ll see you later, my boyfriend.”

Adrien didn’t even respond, simply smiling at her goofily as Ladybug turned around, launching herself out of his bedroom. She was going to squeal all the way home! Especially when she finally texted Alya. This was the best day ever! 

Here is chapter 2 of Ladrien June! And it’s also part 1 where the next chapter will be released tomorrow. Sorry if this part is a little bit more Adrienette than Ladrien. I promise tomorrow’s chapter is where Ladrien comes into play ;)! So stay tuned!!


“Marinette, Marinette, Marinette!” Alya rushed over to where she was climbing up the school steps. 

She blinked at her best friend in shock as Alya grabbed onto her arm, yanking her into the school. Marinette let out a startled shriek as she began to get dragged into a dark, quiet corner. What was shedoing? 

When Alya finally dropped her arm, scanning the empty corridor suspiciously, Marinette rubbed it as she pouted over to her. “What on earth was thatfor?”

Her best friend gave the hallway one last, surreptitious glance before turning to her with a pair of gleaming hazel eyes. “Nino finally learned who Adrien’s crush is and guess who he just told!”

Marinette’s mouth fell open as she gaped at Alya. “No way!”

“Yes, way!” She beamed back at her. “And guess who it is!”

“Who?!Who?!” She practically trembled with excitement before panic flooded her stomach. Maybe she didn’t want to know. “Wait, no I don’t wanna know!”

If it wasn’t her, how was Marinette supposed to function around him? And if it was her… how was she still supposed to function around him?! But could she really live without knowing? 

Gnawing on her lower lip, she twisted one of her pigtails around. All at once, she felt a burst of confidence. “Actually, yes, I do wanna know!”

Alya opened her mouth to obviously reveal the answer before Marinette let out a shriek, slapping both of her hands onto her cheeks. “No I don’t!”

Her best friend chuckled before gently taking her hands off of her cheeks, squeezing them both. “Marinette, it’s you.”

As soon as the words left Alya’s lips, a choked gasp escaped from hers. Instantly, her heartbeat quickened its pace, beating rapidly in her chest. Her face flamed up as a wave of dizziness swept over her. Surely Alya didn’t mean that. Was it… was it even possible that he could feel the same way about her as she did him?

In the middle of a mental crisis, she almost missed Alya’s next words. “Or, well, more accurately Ladybug.”

When Marinette finally regained her sanity and actually registered what she had just said, she caught Alya throwing a wink her way. With a hint of panic in her tone, she whispered, “What?!”

She let go of her hands, beaming at her happily and ignoring the distress Marinette had currently found herself experiencing. “I know right! Isn’t it just amazing! All this time we’ve spent planning and he’s already been in love with you from the very start. That Ladybug luck has certainly worn off on you, huh, girl?”

She let out a groan, throwing her head up to stare up at the ceiling. Alya shot her a questioning glance before Marinette began to pace, trying to sort through her thoughts. “No, it most certainly did not! How could Adrien even be in love with Ladybug when he’s only met her a handful of times!? It’s not Ladybug could even do anything! She’s too busy being the savior of Paris!”

“Uh, Marinette?” Alya asked. 

She snapped her gaze over to meet her friend’s, seeing one of her eyebrows raised uncertainly. “What!?” Marinette scrubbed a hand down her face as turmoil roared to life in her chest. 

“You know that you’re Ladybug… right?” Her best friend crossed her arms and stared at her like she thought that Marinette had gone insane.

“Of course!” She scoffed, tilting her chin up. What was Alya even trying to insinuate?

“Are you sure… because you sound just a little bit jealous of yourself?” Alya’s gaze turned almost hesitant.

Marinette opened her mouth to respond before she deflated, staring down at the floor. Was Alya right? Was she jealous of herself? It certainly felt like she was. Scuffing her foot against the tiled floor, she muttered, “Maybe you’re right.”

“Butwhy?” Alya asked incredulously. “This is great news! All you have to do is turn on the Ladybug charm as Marinette and wow him by how amazing both of you really are!”

She chuckled sardonically, shaking her head. “You’re forgetting about one little issue here. I can barely get any words out around Adrien! How am I supposed to ‘turn on the Ladybug charm’ when I’m practically foaming at the mouth?”

Alya frowned, turning her head to the side as she tapped her chin. Marinette’s lips quirked to the side as she listened to her friend hum softly. Now she finally understood her problem. 

She was about to step aside to get to her class when Alya snapped her fingers. “I got it! If you can’t turn on the Ladybug charm as Marinette then why don’t you just visit him as Ladybug?”

“What?!” Marinette shrieked again, feeling her face flame as ideas flooded her mind unbidden. Was Alya trying to murder her? Shaking her head roughly, she glared over at her. “I can’t do that!”

“Why not?” Alya nudged her mischievously. “You save Paris every day! You deserve a little fun now and then.”

Marinette huffed, letting herself entertain the possibility for a brief moment before discarding it entirely. “It’s exactly because I save Paris every day that I can’t! What if people found out?”

Alya let out a long-suffering sigh, clicking her tongue at her. “Oh come on, girl. I know for sure that a certain Chat has come to visit you a couple of times. You can’t tell me that anything that drastic has happened because of it.”

She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. Okay… so maybe Alya had a point. “We got André akumatized once,” she muttered.

“Yeah, and you also got him akumatized when you decided not to eat his magic ice cream. What’s your point?” She stared over at her pointedly, crossing her arms.

Struggling to come up with anything else, Marinette hung her head when she couldn’t think of anything. “Alright, so maybe you’re right,” she mumbled quietly.

“Of course I am!” Alya cheered before glancing over at her softly. “So will you at least give my idea a try? I mean, this is Adrien we’re talking about.”

“Maybe.” Marinette blew out a loud exhale. “But only maybe… I’ll have to think about it.”

Her best friend gave her a bright grin before the bell rang and they both looked at each other with wide eyes. Grabbing a hold of her hand, she took off with Alya towards their classroom. Bursting through the doors, Marinette grinned and murmured a quiet apology at Mlle. Bustier before taking her seat. 

Nibbling on her lower lip, she couldn’t stop her gaze from drawing over to stare at the back of Adrien’s head. Was it really possible that he’s been in love with her this entire time? Her heart fluttered at just the possibility. 

Oh, she was definitely going to get in trouble for this. Because currently, Marinette Dupain-Cheng had decided that she was going to visit Adrien Agreste as Ladybug. Whether or not he or she admitted their feelings, she was going to take a chance. 

If everything went okay, maybe she’d be able to further explore their friendship. If everything went perfectly then she would officially be in a relationship with the boy she had been in love with for so long. And, if it all went badly, she could always blame Alya. Biting down on her lip to contain a smile, Marinette ducked her head down to focus on her notes. And if , maybe, she was hoping for everything to go perfectly… well, she wouldn’t admit that to herself.

Hello and welcome to Ladrien June 2022! A whole month where I get to write about my favorite corner of the lovesquare heehehe. I hope you like this month and chapter from me! More to come soon <3


It was a truth universally acknowledged that Marinette Dupain-Cheng would always get tongue-tied around Adrien Agreste. Thus, it stood to reason that Ladybug herself would also get tongue-tied around him. She just couldn’t help it. No matter who she was, she’d always be flustered by him.

However, what wasn’t universally acknowledged was Adrien getting tongue-tied around her. Thus, it came as quite a pleasant surprise when she got to see him blush and stutter around her. It was something that she had never even allowed herself to hope for, believing that she was the only one with a silly crush.

One evening, though, when Ladybug was swinging through Paris on her patrol, she caught sight of Adrien almost cowering in an alleyway. With a slight frown marring her face, she swung down to land behind him. Sucking in a deep breath for courage, Ladybug lifted a gloved hand up in a wave. “H-Hello. Are you alright?”

Adrien spun around in surprise, blinking up at her with a widening pair of green eyes. Slowly, much to her shock and delight, a red blush began to spread across his cheeks. Was Adrien blushing? Because of her? But all she had done was say hello. 

He grinned at her almost nervously before shuffling on his feet. “O-oh, hello Ladybug. I-I’m fine. I was just, um, waiting to get home.” Adrien chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. “You see, a new ad was released and, well, I’m guessing a lot of people saw it. Y-you don’t have to worry though! I’ll be alright! I’m sure you have other things to worry about on your patrol.”

He ended his sentence by staring at her rather earnestly. Not able to stop herself, though, a small smile began to spread across Ladybug’s lips. She knew the exact ad that he was talking about. Adrien looked absolutely stunning in the new summer advertisement that Gabriel had released. Suddenly, she was hit by a wave of fond memories of running through Paris with Adrien holding tightly onto her hand after the perfume ad was released.

Ladybug shook her head, stopping herself from sinking even further into her daydreams. Adrien needed help. Either as Ladybug or Marinette, she’d always be there to save him. Clearing her throat, her smile got a little wider as she glanced over at him from beneath her lashes shyly. “Oh d-don’t worry, Adrien. It’s my job to protect the citizens of Paris and it sounds like you need some help. It would be my honor to get you home safely.”

His emerald green eyes softened as his shoulders relaxed. He looked at her almost awestruck, causing her light pink flush to turn a shade darker. Quietly, he breathed out, “Wow… really?”

Her heart quickened its pace in her chest. She had never heard Adrien sound like that before. Biting down on her lip, Ladybug was about to respond when he shook his head. “I-I mean, uh, a-are you sure? I would hate to take up your time.”

“No no no! You wouldn’t be taking up any of my time,” she rushed out quickly, eager to reassure him. Feeling her cheeks warm once again at how desperate she sounded, Ladybug quickly moved her gaze away from his, hoping that would ease some of her flustered stutterings. Grinning down at her yo-yo, she began to twirl it around. “I don’t mind giving you a lift home if, um, y-you don’t either…?”

Please say yes… please say yes, she practically prayed in her thoughts. Sneaking a glance up at him, a delighted shock raced through her at the blush that was quickly spreading across Adrien’s face. Wow… maybe some of her Ladybug luck had finally rubbed off on her. She had never thought that she could get that kind of reaction from him.

“I-I would absolutely love that, Ladybug,” Adrien murmured, running a hand through his hair. 

Trying to hide her happy squeal and beam, she pulled him closer to her, feeling warmth spread inside her as his side gently brushed against hers. Holding Adrien tightly in her arms was one of the best feelings in the world. Maybe… if she was really lucky… another ad would release and she would get to rescue him once more. Shooting a glance at his smiling face, Ladybug didn’t think Adrien would exactly complain either. 

A flood of butterflies welled up inside her. She didn’t have time to squeal about them, though. Right now, Adrien was in trouble and she was going to save him. She’d have plenty of time in her room later to freak out over the meaning of his stammerings and blushes. Until then, though, she would keep her cool.

With a determined nod to herself, Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around a building’s chimney, pulling them both up into the air. As they began to swing through the streets of Paris, Adrien buried his face even more into her side, protecting it from the wind rushing around them. Sighing happily, she tightened her grip even more, cradling him to her protectively. This was definitely going to be the best patrol of her life. 

However, unfortunately for Ladybug, they were but a short distance away from Adrien’s house. She only had a few, brief, amazing moments of holding him to her. Of course, they would be forever seared into her mind, though, just like the time she got to protect him when Riposte attacked. It was definitely going to be a memory that featured heavily in her daydreams later.

When Ladybug finally swung in through his bedroom window, which was surprisingly open, she allowed herself one last second of holding onto him before letting go, forcing herself to take a step back. Adrien’s eyes slowly fluttered open and she practically jumped for joy inside at just how flustered he looked. Pink was dusted across his cheeks as he grinned over at her rather shyly. “Thank you for saving me, Ladybug.”

“N-no problem, Adrien.” She beamed, feeling happier than she had in months. “Like I said, it was my honor to protect a citizen in danger.”

His flush darkened before he took a step closer to her. “It, um, really meant a lot to me.”

Why did he have to be so adorable? With her heart practically melting in her chest and, feeling a sudden rush of confidence, Ladybug closed the distance and brushed a kiss against his cheek. “I’ll always be here to protect you, Adrien,” she whispered.

He brought a hand up to cradle his cheek, staring at her with a wide, dazed pair of eyes as his lips parted with surprise. “Thank goo. I-I mean, thank you.”

Not daring to speak for fear of babbling out something even more incoherent, Ladybug simply gave him another smile and a wave. Taking her yo-yo, she flung herself out of his bedroom. When she got home she was absolutely going to squeal about this to Tikki for the rest of her day. And maybe… just maybe… she’d be able to figure out what she did so that she could replicate it as Marinette.

@ladrienjune Day 1 - Tongue-tiedI hope you guys like silly two panel comics because for some reason @ladrienjune Day 1 - Tongue-tiedI hope you guys like silly two panel comics because for some reason

@ladrienjune Day 1 - Tongue-tied

I hope you guys like silly two panel comics because for some reason most of my ideas for prompt lists this month are like this lol


Post link


@ladrienjune day 9: biggest fan

A final chord before the double barline—the tempo slowed,ritardando, and the notes lingering as demanded by the fermata sign. Then Adrien lifted his hands off the piano, and the music tapered off into silence.

He turned, his hand instinctively going to the back of his neck as his eyes sought Ladybug’s. “Was that okay?” he asked. Just a littleanxious.

Ladybug blinked rapidly. “Adrien,” she breathed, as if waking from a daze. “That was perfect.”

Heat rushed into his face. “You’re too kind.”

“You have skill,” she insisted. “And the way you play… Like you’re coaxing out emotion from the keys.”

Adrien squeezed his eyes shut, overcome. “Thank you,” he barely managed to say.

“I’m only telling it how I see it,” Ladybug said, her voice high-pitched. “You’re—You’re the one who—”

She faltered, and Adrien waited with bated breath.

Helplessly, she said again, “You have skill.”

Skill. She wasn’t calling him talented. Wasn’t calling him gifted.

Skill. He had worked to achieve this level of dexterity—a labor of love was a labor all the same.


There was a lump in his throat when he choked out, “Thanks, Ladybug.”

“No, thank you,” she said, a little breathless. “It’s such an honor—I still can’t believe you, you let me listen—”

“Anything for my biggest fan,” he said—half-nerves, half-joking—but in that moment it felt all too real.
