#lake art


❤️chapter 1 part 1 is up! ❤️

heartworkseries.com click the update tab or the chapter list

will be updating every other thursday - part 2 coming 7/14

❤️tomorrow!❤️ you can catch chapter 1 part 1 of my storyboard-comic romcom series Heart Work on its website heartworkseries.com

here’s a short video preview from tomorrow’s Part - will be updating every other thursday

some backgrounds from chapter 1 of heart work - i definitely do not consider design my forte lmao but i’m tryin my best to bring this funky world to life in the series. launching in 3 weeks on heartworkseries.com !

screenshots from chapter 1 of my webseries coming july 1 Heart Work is a “storyboard webseries” (i know how to do precisely one thing) and chapters will be uploaded in parts like its 2004 and ur watching anime on youtube

i’ve been going insane about this silly queer fake dating rom com series for nearly a year now, happy anniversary to my brain rot i look forward to sharing it publicly soon

some small character intros for the web series i’m working on more bonus material coming soon & chapter 1 coming july to heartworkseries.com

HELLO i’ve been away for several reasons but one of them is that i’ve been developing a web series!

a “sometimes-musical” comedy, said very hopefully b/c i still have to hire for the songs lol but i’m excited to start sharing some of this story soon ❤️

“gender math” is still math and therefore i am still bad at it

it me (chosen) bday

congrats not necessary (pls no attention it scares the lake), i just wanted to share the idea of choosing your bday for those who hadn’t considered it - maybe it will resonate with other trans/queer ppl. it’s been great for me!

i think about this queer fashion dream of mine at least once a week

it’s been weeks now but i keep thinking about how we went to the beach and a wave smacked my wedding ring off me like sonic the hedgehog taking damage

(our rings are from etsy so like, not a huge loss lol)

ocarina of time but link is very sleepy because he just woke up from a 7 year nap and also he and sheik are both trans

i am just married to a corvid who randomly brings me shiny objects she finds

locked tomb doodles again ☠️

the little beep beep truck backing up anaktoria does when they poopoo

Val w/ short hair, & how she cut it

a pirate crew can be a snarky 12 year old and 6 gay men that would die for her

a pirate crew can be a snarky 12 year old and 6 gay men that would die for her

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been playing sonic mania, very badly

buncha trolls warm ups and doodles


time for lake to talk about top surgery yet again (sorry for so many nipple close ups in this one lmao)

also - the single line across like I have technically *is* double incision, just joined in the middle. some people also have to go in for surgical revisions for their results, not just injection treatments. I didn’t know much about this stuff going in - it wouldn’t change my want/need for surgery but I had the outlook that I’d heal perfectly because my surgeon was one of the best. then my genetics were like “nah lol”, so the more you know, the better prepared you can be for your own surgery!

p.s. I know I Overshare In Art too much but I just want to put it out there that I am not open to talking further individually with strangers about any details of my transition. I get a lot of invasive questions from strangers and I’d like my boundaries to remain where I draw them (ba dum tss)

Here’s a song sequence I got to do early on in TrollsTopia - from ep 07 “Classical Rock” on Hulu/Peacock! (with some revisions I believe by Carrie Hankins!

#lake art    #storyboard    #trollstopia    

some thoughts on transition & processing (p.s. please stay home for the holidays!)

this has literally nothing to do with trolls canon i just like to turn everything into sonic adventuthis has literally nothing to do with trolls canon i just like to turn everything into sonic adventuthis has literally nothing to do with trolls canon i just like to turn everything into sonic adventu

this has literally nothing to do with trolls canon i just like to turn everything into sonic adventure

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wahooo trollstopia is out!!

wahooo trollstopia is out!!

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TrollsTopia in one week!! Yeehaw!!☀️

we’re playing skyward sword so, logically, i am thinking about twilight princess

i think they should simply give luz a duel disk for her spell cards

finished a new music animatic!*

a retelling of Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Tombs of Atuan (2nd Earthsea book)

my goal was to make this somewhat comprehensible to those who haven’t read the books but if not i hope u enjoy the vibes at least ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ there’s a summary in the youtube description (captions available too)

*(animatic?animation? somewhere btwn these two, really) 

#lake art    #storyboard    #animation    #earthsea    #tombs of atuan    

it’s my last day on trolls! i’m immensely grateful for how much i’ve learned on this show & that i got to grow from baby storyboard artist to baby director with this team

watch our show!! it is so funny & good hearted

i’m psyched to be heading to netflix feature next week!

i’m sure every artist ever has already expressed this sentiment but this is the current state of my personal projects


two snippets from the funniest enemies to lovers fanfic ever that my wife is writing

“fight me, princess” (comedy rewrite & expansion on the end of tangled S3)


thinking about a twilight princess that’s just the princesses

this is a massive oversimplification of what my past few months have been like (it’s been much worse than just “dead naming”) but this is just what it’s like when ya change your first name legally! ya get punished constantly
