#lake x felix


Lake is image conscious, kind and insecure. She wants people to like her and puts a lot of emphasis on how people perceive her at home, school and romantically.

At her best, Lake is a genuinely good friend, girlfriend and daughter. She does her best to care for others and tries to smooth things over between all of her friends. When Mia returns from summer break she wants to include her even though she is friends with Victor and Benji due to her relationship with Felix.

At her worst, Lake can become too concerned with what others think and as a result will become selfish and less aware of the feelings of others. This is especially evident when she wants to hide her relationship with Felix .

Lake tries to come across as confident at school but her home life shows she is insecure and wants her mother’s approval. Her mother is hard on her and at times can be cruel. However, Lake still listens to her and is compliant and respectful towards her. Lake values her mother’s opinion and this is why she comes to her about Felix’s mother. She genuinely wants to help and thinks this will be the best way to support him.


Lake seems to really value her romantic relationships and early on is interested in Andrew going to great lengths to try and begin a relationship with him. She spends a lot of time trying to impress him but when she realises he wants to be with Mia she steps away and stands up for herself. To begin with she likes the attention Felix shows her and how devoted he is to her. However, she starts to have real feelings for him as they spend more time together and she goes to great efforts to try and get him back.

Lake has a wing 3 as she seems more people oriented and extroverted than a wing 1 might be.

Tri-type: 2w3-9w1-7w6

Some quotes to describe Lake’s motivations:

“The bomb is bombing.”

“Come on, I know you wanna tap that Tex-Ass.”

“You are rockin’ the hell out of that bowtie.”

“Just say the word and i will ditch these gays like a corporation after pride month”
