#lambda calculus







And then Satan said… “Put the alphabet in math”.

Not again, Satan

And then humanity put the greek alphabet in math too.

And even Satan raised an eyebrow and left to study art.

And then Cantor put the Hebrew alphabet in math, and my math professor said “You know how to draw an aleph? RIP to you but I’m different”

And what the hell is this shit:


I went into the humanities specifically to escape equations, but predicate logic pops up in semantic analysis anyway

We can put whole clauses inside other phrases, but what does that do to their structure and their meaning? In this week’s episode, we take a look at the syntax and semantics of relative clauses: how these clauses kind of look like adjectives; how using them creates islands from which words can’t escape; and how moving things around in them throws semantic variables into the sentence setup.

Looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say! ^_^
