#language reference



как жаль - what a pity
ехидно - (adv) maliciously; mockingly, sarcastically
любопытный - (adj) curious, inquisitive; interesting
кстати - (adv.) by the way; to the point; as a matter of fact; apropos
посочувствовать - to sympathize (with)
сказанное - (n, decline as adj.) what has been said

New Words/Hовые Cлова

наиболее - (adv) the most, above all, most of all
ляп - (n) flub, slip-up
болтать - (v) (colloq.) to blabble, talk needlessly or endlessly; (colloq.) to converse; to dangle; to shake, rock, stir
толк - (n) sense, judgement; talk, rumor

The -овать suffix can be used to turn nouns into verbs, e.g. штраф (fine, penalty) becomes штрафовать (to fine).  When conjugating, drop the -овать in the present tense. For example, ревновать (to be jealous) becomes я ревную, ты ревнуешь, etc.


чувствовать - (v) to feel
торговать - (v) to trade
жаловаться/пожаловаться - (v) to complain
иронизировать - (v) to speak ironically
переставать/перестать - (v) to stop, cease, quit
голосовать/проголосовать - (v) to vote; to give voice

New Words/Hовые Cлова

использовать - (v) to use
доставать/достать - (v) to reach, to be able to reach; to take out; get, procure, obtain
требовать/потребовать - (v) to demand, request; to need, call for
рисовать/нарисовать - (v) to draw, design; to paint

or, I had this list of words I couldn’t categorize easily


который - (pronoun) which, who, that
некоторый - (adj) some, certain
каждый - (adj) each, every
никто - (pronoun) nobody
любой - (determiner) any, either, whichever one wants
сам - (pronoun) myself, yourself

New Words/Hовые Cлова

там - (adv) there
тут - (adv) here, now, then
ничто - (pronoun) nothing
несколько - (pronoun) a few, several, some; (adv) somewhat, slightly, some

хозяин - (n) boss, chief, employer; landlord; owner, proprietor
настроение - (n) emotions, mood, spirits
чудак - (n) strange person, eccentric
спор - (n) dispute, controversy, argument
преступник - (n) criminal
саботаж - (n) sabotage
полиция - (n) police


завистливый - (adj) envious
бескорыстный - (adj) unselfish
бескорыстный труд - labor of love
ценить - (v) to appreciate, to value highly
вздыхать/вздохнуть - (v) to sigh; to yearn for, to pine after
ухаживать - (v) to take care of, to look after; to court, to date
заигрывать/заиграть - (v) to flirt; to make advances
сердце - (n) heart; temper; anger; darling, love, sweetheart
пара - (n) couple, pair

New Words/Hовые Cлова

рот - (n) mouth
знакомый - (adj.) familiar, acquainted (with); (n) acquaintance, friend
любить/полюбить - (v) to love, to like, to be fond of
страсть - (n) passion; strong love; strong obsession with, attraction to some activity


страшно - (adv) terrifyingly; very, very badly
тотчас - (adv) immediately, at once
наверняка - (adv) certainly, for sure; safely
весело - (adv) happily, merrily, cheerfully
безполезно - (adv) uselessly
вдруг - (adv) suddenly

New Words/Hовые Cлова

чудно - (adv) wonderfully, beautifully
мрачно - (adv) gloomily, dismally
только - (adv) only, but
уже - (adv) already











Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 


I have restructured the folders to make them easier to use and managed to add almost all languages requested and then some

Please let me know any further suggestions

….holy shit. You found the holy grail.

….. is this a DIFFERENT person keeping gigabytes worth of language books on google drive? Holy crap.

This. This here. Is why I love Tumblr.❤️❤️❤️

Update from OP:

UPDATE because apparently not everyone has seen this yet the new and improved version of this is a MEGA folder: https://mega.nz/folder/kQBXHKwA#-osWRLNCXAsd62ln8wKa8w

Holy shit. OP you are a wonderful human being.

O.O Linguistic Holy Grail…

@sharknadowizard Georgina look
