#lark is so important


Thinking. About the importance of Lark Oak. In a way he’s the black sheep out of all the kids, he’s literally the only one who continues to resent his father even after how much he’s been trying to reconnect with his son, and how Willy Stampler took advantage of that? Of that anger of not being the chosen hero to summon the doodler?? Oof

Like no other kid but Lark could have caused the apocalypse it always had to be him, that’s been his goal since the very early episodes of the podcast and that didn’t change even after his father tried to have a heart to heart with him just like he did with Sparrow. His motivations were always sort of disconnected from all the other kids; they all wanted to get home and see their moms again but Lark still kept his focus in being the most powerful kid in the world despite being reminded of what his mom might think.

Also the fact that he’s the only one who grew up who didn’t have a kid of his own. And it’s never mentioned or explicitly stated but I think he’s sort of the leader of the group when they grow up; It wouldn’t be too surprising that the rest would have to rely on him (just like they relied on him to drive the van when they were kids), like he doesn’t seem to have emotional attachments of his own other than his brother and nephew since he isn’t shown to have a spouse or a kid of his own, and possibly his guilt over causing the apocalypse led him to become even more focused on trying to make things right. The way he’s three steps ahead of his brother in terms of doing what he can to protect his nephew is even more telling of his position as a leader as someone who seems on top of things at least. Yeah I don’t know I just think Lark Oak is extremely good even if he might think otherwise
