#last time i had hair this short it was so short



I’d been meaning to cut my own hair off for at least 6 months now (it grows stupid fast as far as I can tell) and I went with a tried and true method, but… somehow managed to take off WAY too much. The original intent was to have a wee ponytail, which usually means somewhere around shoulder length. What ended up happening was hair just below my jaw. Heh.

J helped level it off, since I can’t do shit with the back of my head even during the best of times. Neither of us knows how hair works. The words “I’m gonna have to do some layering” were enough to bring me near panic, as I have the world’s worst extra-fine textured mostly straight sad white girl hair there is. What’s done is done! Though I’m sure I’ll do some trimming as time goes on.

I did get a good laugh at him trying to photograph the back of my head to show me and saying “why doesn’t the photo look right AT ALL?” Dude, welcome to my world, my whole self seemingly can’t be photographed properly. (All these years I thought that was my imagination, which is why I generally do not do photos.)

I just cannot do long hair anymore, but I’m too stubborn/out of the loop to have my hair managed by professionals. After all, what the hell does it matter? It’s going under a bike helmet or hat, anyway.

Downside to short hair: I forgot that it makes all my grey hairs even more wild and whacky than they were. 
