#laurent is trying so hard ♡



I couldn’t find any one-shots that were about Damen and Laurent spooning, so I wrote this one. Post-canon fluff, more or less.

“Laurent. Would you move closer?” says Damen, and while his voice when saying Laurent’s name had been tentative, by the end of the request his voice had been—wheedling is a fair descriptor, Laurent rules. Somewhere between wheedling and plaintive.

There is nearly an arm span of empty bed between them.

“Your wound,” Laurent reminds him. Damen has, in these last weeks, revealed himself to be an incorrigibly bad patient.

“I’ll let you know if you’re hurting it. And Paschal did say it wasn’t in danger of reopening any more, barring extreme exertion.”

‘Extreme exertion’ hadn’t been exactly how Paschal had put it. Paschal had been both a great deal more specific and a great deal less delicate.

And Damen is right that Laurent simply lying near to Damen, near enough to touch, is not likely to do the wound any damage now.

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