#laurent x damen

 — Released from the weight of the jacket, Laurent rolled his shoulder, as he did sometimes after a

Released from the weight of the jacket, Laurent rolled his shoulder, as he did sometimes after a long day in the saddle. Damen brought his hand up to squeeze Laurent’s shoulder gently— and then stopped.

Prince’s Gambit was by far my favorite out of the Captive Prince Trilogy. Golden Age vibes, Commander x Second-in-command, UST, it truly had it all to make me fall. This was one of the scenes that had me actually trembling while I was reading.

(Damen and Laurent belong to s @c.s.pacat!)

please do not repost or edit

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A sequel to this post.@shae-la-hyeneasked for Laurent spooning Damen, so here’s the drabble as requested

Laurent moves quickly, without thinking. Damen, too, leans back into the gesture instinctively, without thought.

It is only a moment later, when he is settling into the feeling of Laurent’s arms around him, Laurent’s chest pressed against his back, Laurent’s whole body curled around him in an embrace, that he realizes that they’ve never done this before.

On nights like tonight, when at the end of a seemingly-endless day, Damen has gone to bed frustrated with kyroi and council and the entire institution of kingship, on worse nights when Damen has awoken from too-real nightmares, Laurent has comforted him many times before. He has an uncanny knack for knowing what Damen needs in that particular moment, whether it’s a sharp-edged joke about the situation or heartfelt words of comfort. Or touch–Laurent laying a hand on his arm, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, squeezing his hand. Hugging him. Letting Damen take him in his arms. 

But he’s never done this before, never lain holding Damen like Damen has held him on so many nights. It reminds him of a long-ago night, a worse distress, and Laurent hugging him for the first time, Damen realizing how long it had been since anyone had done that.

Damen is, he is finding, unused to showing enough vulnerability to allow himself to be comforted. He is unused to having people he can turn to, to be vulnerable with without being reminded that he is a warrior, a king, meant to be the strong one. 

With Laurent, too-perceptive Laurent, it doesn’t matter if Damen is ready to admit weakness or not. Laurent knows. 

This is nice, he thinks. Lying here like this, feeling the rise and fall of Laurent’s chest, being held. Leaning back and being supported. This is very nice. 

He wonders, a tad amused at himself, if Laurent is thinking as much about the novelty of their position as he is. He’s grown so much more comfortable, these past months, with touch, cuddling. “The easy mannerisms that are usually shared with a lover,” he had said once. Damen has never told him, but he treasures how easily Laurent will relax into him now. He’s used to Damen holding him the way he now holds Damen, and he was unhesitant tonight to offer Damen this in return.

If he had Laurent’s disposition, he’d be working on an elaborate scheme complete with layered contingency plans to ensure this happens again. But he doesn’t, so instead he says, “Laurent?”

“Yes?” says Laurent, voice already grown sleepy-soft.

“This is nice.”

Laurent hums. “Yeah, it is.”

A period of silence, where Damen finds himself moving closer towards sleep as well.



“Thank you.”

Laurent makes a noise in response that is half agreement and half laugh, and his arm around Damen’s chest tightens. 

averyfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: daveryfastpony: HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: d


HOW DO YOU EVEN POST A 20 PANELS COMIC ON TUMBLR, SERIOUSLY. My answer is probably: don’t make one in the first place. I’m sorry if it makes your dashboard explode.

This is my @captiveprince–ss gift for Allie @thecaptiveroyals. It was supposed to be for the prompts ‘emotional healing’ and ‘ghosts’, but it ended up lacking in the ghosts department. I hope you like it anyway. 

Thanks a lot to kuroosthighz for all the help!

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amdvinci:Tfw you’re dtf and your husband is only dtf (down to fight).


Tfw you’re dtf and your husband is only dtf (down to fight).

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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kbjs0F6


If someone waved a piece of fabric at Damen during a tourney, the only reasonable response was for him to grab it, use it to wipe the sweat and oil from his face, and discard it.
Of course, sometimes Damen forgot he was dealing with a confounding, convoluted people who lacked even a modicum of common sense.

Words: 3212, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 2 of A Courtship in Miscommunication

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kbjs0F6


read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kbjs0F6


If someone waved a piece of fabric at Damen during a tourney, the only reasonable response was for him to grab it, use it to wipe the sweat and oil from his face, and discard it.
Of course, sometimes Damen forgot he was dealing with a confounding, convoluted people who lacked even a modicum of common sense.

Words: 3212, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 2 of A Courtship in Miscommunication

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kbjs0F6


I couldn’t find any one-shots that were about Damen and Laurent spooning, so I wrote this one. Post-canon fluff, more or less.

“Laurent. Would you move closer?” says Damen, and while his voice when saying Laurent’s name had been tentative, by the end of the request his voice had been—wheedling is a fair descriptor, Laurent rules. Somewhere between wheedling and plaintive.

There is nearly an arm span of empty bed between them.

“Your wound,” Laurent reminds him. Damen has, in these last weeks, revealed himself to be an incorrigibly bad patient.

“I’ll let you know if you’re hurting it. And Paschal did say it wasn’t in danger of reopening any more, barring extreme exertion.”

‘Extreme exertion’ hadn’t been exactly how Paschal had put it. Paschal had been both a great deal more specific and a great deal less delicate.

And Damen is right that Laurent simply lying near to Damen, near enough to touch, is not likely to do the wound any damage now.

Keep reading


Laurent saying “you take liberties” for calling him by his first name, after he’s pushed Damen down on the bed and jerked him off, is pretty funny


Again Damen and Laurent, inspired by @sirahcos and @cottonmouthcosplay on Instagram ✨.


read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vaML7mZ


Coming from a country whose dress customarily exposed much of one’s body, Damen never thought he would become flustered over the thin skin of an inner wrist, or the elegant curve of an ankle bone. Yet, as with most things involving Laurent, Damen found himself helpless in the face of a suitor whose form was perpetually shrouded in no less than five layers.

Words: 3832, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English

Series: Part 3 of A Courtship in Miscommunication

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vaML7mZ
xyai:Laurent of Vere: renowned across the land for carrying out history’s slowest courtshipDamianos xyai:Laurent of Vere: renowned across the land for carrying out history’s slowest courtshipDamianos xyai:Laurent of Vere: renowned across the land for carrying out history’s slowest courtshipDamianos xyai:Laurent of Vere: renowned across the land for carrying out history’s slowest courtshipDamianos xyai:Laurent of Vere: renowned across the land for carrying out history’s slowest courtshipDamianos


Laurent of Vere: renowned across the land for carrying out history’s slowest courtship

Damianos of Akielos: reigning champion of completely failing to notice repeat overtures of romance

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xyai: Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century (take one, take two, xyai: Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century (take one, take two, xyai: Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century (take one, take two, xyai: Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century (take one, take two, xyai: Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century (take one, take two, xyai: Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century (take one, take two,


Kings Rising Predictions: local prince’s bf crowned troll of the century

(take one,take two,take three,take four)

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saltroclus:The follower count on this blog just hit another thousand so have a celebratory art! D/L


The follower count on this blog just hit another thousand so have a celebratory art! D/L reunited after getting some political shit done post KR.
I had lots of fun imagining all the possible hybrids between Veretian & Akielos fashion and Laurent ends up looking like a mix of Rey and a problematic vegan

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junie-junette: Quick sketch following my last (and only haha) #captiveprince drawing, just to spend


Quick sketch following my last (and only haha) #captiveprince drawing, just to spend some time on something tonight and practice a little with references !

Goodnight !

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semesadique:Third artist to thank from the Ycon7 in Paris last week-end: @ junie-junette ♥They saved


Third artist to thank from the Ycon7 in Paris last week-end: @ junie-junette ♥

They saved me from the terrible enemy of my life: the choice.

That was again so unexpected but that made my day at the very end of the convention♥ I keep this gift preciously (and admire it too much haha) Thank you so much!!

And SERIOUSLY, their art of Captive Prince is sooo perfect! Plus there are very few artists that draw this fandom and even less of them are french! (so that I can buy their art ehe)

Any Captive Prince fan here? Then go there now!! >> http://junie-junette.tumblr.com/

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junie-junette: “Just a little longer, he thought”. Chapter 20 #CaptivePrince vol.2 by C. S. Pacat ‘c


“Just a little longer, he thought”. Chapter 20 #CaptivePrince vol.2 by C. S. Pacat ‘cause I WAS CRYING IN DESPAIR WHILE READING AGAIN THIS BOOK (especially this part of the book. Or all the book I’m not sure). Laurent was so damn cute in chapter 19. WELL. Goodnight !

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“You beast.”

I did this Captive Prince sketch a long time ago ! But I lined it on Procreate last week at the convention and I coloured it and… I’m so happy with the result ! It’s probably from the beginning of their relationship, where Damen could have killed Laurent asap haha !
