



Here’s a little drabble for our fave Boston boy’s 40th birthday!

It wasn’t as if you hadn’t spent birthdays apart before. This was the nature of the beast. But a significant birthday? You’d always made elaborate plans – you never cared if they were cheesy, the only thing that mattered was that you were together. Clichés are non-existent when you’re with the right person. Every day, every act of love a cherished gift.

So, the moment you found out that Chris would be spending his 40th birthday in Paris during a pandemic, your plans suddenly got smaller. But that didn’t mean they’d be any less special. You were going to make sure of that.

Sunday finally came, and you paced around the apartment, Dodger following you curiously. You leaned down to ruffle his fur, chuckling as his eyes began to close in sleepy bliss. Leaving him napping on the evening sun-drenched floor, you walked into the bedroom to slip into something a little sexier than your messy bun and sweats.

“You ready to surprise Daddy, Dodge?”

You checked the time on your phone, scrolling through the world clock before heading to your laptop to open Skype. As you waited for the wifi to connect, you headed to the refrigerator to grab the bottle of champagne you’d bought, the pop of the cork causing Dodger to bounce and bark in fright.

The chat window sprung to life with a jaunty tone.

“Hey there, birthday boy!”

“Hi honey. I miss you.” Chris tilted his head, eyes soft with love.

“I miss you too. I know we can’t spoil each other like we usually do, but I do have something planned for you.” You smirked.

“I feel spoiled enough just looking at you – I’m so lucky to have you.”

“That’s my line, you dork.” You chuckled. “I hope the hotel brought you some champagne. I’m drinking for the both of us here.”

“They did.” Chris raised a glass. “So, tell me, what’s this special plan of yours?” He cocked an eyebrow and took a sip of champagne.

“Before you get too drunk to stand up, have a look around the room.”

Chris pushed himself off the bed, rummaging around every nook and cranny he could find. You’d hidden forty love notes around the hotel room, and within minutes of frantic searching, he’d found all of them.

“Honey, what are these?” Chris glanced at the strips of paper.

“Read them and find out.”

You watched with glee as his brow furrowed, reading each and every one slowly.

“Forty reasons why I love you. It was hard to narrow them down.”

“Well, you did a pretty good job.” His voice cracked a little. He attempted to mask it with another gulp of champagne. “Love you, babe.”

“Love you times forty.” You winked, clinking your glasses together through the screen.


@denisemarieangelina@thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @brattycherubwrites @cherrychris @celestialbarnes@the-iceni-bitch@caplanbuckybarnes@caplanreads@autumnrose40@patzammit@mxsamwilson@hevans-angel@elvenfforestydd@harrysthiccthighss@cherry-gemz@brattycherub@brattycherubwrites@angrybirdcr@blossomslibrary@babyyhoneyydarling@divine-mistake@aubreeskailynn@lharrietg@littlebirdofrivia@cavillsharman@mostly-marvel-musings


Two birds, one sexy stone

Okay, so this was a request from @mcubabydotcom and I thought I’d ease in gently (no pun intended….was it?) and then I got a little carried away and wrote more than expected…what can I say? You read one article and one forum thread and you get more ideas! C'est la vie.

It’s time to introduce…cockwarming with Chris.


Lazy mornings never really meant anything until you met Chris. Over the past year, you’d learned to slow down. To appreciate the time you had together. When he came home from working away, there was nothing you loved more than waking up to find him next to you again. Morning sex was just a fun bonus.

Last night he’d come home and you’d had – by your own admission – the slowest, laziest sex you’d had in a while. But it didn’t really matter, because you were together. However, a shock came in the morning when you woke to find him snoring on top of you. Still inside you. You shifted against the mattress, trying to wake him up. Nothing. You slapped his back and he jumped into consciousness. The way he jolted made him push lightly against your walls.

Maybe you didn’t mind this after all.

Keep reading

This is somehow and and all at the same time?????? Aka it’s perfect


Feeling ready to write again, so I’m starting with a super short drabble for @hiddelstannerbarnesx

It started with a text. Four words.

Are you done yet?

Chris was out at a table read. You were home alone, and you had woken up knowing that today was going to be another one of those days. In spite of everything, you felt sad. Unbearably, exhaustingly sad. Dodger sensed it and padded over to you, jumping up to stretch out on your lap. You traced lazy circles along his fur and glanced at your phone, hoping for a text.

An hour later, Chris was home. Dodger didn’t move, and that’s how Chris knew something was wrong. He didn’t call out, he just walked into the living room and wrapped his arms around you from the back of the sofa, placing a soft kiss on the crown of your head. You placed your hands over his and breathed deeply, inhaling him, basking in his warmth and his soothing energy. This was all you needed. Now and always.

Permanent taglist: @hiddelstannerbarnes@redlipstickandblacktea@just-one-ordinary-fangirl@optimistic-dinosaur-nacho@djeniiscorner@its-tortle@k347@ixalit@iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cevansfics@capchrisevaans@hawkeyeandthewintersoldier@musette22@mcubabydotcom@worksby-d@chuckbass-love@bluemusickid@fallinforevans@hellobeautworld@katiew1973@just-dreaming-marvel@disaster-dean@rebthom89@navybrat817@just-dreaming-marvel-2@sweater-daddiesdumbdork@navybrat817@angrythingstarlight@what-is-your-plan-today@denisemarieangelina@thesecretlifeofdaydreamss@brattycherubwrites@cherrychris@celestialbarnes​​@the-iceni-bitch@caplanbuckybarnes​​@caplanreads​​@autumnrose40@patzammit@mxsamwilson@hevans-angel​​@elvenfforestydd@harrysthiccthighss@cherry-gemz@buckybarnes101@libraholland

