#chris evans x you


Mosaic Broken Hearts

Summary: Your ex boyfriend barges into Chris’s house, bringing your real feelings out.

Warning: homophobic language, mentions of domestic violence, angst, fluff!!,

A/n: I think there will be one more part to this, but it really depends on how much you guys like this part!!

“Go to bed already,” You groan, throwing a pillow across the bed. Scott catches it before it hits his face, dropping it between his legs. “Noooo, I’m not done,” He groans, throwing his head back.

Scott has been in your room for hours, going over every detail of his date gone wrong. You’ve been trying to force yourself to forget about the almost kiss, but nothing is distracting you. You can still feel Chris’s breath on your lips, his stare focusing on you.

You even thought about bringing it up to Scott, but you don’t want him to make a big deal out of it. Nothing even happened, why should you mention it?

You yawn, snuggling deep into your bed. “Well, I’m tired. You can tell me more in the morning,” You mumble, your eyelids fluttering closed. Scott sighs, standing up, throwing the pillow back down to you.

“Fine, I’ll go over every detail tomorrow morning,” He says, wiggling his eyebrows. You sleepily watch as he walks out of your room, leaving the door cracked. You sigh deeply, feeling sleep taking over your body.


“Y/n,” Chris whispers, standing over your bed. You toss over in your bed, snuggling deeper into your bed. You don’t know how long you’ve been asleep, but you think you must be dreaming.

It isn’t until Chris places a hand on your shoulder that you realize you’re not dreaming. You open your eyes, jumping slightly when you see Chris standing over you. He’s smiling, looking down at you. He’s shirtless, which you’re still not used to.

“Chris?” You ask, your voice quiet. Your heart is racing from the scare, but your mind hasn’t quite caught up with you. You can barely make out Chris’s face, the lamp light doing a poor job of illuminating it.

Chris sits on the edge of your bed, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck. You can tell something is on his mind, but you’re not sure what. Your eyes fall to his lips, wishing you hadn’t been interrupted earlier. You feel sure if you had gone through with the kiss, you would’ve ended up in bed with him, having the night of your life.

“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Chris admits, his eyes darting down to your lips. He had been thinking about you all night, thinking about how if he never took this chance, he might not ever get it again.

He’s waited long enough.

You roll over on your back, pulling the blankets up to your chest. You smile up at him, your cheeks heating up. You’ve never had a guy be so honest about his feelings, it’s refreshing. “What are you thinking about?”

Chris sucks in a deep breath, leaning forward, his face hovering over yours. If you leaned forward just an inch, you’d have him right where you want him, but you can’t talk yourself into it.

“Thinking about how good your lips would feel,” He mutters, his voice dropping. With every word, his lips brush over yours, your nose swiping his. It’s far more contact than you’ve ever had with him before, but it’s still not enough for you.

There’s something about Chris that just drives you crazy. Your breath hitches in your throat as his lips press against yours, fireworks going off in your head. Time seems to stop, freezing this moment for you so you can go back and replay it. It’s a simple kiss, one that tells you exactly what you need to know.

Chris feels the same way you do.

You try to soak up the kiss, never wanting to forget this moment, when you hear a loud knock at the door. You try your best to ignore it, focusing on Chris’s lips instead. It isn’t long after the kiss started when you hear Scott shouting something, causing both of you to pull away.

“Get out! I’m going to call the cops!” You hear Scott say, causing you to raise your eyebrows. You’ve never heard such… Anger in Scott’s voice. Scott is normally a very happy person. There’s only one person that can get under Scott’s skin like this.

“Shit,” You say, your eyes widening. You glance up at Chris, who’s staring at you with confusion all over his face. You hop out of bed, hurrying down the hallway.

“Where is she?” You hear your ex say. His voice sends a shiver down your spine, grimacing as you remember what your last encounter entailed. Chris is right behind you, his face red with anger. He’s never met your ex boyfriend before, but he doesn’t have to to know that he’s a piece of shit.

You walk into the living room, watching Scott block Tyler’s view of you. “You’re not going anywhere near her, buddy. Get the hell out of my house,”

Tyler looks down at Scott, smirking. “Oh, yeah? What are you going to do if I don’t, twink?”

Anger flashes through your body as you watch him put his hands on Scott, pushing him backward. Scott fights to push him back, but Chris quickly steps in, leaving you exposed. “Hey! Get your hands off of him!” He shouts, stepping in the middle of the boys.

Tyler jerks his head up to see where the voice is coming from, looking Chris up and down. He smirks, taking a step back. “I take it you’re the guy that’s fucking this twink, huh?”

With that, you step up, anger fueling your body. He has no right to come into their house and insult them. You can’t stand Tyler, you want him out.“You need to leave, now, Tyler,” You say, trying your best to keep your voice steady.

It’s hard to look him in the eyes, especially when he’s stared you down while choking you before. You feel your body shaking, but you won’t let him know how he’s affecting you. Chris keeps a careful eye on you, making sure you’re okay.

“Well, well, well… moved on already, have we?” Tyler mocks, darting his eyes between you and Chris. You can see the gears turning in his head, causing your stomach to twist. If Tyler even thinks there’s something going on between you and Chris, he’ll lose it. Tyler still looks at you as his property, property that no one else should touch.

You quickly shake your head, swallowing the lump in your throat. “No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends,” You say, watching Chris out of the corner of your eye. It’s obvious to him what you’re doing, but it shouldn’t be this way.

Maybe you are just friends. Maybe the kiss meant nothing to you. But you shouldn’t be scared to tell your ex-boyfriend that you’ve moved on.

Chris steps up, looking Tyler up and down. “No, we’re not just friends. I think you need to leave now,” He says, darting his eyes over to you. Your heart sinks, a sick feeling settling deep in your stomach.

You don’t need Chris to fight your battles. You can do it on your own. If you don’t want your ex boyfriend to know you’ve moved on, you shouldn’t be forced to tell him.

Tyler rolls his eyes, staring you down. “You’ll come back to me,” He deadpans, letting you know how serious he is. Without another word, he walks out, leaving you three in the living room.

Scott instantly wraps you in his arms, pulling you close. “Are you okay?” He asks, pulling away from you. You nod, unable to find your voice just yet. You turn to look at Chris, anger bubbling in your stomach.

You walk up to him, shoving him back with your hands. “Why the fuck did you do that?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows. Chris stares at you, just as confused as you are. You like Chris, he did the right thing.

So why are you mad?

For once, you just wanted to be your own person. You just wanted to stand up to Tyler once.

And part of you might be scared to actually let go of Tyler. He’s all you’ve ever known. Without him, you don’t have a home. Without him, you don’t have anyone that loves you.

Maybe part of you wanted to hold onto him for just a little longer.

Tears well up in your eyes as your bottom lip trembles, the reality of it all finally hitting you. Chris mouths a quick ‘get out’ to Scott, who’s trying to figure everything out. He rushes into his room, giving you the privacy you need.

“What did I do wrong, y/n? Just tell me,” Chris begs, grabbing your wrists in his hands. You look up at him, sniffling, trying to stop the tears from flowing.

“I’m alone,” You whisper, your heart breaking all over again. Without Tyler, you don’t know who you are. You changed so much just for him to want you, to love you. Who are you if you’re not loved by Tyler?

Chris lets go of your hands, pulling you close to his chest. “You’re not alone, y/n. Scott loves you, you’re his best friend!” He reminds you, resting his chin on the top of your head. You feel him nervously gulp as you snuggle deeper into his chest, the exhaustion from the adrenaline rush finally setting in.

“A-and I know we’ve only really known each other for a couple of weeks, but I really like you. As long as you’re here, you’re never going to be alone,” Chris reassures you, rubbing your back.

You sigh a sigh of relief, letting your guard down.

You might not have Tyler, but you have something even better now.

These Are the Hands of Fate

Non-Famous!Chris x Reader

Summary: When Scott offered you a room at his brothers house, you never thought it would turn into this

Warning: mentions of domestic abuse, a lot of awkwardness,


Scott throws his head back laughing, popping another piece of popcorn back in his mouth. Chris leans back in his chair, his hand smacking against his chest.

“You’ll never believe what happened after that,” Scott says, earning another round of laughter out of their friends. It’s Thanksgiving night, meaning everyone’s come over to Chris’s house after their family dinners.

It’s been a tradition for as long as they can remember. Despite living in the same city as Chris, Scott always ends up crashing there for the entire month of December… And maybe a little of January, too.

He doesn’t like being alone during the holidays, what can he say?

Scott’s attention turns toward his lap whenever his phone starts vibrating, your picture popping up on his screen. “Sh, everybody be quiet,” He orders, standing up from his seat.

The laughter dies down as Scott takes the call, his eyebrows furrowing when he hears you sniffling. “Y/n, what’s going on?”

You sniffle again, wiping your cheeks with your hand. “I uh, need a place to stay,” You say, your voice breaking.

Chris says something in the background to make the crowd laugh, so Scott covers the speaker with his hand and politely (not so politely) tells them to shut up. He turns his attention back to you, on high alert.

He’s been dreading this call for years. Actually, for as long as he’s known you. Because the whole time he’s known you, you’ve been with your scum bag boyfriend. The only reason he lets you hang out with Scott is because he’s gay.

Otherwise, you’re not allowed to do anything you want to.

Scott sighs, his heart breaking for you. “I’m not home, but I’ll give you Chris’s address,” He says, getting Chris’s attention.

Chris laughs and wiggles his eyebrows, looking back over at his friends. “Scott must be desperate, sending his booty call over to his brothers house,”

Scott ignores the comment, quickly giving you the address. He knows you don’t have time to answer questions, so he’ll sort that out later. Once he knows you’re safe and in your car, he hangs up, walking toward the door and opening it.

“Everybody, out,” He says, motioning his hand out the door. They all start muttering, looking back and forth at Chris. Chris stands up, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Scott, what the hell are you doing? You’re ruining the party,” He says, watching as his friends defeatedly gather their things and walk out of the door, murmuring under their breath.

Scott runs his fingers through his hair, shutting the door behind him. “Do you care if I have a friend stay here with me? She needs my help,” Scott pleads, his voice breaking.

Chris holds his frown, but softens his face. He’s not seen Scott like this in a long time. He doesn’t really like company, but any friend of Scott’s is a friend of his. Chris sighs, his shoulders dropping.

“Yeah, she can stay as long as she needs,”

Scott breathes out a quick thank you, relaxing momentarily. Chris sits back down on the couch, looking over at his baby brother. “What’s going on with her?” He asks, reaching in the popcorn bowl.

Scott shakes his head, standing next to the door, just in case you need him. “She’s with a pretty shit guy. I don’t know what happened, but one can only assume…”

Chris slowly nods, a lump forming in his throat. He thinks of his sisters, hell, even his brother, going through something like that. Before he can think about it longer, a knock comes at the door.

Scott jumps to answer the door, revealing you standing in the doorway. Your cheeks are red, but your eye is black. It’s obvious you’ve been crying.

You stand at the door with your bags around your feet, your heart broken in your chest. As soon as you see Scott, you choke out a sob, stumbling forward and wrapping your arms around his neck. You hadn’t realized just how scared you were when the adrenaline was running your body.

It’s only now that you’re able to cry, safe in Scott’s arms.

Scott wraps his arms around you, pulling back and brushing the hair away from your face. “Oh, honey… Chris, get her bags,” Scott says, helping you to the kitchen. Chris hurries over to the doorframe, his eyes landing on yours.

You pull your eyes away from his, not wanting him to see you this way. You’ve met Chris before, thanks to the various parties Scott throws. You’ve never been able to spend more than five minutes with Chris, worried Tyler would see and get threatened.

Scott leads you to the kitchen, reaching in the freezer and pulling out an ice pack. You rest against the counter, sniffling, trying to pull yourself together. “It all happened so fast,” You whisper, watching as Chris carries your bags in his spare room.

Scott tuts, shaking his head. He holds the ice pack to your eye, his own eyes watering. “It’ll be the last time it ever happens, you hear me?” He asks, his voice stern.

You don’t respond, instead, moving your hand to hold the ice pack on your eye. Chris comes into the kitchen, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s staring at you, but he won’t say anything. Scott sees you staring back at him, practically shrinking inside yourself.

“Chris, can you go somewhere?” Scott asks– orders.


“Why didn’t you tell me it was her?” Chris asks, struggling to keep his voice quiet. He’s leaning against the kitchen counter, watching as Scott tries to clean up.

Scott shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “I didn’t think it mattered, Chris.” He mutters, huffing. He’s clearly annoyed with his big brother. He gawked at you the whole time, until you went to bed.

That’s the last thing you need right now.

“Of course, it matters! You know that–”

“That you’re hopelessly in love with her?” Scott finishes, turning to face Chris. His face heats up as he scoffs. He’s not… Hopelessly in love with you.

He just hadn’t been able to stop thinking about you since he first met you two years ago. You were alone at the party, the only time he’s ever seen you alone. You’d both been drinking, so maybe there were some flirty exchanges. But you never went any further than that, insisting you had a boyfriend at home.

“I’m not in love with her,” He starts, but Scott interrupts. “Oh, please! Ever since that night, you’ve been going to every one of my parties. You act like it’s just to be supportive, but I know you’re really trying to run into her again,”

Chris blushes, dropping his eyes to the floor. Scott’s not wrong, but Chris wasn’t aware he was so painfully obvious.


You hum along to the classical music, closing your eyes as you stir the pasta into the sauce. Scott went out with friends today, leaving you home. Thankfully, Chris went back to work, meaning you had the house to yourself.

Chris normally doesn’t get home until late, so you thought you’d have dinner ready for you and Scott. You dance around in your sweats, in awe of how much happier this house is. You can’t remember the last time you felt like singing, especially while cooking.

Cooking was made to feel like a chore when you were with your ex, something you had to get perfectly right. It was something that was expected of you. You didn’t have time for dancing, too scared you would set him off. The house smells like creamy pasta, sending your stomach rumbling.

It’s not exactly a winter meal, but it’ll have to do. It’s cold outside, the snow falling down from the trees. Thanksgiving has come and gone, leaving only a couple of weeks before Christmas. You’re not sure what you’re going to get Scott, nothing you could get him would repay him for what he’s doing.

While the bruises have healed, your heart still aches. You push the thoughts back deep into your mind, focusing on the way the front door creaks. “Scott?” You call out, swaying your hips to the music. You add more spices to the sauce, humming along to the music.

You don’t get a response, but you continue talking over the music. “Thanks for leaving me alone with Chris,” You say, sarcastically. You’ve been open with Scott about how hot you think his brother is, even though Scott just gags. You’d never been able to do anything about it before, but now it’s all you can think about.

You see him first thing in the morning, when he stumbles into the kitchen, mumbling a ‘good morning’. You see him when he gets out of the shower, his hair dripping water down his back. You see him every second of the day; he’s kind of getting hard to ignore.

“If I had to look at his abs one more time, I think I would’ve creamed my pants,” You add, laughing under your breath. You know Scott is gagging, you just have to see his fa–

Oh, my, god.

Chris is standing at the kitchen, his eyebrows raised, a smirk on his lips. His cheeks are red from the cold air, or maybe from the fact you just admitted to having a thing for him.

Your heart drops into your stomach, your cheeks heating up. “Oh, I’m so sorry… I didn’t think you’d be home so early,” You mutter, biting your bottom lip between your teeth.

Chris smiles at you, his eyes tearing away from you. Home. You know you don’t mean it like this, but Chris can’t help but think you’ve gotten comfortable living with him.

“Yeah, I got done early,” He answers, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He watches as you shift your weight, clearly feeling the awkwardness in this moment.

You stare blankly ahead, not sure what to do. Should you get in your car and drive to Mexico? Should you just go outside and bury yourself? There’s no way you’re gonna be able to look at Chris ever again.

Chris clears his throat, walking past you, peering into the pan. “Scott called and said he’d be staying the night at a friend’s house, so it’ll just be me and you,” He says, his cheeks still red.

The music still plays in the background, the faint sound of 'Honey Dove’ playing over the speaker. Chris hums along, jogging you out of your thoughts. “Dinner’s almost ready, if you want to eat with me,” You say, your voice quiet.

Chris looks up at you, a smile on his pink lips. “Yeah, I’d like that,”


You wait patiently at the table for Chris to get out of the shower and join you, tapping your socked foot against the cold floor. You’re sitting at the table, listening to the shower water cut off. You try not to think about what Chris is doing right now, knowing you’re only going to hurt yourself.

Chris would never.

You’ve seen the kinds of girls he’s gone out with, you’re nothing like them.

You snap out of your thoughts as Chris walks into the kitchen, his white t shirt clinging to his chest. His hair is still wet, but dry enough to not drip down his shoulders. Your eyes scan his body until you get to his pants…

His grey sweats.

You gulp, dropping your eyes to the food in front of you. The steam from the noodles floats up and hits your face, the smell flooding your nostrils.

“Smells good,” Chris mutters, sitting in front of you.

With the music playing in the background, the snow on the ground, and the awkwardness of it all, you’d almost say this was a first date. You watch as Chris digs in, a small moan coming out of his mouth.

“You made this?” He asks, washing his food down with a glass of water. You silently nod, your voice failing you.

You’re not sure why you’re so… Nervous. This isn’t a date, this is just a casual dinner with someone who just so happens to be the hottest man you’ve ever seen in your life.

You wish Scott was here to break up the awkwardness.

Several moments go by, silence filling the room as you and Chris eat dinner. You’re trying your best to avoid eye contact, not wanting to make this any more awkward.

“How long are you going to stay?” Chris asks, his eyes meeting yours. Your heart drops in your stomach as you clear your throat, trying to find an answer. You hadn’t even thought about the fact that Chris probably doesn’t want you around.

Afterall, Scott goes back home after the new year, you’ll have to find a place before that. You’ve not even been looking for anywhere to go, you’ve just made yourself comfortable in Chris’s home. “Oh, uh, Scott told me to stay as long as I needed. I’m out of a job right now, my ex didn’t want me to work, but I can find something. I can be out pretty soon, I just did–”

Chris reaches out his hand, touching yours. You shut your mouth, your eyes dropping to where your hands meet. “Hey, you don’t have to be in any rush. I actually like you being here,” He admits, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Your heart races, trying to keep your hand perfectly still. You don’t want him to think he’s making you uncomfortable, you like feeling him on your skin.

“It can get lonely around here,”

You scoff, raising your eyebrow. “I don’t believe that for a second,” You say, standing up to gather the plates. You lean over the table, picking Chris’s plate up. He keeps his eyes on you as you walk to the sink, turning the water on.

“You don’t?” He asks, standing up. He follows you to the sink, leaning against it, crossing his arms across his chest.

“Nope,” You say, popping the ‘p’.

“And why’s that?” He asks, cocking his head to the side. You wash the dishes, your hands soapy.

“Because,” You say, your cheeks heating up. “Look at you,”

You don’t understand how he’s not swimming in people wanting to be with him. You halfway expected there to be a line out his front door, people dying to get in here and to be with him. Every time you’ve seen him at Scott’s parties, he’d been alone, talking you up in the corner.

You never quite understood why you never saw him with people, but you settled on the possibility of him not being a relationship kind of guy.

Chris laughs, throwing his head back. “Look at me?” He repeats, trying to catch his breath from laughing. You can’t help but laugh along, thanks to his contagious laugh.

“Yes! I find it very hard to believe that you ever get lonely,” You say, drying your hands off. You turn to face Chris. who’s moved closer to you. You look up at him, a smile still on his face.

The laugher subsides, the smiles fading. Chris’s face is less than an inch from yours, sparking a fire deep in your belly. The music is still playing low in the background, setting the scene for a perfect kiss.

As if reading your mind, Chris leans forward, his nose almost touching yours. You close your eyes, preparing yourself for the best moment of your life. You can already feel yourself falling, unlike ever before.

Chris’s breath fans over your face as he exhales, preparing to kiss you.

“Ugh, I am NEVER using Grindr again. A complete bust. Wasted time and wasted gas,” Scott groans, slamming the door behind him. Your eyes fly open as you jump, jerking your head over to the door.

Chris backs up, staring at the door. Scott is oblivious, rambling on and on about how he had the worst lay of his life. You look back over at Chris, who looks almost pained by the interruption.

You can’t say you’re not upset… You almost had the best kiss of your life. Scott walks up to you, pulling at your arm. “Come on, I’ve got to tell you all about it,” He says, leading you into the spare room.

You look over your shoulder, your heart skipping a beat as Chris winks at you, letting you know he’s not done with you.



Summary: Feeling a bit jealous after having seen pictures of Chris kissing someone else for work. Could there be more to it than just jealousy? 

Warnings: None. Bit angsty feeling maybe. 

Word count : 845

A/N= No proof reading. A short one, I know I’ve been posting less frequently lately which I hate but the inspiration and the ‘drive’ to write is hard to come by for the time being. 


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here

Feel free to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List.


You were sitting on the bed in Chris’ hotel room. You’d taken some days off from work so you could go to DC to visit Chris. However, when you got there, you were greeted with less joyous pictures all over the internet. You tried letting it go because you knew that it’s his job and only a job. Still didn’t change that fact that it wasn’t that awesome watching your boyfriend making out with someone else.

Keep reading

More than enough


Summary: Feeling a bit jealous after having seen pictures of Chris kissing someone else for work. Could there be more to it than just jealousy? 

Warnings: None. Bit angsty feeling maybe. 

Word count : 845

A/N= No proof reading. A short one, I know I’ve been posting less frequently lately which I hate but the inspiration and the ‘drive’ to write is hard to come by for the time being. 


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here

Feel free to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List.


You were sitting on the bed in Chris’ hotel room. You’d taken some days off from work so you could go to DC to visit Chris. However, when you got there, you were greeted with less joyous pictures all over the internet. You tried letting it go because you knew that it’s his job and only a job. Still didn’t change that fact that it wasn’t that awesome watching your boyfriend making out with someone else.

Chris came back from filming later that evening pleased to see you’d arrived. He greeted you like always with a long embrace and a kiss just as nice. However, it didn’t feel quite right. Something was off. And as the evening progressed it became very clear to Chris that something was very off. You didn’t seem as happy about being in DC like he’d thought. Normally whenever you’d come see him during filming it was the greatest thing in the world because it was something you both looked forward to and enjoyed immensely. But this time something was up.

So, watching you from across the room, Chris decided he needed to take action. 

“Why the sour face?”

“Shut up.”

Chris couldn’t help snickering a bit at your remark. 

“Ohh. Now, I know someone’s in a sour mood.”

You hid your face in your pillow. You felt the bed dip and became aware of his presence next to you on the bed. You could feel Chris’ hand on your lower back rubbing it softly.

“C'mon, bubs…talk to me”

“You’re gonna laugh at me”

“Nah, of you? Never.”

You rolled over on your side facing Chris. Face still nestled in the pillow.

“I saw the pictures and videos from set today.”


“It’s just -”


“I know! But still - not the greatest thing to wake up to seeing your boyfriend making out with someone else on a freaking boardwalk. Looking all loved up. I mean, you look like this amazing power-couple. And I know that you got great chemistry from filming ‘Knives out’ and then she couldn’t even keep her hands off you. So forgive me for feeling a bit put off-”

You watched Chris scrunch his face trying to refrain from laughing. You sat up pulling the pillow with you, planting several pillow-punches towards Chris

“See!? You said you wouldn’t laugh… Asshole.”

“Babe, I’m sorry I just find it hard to believe that you’d be jealous of Ana.”

“Oh!? Well sure, why wouldn’t I be jealous of someone so gorgeous, funny, smart, pretty, body like -”

“Y/N, seriously”

“Yeah, seriously. Of course, I’m jealous and -”

You took a deep breath as you stared down at your hands folded under the pillow. You didn’t dare to look at Chris as the truth crept up on you. Your cheeks felt warm and you pondered whether or not to tell him the entirety of the situation. 

“I’m not like her or any other Hollywood star…I’m just plain old me. Nothing special or anything over the top.” 


“Chris, you could have anyone and- Yes, maybe it comes off as jealousy but… Sometimes I don’t know if I’m good enough for you or even worthy of your love. I’m just me.” 

“Don’t be stoopid.” 

You let out a small scoff at your boyfriend hearing his Bostonian accent come out. You glanced at him quickly before averting your attention elsewhere. 

But he saw it that very second. Chris’ face softened as he saw the look on your face.

You hid your face in your pillow once more feeling embarrassed, upset and now ‘stoopid’. 

“Hey, look at me please.” 

Face still closely nestled in the pillow, you turned your head so you could look at him. You saw there was no goofy smile or grin. He looked very serious. His blue eyes piercing into yours. 

Chris laid down, on his side facing you. 

“You’re not enough-” 

Your eyes turned glossy the second he said the words. 

“- You’re everything and so much…so much more than enough.”

You let out small gasp not realizing you’d been holding your breath. Chris snuggled closer to you, taking your hands in his. He pulled your hands to him, pressing soft kisses on the back of your hands. Your eyes welled up at his words and the gesture. 

“You’re right… You’re just you. And ‘just’ you is what it is. It’s the woman that I fell in love with. That is everything that I want. I don’t want anybody else. Why on earth would I want someone else?”

You couldn’t help the watery laugh coming from you. Chris leaned down, kissing your forehead before pressing a long, soft kiss on your lips. You melted into the kiss inching closer to him. Chris wrapped his arms around you pulling you even closer. You felt him caressing your back as you buried your face in the crook of his neck breathing in his scent. 

“I love you.” 

He whispered in your ear holding you close. You could see and feel the love Chris felt for you.

“I love you. ”


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Summary: The best cure for insomnia = Chris 
Trigger Warnings : Strong mature content. SMUT. Language ! 
Word Count : 1,455


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here: Feel free to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List.


You’d been downplaying it. As you got in bed, the first hour or so, you hadn’t been able to settle down and fall asleep. Chris noticed it but you kept saying it was nothing. You told him to go to sleep.

Now, you were lying in bed looking over at Chris who was still sound asleep. You didn’t want to wake him up. But you’d been awake for several hours now, nowhere near getting some sleep. You had tried meditative music, walking around downstairs hoping to tire yourself… Nothing helped. Nothing worked.

There was one thing that always helped you fall right asleep… Well, several things could help you fall asleep.

Keep reading


Summary: The best cure for insomnia = Chris 
Trigger Warnings : Strong mature content. SMUT. Language ! 
Word Count : 1,455


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here: Feel free to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List.


You’d been downplaying it. As you got in bed, the first hour or so, you hadn’t been able to settle down and fall asleep. Chris noticed it but you kept saying it was nothing. You told him to go to sleep.

Now, you were lying in bed looking over at Chris who was still sound asleep. You didn’t want to wake him up. But you’d been awake for several hours now, nowhere near getting some sleep. You had tried meditative music, walking around downstairs hoping to tire yourself… Nothing helped. Nothing worked.

There was one thing that always helped you fall right asleep… Well, several things could help you fall asleep.

Him. His body. His touch. Him. His embrace. His love. Him. His cock. His arms. Him. Specifically his cock.

After some good fucking it always put you right to sleep. Or a great orgasm.

The more you thought about it the more desperate you got. You could make out the outline of his entire body as he laid there next to you oblivious to you and your mind.

You considered bringing out your little vibrator to relieve yourself. But that would wake him up and you knew he needed his sleep having started filming. You didn’t want to bother him with your neediness.

Then you rolled onto your side a bit further away from his sleeping form. Your hand crept below the covers and down your panties. You began circling your clit, slow strokes. You’d gotten a bit wet from earlier when looking at Chris and thinking about him.

Closing your eyes, you started fantasizing about you and Chris. Your hand worked well but after some minutes… nothing happened. You couldn’t make yourself come.

You grew even more desperate.

You spit in your hand trying to see if you needed more lubrication. Nothing. Your changed patterns. Nothing. Speed. Nothing. Pressure. Nothing.

You let out a hiss of frustration. You tried flicking yourself down there. Chris had done it before where it sent a spark through you. Now, as you tried copying him, nothing happens. Absolutely fucking nothing.

You glanced over your shoulder looking at Chris who seemed to be sleeping still. You were surprised that you hadn’t woken him up considering who you’d been squirming and wiggling.

You tried once more, your hand growing tired and your willpower giving up.

“Do you need a hand?” His voice was hoarse from sleeping.

Your body shook and then stilled, startled by Chris. You slowly arched your neck, locking eyes with him.

“How long have you been awake?” Your own voice was timid and dry.

“Long enough.”

Shame and embarrassment filled you as he stared at you. His blue eyes pierced into yours in the almost dark room. You wanted to die…. But most importantly you wanted to come preferably before dying due to acting like a shameless hoe.

“So, does my girl need a hand?”


You looked elsewhere trying to avoid his eyes.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, please.”

“Good girl.”

You moaned at his words and instantly you were pinned underneath him. He hovered over you as he pulled down your panties completely. You were already squirming and panting in anticipation.

“So desperate… so needy.”

Your thighs trembled as one hand disappeared between your bodies. Your legs went around his waist. You sucked in a sharp inhale as his large hand cupped your sex shortly followed by his thumb grazing your clit. And just like that…You were getting wetter by the seconds. The moment from when he touched you. He dragged his fingers up and down your wet folds.

“You want to come?”

“Yess, please”

“Hmmm… Saw how you practically dry-humped the bed like some dumb girl.”

You let out a soft cry as he continued to tease you.

“I couldn’t- couldn’t fall asleep. An- an orgasm normally helps.”

“Yeah, I know… - You should’ve asked me for help.”


You let out a soft wail as he studied you whilst grazing your waiting and desperate core.

“Hmm, so why didn’t you ask?” Your moan turned into a groan as he slowed down his hand.

You whined like the pathetic horny bitch you were. You tried urging him on, grabbing his hand only to have your hands pulled up above your head. Chris held onto your wrists with one hand while the other supported his weight.

“No, no, no. If you had done the right thing and been the good girl I know you can be, you would’ve said…”


You tried rolling your hips against him in vain. He wouldn’t budge.

“Ah ah, not what I was looking for.”

Chris let go of your hands but gave you a look that told you to keep them above your head still.

The hand slowly moved down towards your aching core.

“What were you going to say then?”

“Please, fuck me. Help me fall asleep-OH, God!”

He began fucking you with his thick finger.

“Yes… what else?”

Chris placed kisses in the column of your neck as you continued squirming underneath him.

“Chris, I need you to Fuck me-”

“Hmmm, that’s good…and yet you didn’t?”

You whined… he was now torturing you slowly.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t want to burden you.”


Chris quickened his movements making you moan.

“Hey, look at me.”

You opened your eyes, finding him staring at you.

“You’re never a burden to me…Do you hear me?”


You tried focusing which became harder and harder as you were inching closer to your climax.

Chris replaced his wet fingers with his throbbing cock. He slid right in. Your heat welcomed the lovely intrusion. Like always. ‘Oh mother of God, he just slipped right in.’

Your hands went around his neck holding onto him as he moved inside you. Precise and smooth movements. You shudder as one of his hands dips down between the two of you, finding your clit. He kept thrusting in and out keeping a steady rhythm. He kissed you, taking your breath away. You moaned into his mouth as his tongue sought out yours. It was a battle of dominance that you were more than willing to lose.

You were seeing stars. He sped up as you started quivering underneath him. Your walls gripped him ever so tightly. You were close.

You came with loud moans of pleasure. You felt tears pricking your eyes finally having reached your much needed climax. Chris kept lazily thrusting trying to squeeze every last bit of your orgasm out. You clenched around him making him hiss. Chris collapsed on top of you, face in the crook of your neck kissing the soft skin. He felt your heart beating wildly in your chest. You felt him caress the side of your face as you came down from your high. You felt tingly all over.

Afterwards, Chris stayed where he was. He moved slightly so you could both lie comfortably. Tangled up with each other. He did however stay inside you, softening cock inside your vagina.

“I think I’ll stay right here…Hmm?”

You softly let out a hum in agreement. One leg was thrown across his hip as the other plopped down against the mattress.

Cockwarmning was something you both very much enjoyed. No secret about that.

Chris couldn’t help but gaze at your naked form before him. Your hair was surprisingly not that messed up from his hand rummaging through it moments earlier. There was a small layer of sweat coating your skin. Your lips, puffy from kissing him. Your head turned a bit sideways from where his head was. You looked blissful.

You were blissful in that moment. Well and thoroughly fucked. You were filled with his warm seed that was safely nestled inside you.

Yes, this was what you needed. The best and most wanted remedy for insomnia. ‘God yes, this was it’ you thought in your haze. You could feel yourself slipping further into a light slumber.

Chris moved again bringing you with him so that he was on his back and you were lying halfway on top of him. Still connected. Still heavenly connected. You let out a small whine but cuddled up to him. One hand drew patterns on your bare back.


You lifted your head slightly so you could look at him before falling asleep.

“I meant what I said… - There’s nothing that you could ever do or say that would bother me- You’re never going to be a burden to me. Okay?”

He grabbed your chin with his one hand.

“Mmm, okay.”


You hummed.

Chris placed a kiss on your lips which you reciprocated gladly. He tugged you even closer as he gave you one last long kiss.

Soon enough, you had drifted off to sleep.


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@breezykpop​ ​




Summary: Something that shouldn’t be cute but really is the cutest ever. 

Word count : 440 (SHORT) 

Trigger warnings : None? Language, use of a few swear words.
Other than that = FLUFF for the win!

Another note til you all

I haven’t posted or written much lately. I’ve been very much off Tumblr and only read stuff here rather than actively posting… Life’s been hard recently and I’ve needed some time off dealing with a lot. Grieving is a hard and long process but I’ve always used creative writing as an outlet and now I’m hoping to return to that. 

Hopefully, there’s still people out there willing to continue reading my work. 

Thanks a lot. ❤


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here :  

Feel free to check out my other stories. Here —> Master List.

“C'mon, honey it’s cute as hell and you know it.”

You narrow your eyes at your proud looking boyfriend. He seems pretty happy about it. No shame at all.

“No, Chris. It’s not really cute if you think about it.”

Keep reading


Summary: Something that shouldn’t be cute but really is the cutest ever. 

Word count : 440 (SHORT) 

Trigger warnings : None? Language, use of a few swear words.
Other than that = FLUFF for the win!

Another note til you all

I haven’t posted or written much lately. I’ve been very much off Tumblr and only read stuff here rather than actively posting… Life’s been hard recently and I’ve needed some time off dealing with a lot. Grieving is a hard and long process but I’ve always used creative writing as an outlet and now I’m hoping to return to that. 

Hopefully, there’s still people out there willing to continue reading my work. 

Thanks a lot. ❤


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here :  

Feel free to check out my other stories. Here —> Master List.

“C'mon, honey it’s cute as hell and you know it.”

You narrow your eyes at your proud looking boyfriend. He seems pretty happy about it. No shame at all.

“No, Chris. It’s not really cute if you think about it.”

“Aww, you loved the movie?”

“Yes, the movie where it was animated and almost cute-ish but this-”

“Y/N. You wikeit. I know it.”

“It’s just wrong but- I told you to get something cool and sweet and then this is what you do?”

“What’s so wrong about this?”

“This is the last time that I let you be in charge of costumes.”


You point to him while continuing.

“You’re nicely dressed up and then there’s these two.”


You looked down at dodger who wiggled his tail happily next to Chris not a care in the world.

“Chris, they’re dressed up as rats!?”

“Babe! Cute rats, tho.”

Chris grinned at you, holding your almost 1 year old son in his arms. Brady, only giggled as Chris blew air on his belly making the boy squeal. He made grabby hands in your direction.

“Ain’t this the cutest rat you’ve ever seen?”

Seeing all of your boys this happy, you couldn’t fight the smile forming.

“I suppose you’re right about that.”

“But I’m serious, this is the last time that you get to dress my babies as rats.”


You snapped plenty of pictures for both yours and Chris’ family knowing that they’d love them.

“Oh, wait! There’s more.”

You squint your eyes at him in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, honey - you didn’t think I forgot about you?”

“if you think I’ll be dressing up as a rat then you’re mistaken.”

“No, no. I got something else in mind. It’s on the dresser.”

You walked back into your shared bedroom where your costume was laid on top of the dresser.

‘He’s dead.’

A while later…

“Ayy, look at mommy. Doesn’t she look good?”

Brady let out some happy babbles.

“Really, Chris?”

“Yeah! It completes the whole thing.”

You shot him a look yet a smile on your face.

“I don’t know if I would more rather be dressed up as a rat than this. I feel-”

“Super cuteeee just like the rest of us.”

You managed to snap some group pictures of the four of you. It did look good. Oddly enough.

“But I still think you would’ve made a damn good looking rat.”

You slapped his bicep with your toy spoon.

“Don’t be cute.”

“Can’t. It’s in my genes.”

He smiled cheeky at you before pointing to your son who looked just as cute and happy.

(** The pics are what I pictured in my head when I wrote it. It’s hella cute tho.**)                        AND just imagine Dodger in a rat costume as well.

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Summary : Reader being less affectionate towards him. He thinks he’s in trouble. Maybe, he is or is about to? 

Warnings : Use of one curse word. 

Word count : 790 ish


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here :  Feel free to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List. 


Chris was on edge. It wasn’t right. ‘How could you just sit there, like that?’ You were absent-minded, staring out the window as the car softly hummed. He was biting his tongue trying not to say anything.

However he couldn’t take it anymore, any longer when he saw how you scooted further away and curled up into yourself.

“Alright, are we going to talk about this?”

You slowly turned facing Chris, unfazed.

“About what?”

“That thing that’s clearly bothering you. Cos something is wrong.”

Keep reading


Summary : Reader being less affectionate towards him. He thinks he’s in trouble. Maybe, he is or is about to? 

Warnings : Use of one curse word. 

Word count : 790 ish


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here :  Feel free to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List. 


Chris was on edge. It wasn’t right. ‘How could you just sit there, like that?’ You were absent-minded, staring out the window as the car softly hummed. He was biting his tongue trying not to say anything.

However he couldn’t take it anymore, any longer when he saw how you scooted further away and curled up into yourself.

“Alright, are we going to talk about this?”

You slowly turned facing Chris, unfazed.

“About what?”

“That thing that’s clearly bothering you. Cos something is wrong.”

You glance at him.

“Nothing is wrong? Should there be something wrong?”

Chris gave you a sideways look as he drove.

“You tell me.”

There was a moment of silence. You remained quiet.



“Did I do something to upset you or make you mad?”

“Do I seem mad or upset?”

“Well… No not really but I know something is off because-”

You shake your head a bit still not following your boyfriend.

“Y/N, we’ve been driving for like 40 minutes and you’re just sitting there quietly… Silent and-”

“Am I not allowed to do that? Enjoy some peace and quiet?”

“We don’t do that.”

You quirk your eyebrows at him, now completely lost.

“We don’t what? Know how to be quiet?”

“Yeah, we’re the exact opposite, Y/N. We’re a loud couple.”

You let out a small hum.

“Okayyy, well maybe all the more reason why I might enjoy me some quiet time.”

“Okay but if it’s only that… I just feel like there’s something wrong.”

“Chris, there’s nothing wrong. We’re fine, you’re fine and I’m fine. Okay?”


Chris wasn’t convinced.

“But still, okay the peace and quiet I sort of get but you haven’t touched me once since we got in the car.”

You turn so you can face him a little better, questionable look on your face.


“You’re normally way more affectionate when we’re driving. You’re always somehow touching me.”

“Ookay, then maybe I’m just not in the affectionate mood today and would just like to sit here enjoying the ride while being content.”

“Bull, we’re an affectionate couple, always have been. Which I dig, obviously.”

You can’t help but narrow your eyes a bit at him.

“You seem to have many opinions on what we are as a couple.”

“And I’m right.”

“What-okay, whatever you say, Chris. It’s nothing. I’m just tired and just want to sit back and relax for the rest of the ride.”

Chris glanced over at your form. You were curling up on the seat.


“Chris. For the last time, nothing is wrong and I’m- okay, feeling content right now.”


“Yes, exactly.”

“But if that was true, I’m pretty sure that you’d be touching me either your hand on my thigh or on my arm like usually.”

“God, Chris. Please, we’re fine. Okay, I love you. -”

You reached over placing a chaste kiss on his cheek before settling in, trying to get comfortable.

“Now - Let’s just chill.”

Chris wanted to. He wanted nothing more but… He squirmed in his seat.

“Are you kidding me!? I can feel your eyes piercing into my skin.”

“Honey, it’s just-”

“Didn’t we just park this conversation?”

“You did.”

“Chris, please… Can we not?”

“I’m just saying that if everything truly was great and everything- then you’d be curled up to me, touching me somehow and you’re not-”

“Oh my God, is that what it’ll take for you to shut up?”


“If I put my hand on your thigh will you kindly let me relax and enjoy the rest of ride in peace and quiet?”


Chris was dead serious. He answered promptly.

“Okay, then I’ll do that then.”


Chris was grinning at you.


You huff out loud. 

“I swear if you say one more -”

“Just do it.”

You scooted closer so that you could reach your left hand out and place it on his strong and firm thigh.

“There! Are you happy now?”


You rolled your eyes a bit and leaned your head backwards resting your eyes. You felt Chris’ larger hand covering yours gripping it firmly.

“You’re a piece of work, you know that?”

You look at him, catching his sheepish smile. Chris brings your hand to his lips, kissing the back of your hand.

“And just think, you could’ve saved yourself a whole lot of time and trouble if you’d just given me your hand to begin with.”

Chris rubbed the back of your hand that was now placed back on the top of his thigh. On its rightful place.

“You little…”

You grumbled under your breath. Still, you couldn’t stop the small smile on your lips as he gripped your hand tighter in his.


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Summary: Chris appearing on Jimmy Fallon. To talk about his latest movie among other things. 

Warnings: None. Just fluffy AF. 

Word Count : 1,115


Author Note :

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here :  Feel free and more than welcome to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List.


“Chris Evans, ladies and gentlemen.”

Jimmy’s voice and the sound of clapping snaps Chris out of his thoughts. Chris smiles as he walks out waving at the audience in the studio.

The two men shake hands and sit down. Chris takes a sip of his water the second he’s seated.

“My man, you look great and well rested.”

“Thank you. Surprisingly so?”

The two laugh.

“So, how’s the family?”

“Oh, they’re great. Doing really well.”

“How old are your daughters again?”

“Rosie’s four years old and Addie’s two years old now.”

A picture of Chris and your kids flash on the screen behind them. The crowd goes ‘Awwwe’.

“That must be nice having 150-200 people go, ‘awww’ about your kids.”

“Yeah, it is. Mostly it’s just me and my wife doing that. So that’s nice to hear someone else doing that for a change.”

“How’s the little lady?”

“Also doing good, really good. She’s juggling those two-”

“They’re giving you a hard time?”

“No, not really but they’re real- they’re very clear about what they both want and especially what they don’t want. What they like and don’t like.”

Jimmy grins already excited about further explanation.

“Rose has always been a characteristic little girl, which she takes after the both of us I think. Mostly Y/N, I’d say.”

The audience laughs at that.  

“I brought a video just to show what I mean.”

The video clip:

Rosie’s sprawled out on the floor. Dodger is lying next to her.

“Honey, you want two or three tomatoes?”

Rosie didn’t answer and Chris walked into the living room looking down at his oldest daughter.


“I’m done.”

“Done with what, bub?”

Rosie vaguely motions around.

“Every thing.”

Chris chuckles and says

“You really are your mother’s daughter.”

Both Chris’ and your laughter is heard in the background.

End of video clip:

The audience and Jimmy are all laughing.

“So, Rose’s is charismatic, I can tell.”

“Y/N, was actually taking a picture of Rosie on the floor and then she just filmed it. Fortunately for us. I’m happy we got that on video. Never have I ever met  a child like Rose. I mean, the first time she tasted a french fry, she did this sassy wiggle dance in her highchair and looked like she was about to pass out from happiness. She looked like me after a night out and then coming home to ‘pig out’.”

“Other than a little sass, she seems so great.”

The two fathers share a heartfelt smile.

“Oh, they both are. So amazing. They’re both ‘daddy’s girls’ unfortunately for my wife.”

“Ahh, I see. The same at my house.”

“The wives aren’t so thrilled about it.”

“Yeah, oddly enough no, not my biggest fan. I get it, I mean Y/N carried both girls for 9 months and went over her due-date both times and had two hard and actually difficult labors…I mean she did all of the heavy lifting, truly and I applaud her for that! Then we welcomed the kids and both their first words were ‘dadda’, so I get why Y/N sometimes wants to strangle me.”

Jimmy laughs and sips his own mug listening to Chris’ story.

“To be fair, Addie’s first word was actually ‘bobba’ probably from hearing my calling Dodger bubba all the time and then she learned to say momma.”

“Aww, so cute.”

“Yeah, I’m lucky. A lucky man who has it all.”

“So, ‘Mr. Has it all’, tell how it was filming ‘The Gray Man’…”

“Also amazing-…”


Later, at home.

“Hi! Anybody home?”

Small footsteps and paws on the floor, came in hot. Both Rosie and Addie tumbles down the hall from the sound of their daddy’s voice. Rosie and Addie dressed in their swimwear.


Chris kneels down scooping up both girls into his arms and proceeds walking further into his home.


“Out here.”

Chris follows the sound of your voice. You’re sitting outside reading on your Ipad, feet propped up on the lounge chair. Chris leans down pressing a kiss to your lips as both girls squeals.

“Daddy no!”

“What? Daddy can’t kiss mommy?”

“Nooo, swim with us.”

“Baby, it’s too cold for that.”

“No, we heat the pool.”

Chris looks down at you for an explanation. He then kneels down again, setting both girls down. Addie whimpers and clung to her father not wanting to let go. Rosie walks around the pool keeping a good amount of distance from the edge which she’d been instructed to do.

“They wanted to swim.”


You shrug your shoulders as Chris sits down next to you, still holding Addie who hid her face in the crook of his neck.

“Both Rosie and Addie threw a fit until I helped them change into their swimwear- and then I promised daddy would take care of it.”

Chris raises an eyebrow at you. Your sheepish smile melts his heart.

“Did you know?”

“Yeah, I ain’t going swimming anytime soon. Despite the fact that I may as well be a whale right now.”

Chris chuckles at your comment.

“You’re beautiful.”

With the arm that isn’t wrapped around Addie, he gently runs his hand over your swollen belly.

“Glad you think so. Remember that when I hit the 9 month mark.”

Chris only smiles at you. He reaches down pressing a kiss to your belly making your heart swoon. Addie turns in his arms looking at her mother’s belly too. With her small hands, she cradles the belly too.


“Yeah, there’s a baby in there.”

Addie’s eyes go wide each time they talk about the baby.

You lean over smooching your youngest daughter’s cheek making her giggle.

“Yeah, what do you think it’ll be? A girl or a boy?”

“A girl.”

Addie wiggles in her dad’s arms and he sets her down. She sits on the mat next to the chair where some of the girls’ toys are. Both parents keep a close eye on her and the older girl who runs over shortly after. Rosie shows her Winnie the Pooh, stuffy to her parents proudly. Like they never had seen that very stuffed bear before in the lives. Wide and happy smiles.

“One more girl, huh? Talk about being outnumbered severely.”

“I wouldn’t mind another girl.”

You let out a breathless laugh and raised your hand.

“I would. I mean, imagine three teenage girls. Like Rosie is already teaching Addie how to act out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Who do you think orchestrated the hissy fit they had today?”


The parents share an exhausted but heartwarming laugh together.

“Well, maybe this one will be less sassy?”

“Oh please, like that’ll ever happen. Have you met me?”

“Point taken.”


Tag list 

@bellaireland1981 @denisemarieangelina​ @patzammit

@chris-butt @castellandiangelo

@harrysthiccthighss @tantricevans

@katiew1973 @draw-back-your-bow @missswriter


@chaneajoyyy @la-cey  @adoreyou976

@geminievans1 @justile

@breezykpop @nikkitc0703


Summary:  You and Chris moving in together. You have to sort through your stuff. You come across something old, something you wrote years ago. You aren’t the only one who discovers what you’d been hiding.

Warnings: Language ! Smutty cont implied. Explicit. 

Word count :2,255 


**The idea came to me and I sort of just went with it. Also the pic, his facial expression is what I imagined so let’s all pretend it’s not a Ipad but a Laptop. That last line in the fic, goes out to all of the amazing writers here on Tumblr. You all amaze me. I hope you enjoy it. **


Author Note : 

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

While you’re here :  Feel free and more than welcome to check out my other stories. Here –> Master List. 


While Chris packed up the kitchen, you moved on to your small study where you found your old notebooks from your teenage years and much more.

Time must’ve flown as you sat on the floor engrossed in some old story you wrote.

“Babe, at this rate it’ll take us forever to get done.”

You look up from the page, Chris stood by the door arms crossed but smiling at you.

“Sorry- I just found something from my high school. God, I can’t believe I won a contest with this. Luckily, my writings gotten better over the years.”

You continued to pack your stuff in the study. Most of the stuff was going to be donated or given away. Chris had made room for you in his- soon to be your office.

Suddenly you came across your old laptop. You were sure it had been thrown out. All excited and happy, you tried turning it on. Surprisingly it worked. You came across old documents and files from high school and college among family photos. You made sure to back everything up.

You ventured into your internet browser. You found your old WattPad and Tumblr user. You’d almost forgotten about that. For many years you wrote a lot of fiction and- … fanfiction. Reader insert fanfiction. You went through a quick and very brief Twilight phase and luckily your taste improved a whole lot. You wrote a bit Harry Potter and shortly dived into Marvel and DC which was a slip and slide into Actors x readers. You clicked on your old ‘Master list’.

“Hey, you about done in here?”

You closed the laptop promptly as Chris walked in.

“Yeah, I just found my old laptop and I wanted to save some old files and pictures- Something from a creative writing workshop.”

Chris squinted his eyes at you.

“That why you slammed the laptop closed? Cos of some writing?”

“Ahh yeah…- You need help in the kitchen?”

“Nah, almost done. Came looking for the tape.”

You slid the tape across the floorboards.

“Thanks. Are you hungry? I was thinking when you’re done here, we could order some pizza.”

“Yeah, actually- I can go down and get it. I should order one last Pizza from Sal’s pizza and pasta while I got the chance.”

You asked him about his order despite already knowing what he wanted. You grabbed your purse and keys.

You pulled Chris into a chaste kiss before leaving. You let out a soft hum against his lips feeling content. Chris caressed your cheek as you pulled away.

“See you in a bit.”

Silence filled the apartment. Chris went to finish the last box in the kitchen but curiosity nagged him. He couldn’t help but wonder what you’d been so desperately trying to hide on your laptop. ‘No, respect each other’s privacy.’

But then again, you told each other basically everything. ‘Didn’t you?’ he thought so. Chris walked back and forth between the kitchen and the study while trying to talk himself down. ‘Y/N, loves me and couldn’t possibly get mad at me for this seeing how we have full transparency and no secrets.’ Therefore, it shouldn’t be a problem if he snuck a little peak on your laptop. He eyed the laptop about 20 times before he let out a groan and marched into the study.

Chris sat down in your chair. ‘Nice and comfy- gotta keep this baby’ anyhow- Chris opened the laptop. There was no password. Chris was sort of expecting this to be your ‘naughty laptop’. You’d mentioned once a while back, that you had a separate laptop for certain things like porn which you would never surf on your daily and current laptop. You were paranoid and odd like that. Another thing you’d shared with him.

Chris saw several documents that he assumed were from school. His eyes danced across the screen. Then something caught his eye. Tumblr. Chris clicked on the site. It was a dashboard, your Tumblr user’s dashboard. Intrigued and curious, Chris clicked on ‘Master list’. At first, he’d thought it would be a place where you posted your original stories and such but he was surprised about this discovery. There was soooo much stuff. What caught his eye as he scrolled down, was ‘Actors x readers’.

Chris knew enough about Tumblr to know -sort of- what the platform was used for. Often he had heard a lot of people talking about it. He’d never really explored it until now that is.

Chris clicked again, and found something he hadn’t seen coming. ‘Chris Evans x reader’, there must’ve been about 20+ stories about ‘him’?

‘Well this calls for further investigation.’ Chris clicked on one of the stories. The first many stories were soft, sweet and cuddly like you were. As he scrolled further down, his eyes went wide. ‘Chris Evans x reader, SMUT’, dying to know what you’d written, he clicked on the story. As he read, his eyes got bigger and bigger. This was straight up filthy, dirty, sexy and core-shocking. Yes, Chris knew you were great with words and you were no shy girl when it came to some heavy sexting but this- ‘Damn,’ was all he could say. Sucking it all in, he read on.


You balanced the pizza boxes as you entered your soon to be old apartment. You placed the pizza on the kitchen counter and took off your jacket.

“Hey, sorry for the long wait. They mixed up some of the order but I got a butt-load of garlic bread as compensation and- OMG, what are you doing?”

Chris leaned back, hands behind his head, looking at you, wide-eyed in the doorway. You saw your laptop perched on his lap. God knows, he wasn’t playing Sims on that thing.

“Well, this is certainly some creative writing, sweetheart.”

You looked down, fiddling with your hands.

“How much have you read?”

“I read most of the ones featuring me- I glanced at the Marvel stuff too, and wasn’t a fan of the fics with Henry Cavill.”

Chris chuckled at you as your wide eyes locked with his. He then placed the laptop on the desk, and motioned for you to join him. You hang your head low wishing God would swoop down and have mercy on your soul. Chris called your name and reached a hand out for you. Slowly, you walked to him. Chris patted his thigh, you sat so both your legs were on one side of his.

“Y/N, I’m not mad or offended or anything…Actually flattered and-”

“I wrote those years ago and I wasn’t really all that social and- Wait, you’re not mad?”

“No, not at all…Maybe that you seemed to have had an infatuation with Henry Cavill as well but I can live with it. I had more stories if I’m not mistaken.”

You look up from your folded hands. There’s no signs of anger, disgust, disdain or anything like that. If anything he looks amused and unbothered.

“I feel like such a creep, Chris.”


“Because, I wrote them about you and you reading them wasn’t a part of my plan. It was meant to entertain other ‘thirsty CE fans/readers… - Not you, now I just feel dirty and kinda cheap.”

“Honey, writing wise what I read was really good. Not just saying that because I’m in it but they were good.”

“You think so?”



“Really, really.”

Chris smiled as you lifted your head, no longer sad or worried. Chris leaned forward while balancing on his chest, you did the same. It was barely a peck on the lips before you flicked him hard right on his forehead.

“Dammit, what was that for?”

“What were you doing on my computer in the first place?”

You narrowed your eyes at him leaning back. Chris offered a sheepish smile.

“What? I’m sorry, I was curious.”

“You do know what curiosity did to the cat, right?”

Chris wrapped his arms around your waist holding you.

“I do yeah- but judging from your writing, killing me isn’t your style. - No, maybe whippingme,spankingme for being a naughty boy-”

“Screw you dude- Let me go.”

You tried wiggling your way out from his strong grip. Chris only laughed at your futile attempt. At last, you gave up leaning forward to rest your head in the crook of his neck. Chris rubbed your back as the laughter quieted down.

“I hate you.”

“I know.”

You let out a small hum.

“I’m sorry for snooping. Too nosey and curious for my own good.”

“And I’m apparently a thirsty whore on a laptop. So, sorry too.”

“Do not apologize for that. Ever. ”

You leaned back, Chris kissed your lips, cheeks and jaw. You gave him a small pat on the arm, signaling him to let you up. Not entirely willingly he did. The delicious smell of pizza filled his nostrils as he followed you.

You sat on the kitchen counter eating your pizza in a comfortable silence. Chris talked a bit about how the two of you could rearrange at home in regards to furniture. You disposed of the pizza boxes and cleaned up. Looking at Chris, You didn’t miss the way his lips quirked up every now and again.


“There was one story, involved food-”

“Chris, no! You peaked and that is it. No more and never again, are we to discuss this.”


There was silence after that. You walked through the living room and unfolded a moving box. Chris’ smooth voice startled you as it filled the room.

‘She trembled in his hands, both his cum and hers dripping down her thighs. Chris tightened his hand around her throat- ‘ “

You leaped across the room, when Chris read out loud from the laptop. You placed the laptop in one of the boxes and turned around facing Chris.

“I will hurt you if you utter one more word.”

Chris tried hiding his smile as you stood with both hands on your hips, giving him ‘the stern and mad’ look. Chris raised his hands, surrendering. If only.

“Now, weren’t you the one who didn’t want this to take forever? - Then help me.”

You emptied your coffee table while Chris carried the boxes from the study into the living room, stacking them together. You stretched your arms above your head and arched your back.

“ ‘ You felt hot as Chris’ strong hands glided over your naked body. He looked up at you with lust in his eyes before looking down. Your cunt glistening from his previous and ‘far-from finished- feast-’ ”

You picked up one of the throw pillows and threw it at his stupid face. Chris laughed at your pathetic attempt. Whenever you were angry, you looked as angry as a kitten. He loved that. You clicked your tongue and crossed your arms.

“Fuck it, don’t bother packing the rest. I’ll stay here and die of humiliation. Thank you and please close the door on your way out.”

You threw yourself on the couch hiding your face in the cushions. You could hear Chris chuckling behind you, soon you felt the couch dip as he laid down next to you. His hand on your back instantly.

“You aren’t going to let this go anytime soon, are you?”

“Not likely- Y/N, I’m kidding… I’ll stop or I’ll try really hard to. Call it me being envious. I could never come up with any of that. Might I add, you normally do the majority of the sexting whilst I prefer facetime cause I ain’t good with words.”

You rolled over lying on your side facing him.

“That’s a lie. Your work with ASP?”

“Hon, that’s politics. Not hot stuff exactly.”

“I bet you could make it hot. You already are doing that. Fandom be thirsting and creaming for you.”

Chris’ eyes sparkled as a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

“Speaking of ‘creaming’, there was one fic-”

You slapped your hand across his lips, silencing him.

“I ought to beat you if you don’t shut up…”

Chris raised his eyebrows at you, muffled speaking from behind your hand.

“I think I got a whip from a bachelorette party I went to years ago.”

Chris’ eyes darkened a bit briefly but you saw it and he saw that you saw it. You felt his tongue on the inside of your palm. You removed your hand slowly as Chris pulled you closer, flipping you so that you were trapped and pinned down on the couch. Chris hummed as you shivered at his hand grazing your jean-clad pussy. He looked proud as he felt your hips bucking up against his own. A low growl vibrated from his chest.

“How about that?”


Chris leaned down pressing kisses by the corner of your mouth teasing you. More like torturing you. Your arms went around his neck holding him close to you. He smirked at you.

“I guess I ain’t opposed to that seeing how all of your creative writing got me all riled up earlier.”

It was safe to say that Chris was your biggest fan and reader of your work. You didn’t write fanfiction anymore and why would you when you had the real deal. There was no fantasy that this man would say no to. He was more than happy to fulfill them. And every once in a while, the two of you would explore some creative writing on Tumblr. 

The stuff on there is to die for.


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@bellaireland1981 @denisemarieangelina​​

















@breezykpop​ ​





Summary: Reader’s an actress who’s appearing on the Late Late Show doing the Segment, Spill or fill your guts. What could possibly go wrong? 

Word count: 1,190 

Warnings: Language! 


Author note: 

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.


You were almost at the end of your appearance on The Late Late show with James Corden. You had yet to eat. Your two previous question were tough but you dodged the horror of having to eat the bull penis and drink Cod sperm. There were two questions left. 

‘You can do this.’, you thought to yourself, confidently. 

“Y/N, throughout your career, you’ve had the pleasure and opportunity to kiss quite a few handsome fellas. Amongst them is Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Eric Dane and Bradley Cooper…”

‘No, you cannot do this.’ you quickly thought afterwards.

Keep reading

Take a look


Summary: Reader’s an actress who’s appearing on the Late Late Show doing the Segment, Spill or fill your guts. What could possibly go wrong? 

Word count: 1,190 

Warnings: Language! 


Author note: 

I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.


You were almost at the end of your appearance on The Late Late show with James Corden. You had yet to eat. Your two previous question were tough but you dodged the horror of having to eat the bull penis and drink Cod sperm. There were two questions left. 

‘You can do this.’, you thought to yourself, confidently. 

“Y/N, throughout your career, you’ve had the pleasure and opportunity to kiss quite a few handsome fellas. Amongst them is Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Eric Dane and Bradley Cooper…”

‘No, you cannot do this.’ you quickly thought afterwards.

You were already dreading what came next looking down at the huge-ass cow tongue in front of you. It was just so intimidating and disgusting to look at. You swore that you could smell it from below you. ‘God, damn and hell.’ You’d never felt so dreadful about a possible question. 

You were pretty sure that most of the viewers and or everyone else were anxious and eager to hear your answer. There had been much speculation about you and several of your co-stars. But mostly about you and Chris seeing how many times you just happened to be spotted around the same place. 

You’d been spotted with both Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan on several occasions. Your Marvel character had been crushing on Steve Rogers only to be left heartbroken and then finding comfort and possibly love in Bucky Barnes. The comic books stated the love triangle between the characters. 

Nevertheless, people were stoked to hear your love-life status. You weren’t sooo keen on telling the masses. 

“Rank these kisses from best to worst… You gotta eat.. I know for a fact that you’re currently working with one if not two of those people right now… Imagine coming into work now.”

The audience ‘ooh-ed and ahh-ed’ whilst they waited for your response.

“If I don’t answer I eat this!”


“Yes, that’s the game… Chow down - Or you could Always answer the question.”

“Well this isn’t fair.”

“Yeah, nothing really is.” 

You pondered for sooo long. James smirked at you waiting patiently as you poked the tongue with your fork. 

“James, i can’t choose…I mean, my husband’s among them-”

The audience went wild at that and your stomach dropped. 

“Husband?! Wait what did i miss?” 

“Uh…Okay, I misspoke….Obviously-“

James looked at you curiously

"What I meant to say was.. I meant, my movie hubby. My on screen husband.”

Your breathy answer made James squint his eyes at you not quite believing it. 

‘Time to work it’, you thought as you fiddled with your rings. 

“I’ve been secretly working with Henry these last couple of months… It’s been on the down low and super tight knitted, the whole production… He’s my most recent and greatest husband… On screen.” 

James looked like a child on Christmas Eve as you explained despite not believing your story 100%. 

“Which I wasn’t supposed to say tonight or ever… Because the project has been a secret so far and my brain is just 'Henry, oh hubby of mine’ because we’ve been working with each other for a long time and been attached by the hip literally. I just got really used to calling him husband.”

“Uh uh - Okay, Y/N. If you say so… - Now how about ranking those lovely kissers? Or are you gonna go to town with the cow tongue?”

“Oh…GOD. OKay! This isn’t going to end well- Uhh, Henry Cavill, Tom Hiddleston, Bradley Cooper, -”

Later, after the show 

“Remind me never to agree to that game…i don’t know what I was thinking. I know I only ate a grasshopper but still. Just the sight and the smell of all the other things amongst facing such shitty questions.”

“Sure… Also -”

You were preparing for the worst from your manager, Rue, at this point after the segment in the show.

“The studio has left voicemails about your little spoiler tonight. They aren’t exactly happy about it but I think I can handle it. Besides, Henry also texted you among others…”

“Oh God… I’ll reply in the car… He’s probably angry with me.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it.” 

“Think so?” 

Rue, gave you a crooked smile and tilted her head. 

“Oh, well-….We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

‘Well, fuck me’, you thought.

“Now get home, I’m assuming he’s waiting for you.”

‘Oh crap’.


You got home. Of course, he was wide awake and waiting for you to come home.

“I’m sorry about tonight. It literally flew right out of me.”

“I figured as much.”

“You saw it?”

“Of course.”

‘OH, Crap indeed.’

“… Henry?”

There was a long pause.

“Texted me too… He’s saying that we owe him a night out with curry and a big Guinness. Sounds like he’s gonna smooth things over with the studio.”

You let out an exhale of relief. Quietly you plopped down next to him on the couch.

“Quick thinking on your part and Lucky for you that it was true. Henry’s and yours project.”

“I know. God, I really thought I was screwed.”

You felt his hands massaging your tense shoulders. You leaned into his touch. He pressed kisses along your neck coming up behind your ear.

“Good thing my wife’s such a talented actress.”

“Or I’m just that lucky…”

“Maybe a bit of both?”

There was a silence again. You enjoyed feeling his strong and firm hands rubbing your shoulders. You felt less tense every minute.

“So should I be offended that you ranked me among the bottom with the less fortunate kissers?”

You giggled, turning in his grip. Staring into those blue eyes that you loved oh so much.

“Well, I couldn’t exactly pick you as my top one. It’d be unethical and favoritism seeing as you’re my husband.”

Chris chuckled behind you, wrapping himself around you.

“The world doesn’t know that. So, technically speaking it wouldn’t be favoritism.”

“but I do… Besides Cavill and Hiddleston aren’t the worst people to be kissing if you know what I’m saying.”

You smirk at him, moving off the couch.

“Oh, you’re in big trouble.”


“Damn right, probably shouldn’t have said that.”

“Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it?”

“I’ll spend the rest of the night proving that your husband’s is the best kisser.”

You grin, tugging on Chris’ hand pulling him closer to you. Your eyes sparked seeing the golden wedding band on his finger. It matched the one you wore around your neck. Chris followed your lead.

“Hmm, sounds riveting.”

“Damn, right. I’ll prove it to you even if it takes me all night.”

Chris suddenly grabbed your hips, pressing your back to his front. You could feel his want poking you in the back. It made you groan as he nipped the skin along your neck.

“Oh, the horror.”

You let out a small hearty laugh as Chris lead you towards your shared bedroom.

Yes, that night you spilled your guts and filled them a bit too. At least you could go home to your husband, the most amazing kisser who would gladly rearrange your guts. 


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@breezykpop​ ​




Summary: Paying attention isn’t always easy when Chris just looks so distracting. 

Warnings: Language. Explicit. SMUTTY content. SMUT-ish. 

Word count: 1,012 


Author note : I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

Whilst you’re here, feel free to take a look at my Masterlist


“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yeah… Sure.”

“Repeat what I just said.”

“No idea.”

“You just said that you were listening.”

“I am.”

Chris groaned and gave your thigh a small slap.


Chris shook his head at you a little bit annoyed but also amused by you.

“Honey, this is important.”

“I know.”

“So pay attention, please’”


Keep reading


Summary: Paying attention isn’t always easy when Chris just looks so distracting. 

Warnings: Language. Explicit. SMUTTY content. SMUT-ish. 

Word count: 1,012 


Author note : I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

Whilst you’re here, feel free to take a look at my Masterlist


“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yeah… Sure.”

“Repeat what I just said.”

“No idea.”

“You just said that you were listening.”

“I am.”

Chris groaned and gave your thigh a small slap.


Chris shook his head at you a little bit annoyed but also amused by you.

“Honey, this is important.”

“I know.”

“So pay attention, please’”


Chris grasped your chin in his hands as he pressed a kiss to your lips. He had only just pulled away when he uttered the words.

“Good girl.”

Chills went down your spine and you immediately felt hot especially down south.

“Now, be good and listen. I’ll go over it once more.”


Chris started talking about his new alarm system he had installed in his house.

It’s not like you were deliberately trying to misbehave or…. At least not intentionally. It’s just that- it’s hard to concentrate when Chris is talking to you. You couldn’t help yourself as you looked at him. The smallest things about him drove you mad. You adored his freckles, every one of them. You made a mental note to kiss them each day. 

‘God, get a grip’ yeah? Not really, Chris was just something else when looking at him. As he continued talking about the details, your eyes wandered, taking in everything despite trying your best to listen.

You would get lost in his eyes as you pictured him hovering above you as he slammed into you again and again. His piercing blue eyes staring down at you as he took you apart.

You lost it completely when focusing on his mouth. That mouth brought you so much pressure. The way he could kiss you and bring you to your knees. How he would take one of your nippels into his mouth. Either it be small cat licks or suckling on them. 

Nothing however beats the way he’d go down on you. Never had you experienced someone like him. He was insatiable when it came to eating you out. A relentless man. He made you cum so many times, edging you on to the brink of tears.

You also loved the color red on him. He looked good. Most colors suited him but red and blue was just sinful when decorating his body. 

Your eyes moved down towards his groin area. Your mouth watered as your core throbbed. Your eyes flickered back as the sound of fingers snapping brought you back to reality.

“You didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?”

“Ehhh, the code is my name?”

“Cute - please try to keep up.”

You gave him your best doe-eyes and batted your eyelashes at him as you moved closer to him. Hands sliding down his chest to his thighs.

“I’m trying… It’s just so hard to concentrate when you look this good.”


You could hear the slight warning in his tone nevertheless he didn’t move to stop you as one of your hands cupped him through his pants.

“You’re just too distracting. I can’t help it.”

“You said you’d be good.”

“I am being very good.”

You placed lazy and sloppy kisses along his jaw down to his neck.

“You think this is how someone behaves well?”


Your hand rubbed him through his pants. You quickly felt him grow hard. Feeling pleased with yourself, you pressed your body closer to his. He leaned back against the wall next to the alarm panel now forgotten.

“What am I going to do about you?”

Leaning on your tiptoes, your teeth pulled on his earlobe.

“Anything you want.”

Chris grabbed your face with both hands and pulled you to him. Just as your lips were about to touch, he fisted his hand in your hair keeping the distance between you. A moan left your lips. Desperate to get closer, your hand dipped into his pants. You were just about to take him into your hand when he pulled on your hair. Hard. 

“Tsk tsk… Only good girls get to touch.”


A breathy and pathetic moan as you rubbed against him trying to relieve yourself from the aching.

“You haven’t been a good girl, have you?”


Once more, he tugged hard on your hair.

"Didn’t hear that. Wanna try again?”

“I haven’t been a good girl.”


Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as one of his hands cupped your sex. Instantly you tried grinding on his hand only to receive a smack on your ass.

“Now, tell me why.”

“Because I didn’t pay attention.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I’m a slut.”

“Yes. Whose?”


You felt Chris’ chest vibrate as he let out a low growl. Chris rubbed you against your jeans, by now you were sure you’d already soaked through both your panties and jeans. You were a whimpering mess. 

“So how do you plan to make it up to me?”

Your eyes shifted down to his now rock hard cock straining against his pants. He followed your eyes. Chris let out a low chuckle that sent chills down your spine.

“Oh no, baby. I don’t reward bad behavior.”

“Please. I’ll be good.”

“If only… Seems like I have to teach you a lesson.”

Before you knew it, you were hanging upside down slung over his shoulder. Your face dangling in front of his ass. Your eyes sparked as you reached to-

“I’d think twice before doing that… Or it’ll cost you 15 lashes.”

You didn’t dare to move as Chris walked towards his bedroom. Chris threw you on the bed and stood by the foot end of the bed looking down at you. So eager, so desperate and so willing. Reaching down into the bench, he pulled out a pair of cuffs and a whip.

“Now you remember this the next time I ask you to pay attention.”


You got up, kneeling in front of him, extending your wrists to him. You felt the leather tip of the whip under your chin making you look up.


“Yes, sir.”

Chris’ eyes darkened at that

“Good girl.”


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@breezykpop​ ​



Summary: Chris’ sweaters….Just sweaters being stolen. 

Warnings: Language. Implied smutty ending. 

Word Count:865 


Author note : I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

Whilst you’re here, feel free to take a look at my Masterlist 


Chris didn’t mind it. You had a thing for his sweaters. You actually both had a thing for sweaters. You often wore his clothes but his sweaters were another thing. You would normally always ask if you could borrow one of his shirts or blouses before taking one. With the sweaters, not so much.

It wasn’t unusual for Chris to discover one of his many sweaters having disappeared from his closet. Then often you’d strut around his house wearing just the sweater that he was missing. No, he didn’t mind you wearing his sweaters. You did look good in his clothes, especially the sweaters.

Keep reading


Summary: Chris’ sweaters….Just sweaters being stolen. 

Warnings: Language. Implied smutty ending. 

Word Count:865 


Author note : I do NOT give permission for my work to be re-posted, translated, or published on other sites than on my Tumblr. Comments, likes and reblogs are however much appreciated and humbly welcomed.

Whilst you’re here, feel free to take a look at my Masterlist 


Chris didn’t mind it. You had a thing for his sweaters. You actually both had a thing for sweaters. You often wore his clothes but his sweaters were another thing. You would normally always ask if you could borrow one of his shirts or blouses before taking one. With the sweaters, not so much.

It wasn’t unusual for Chris to discover one of his many sweaters having disappeared from his closet. Then often you’d strut around his house wearing just the sweater that he was missing. No, he didn’t mind you wearing his sweaters. You did look good in his clothes, especially the sweaters.

Something primal in Chris lit up each time you left the house wearing some of his clothes. He felt pride in knowing that you were flaunting your stuff but while wearing what was his. Anyone could see that it wasn’t your own clothes but someone else’.  Meaning you were taken. Off limits. You were his as much as he was yours.

One Monday, you were about to leave for work when something caught his eye.

“What do you think you’re wearing?”

“A sweater?”

“Yes, that much is obvious… But whose sweater is that?”

You send him a coy smile playing with the hem of the white sweater.


“And were you going to ask if you could borrow my favorite sweater before stalking off with it into the early morning?”

“… yes?”

Chris gestures to you, waiting.

“Can I please borrow the sweater?”

Chris smiles, dimples showing.



“Come here… And ask me again.”

Chris motioned for you to come closer, patting his thigh. Instantly, You perched yourself down on his strong thighs. Your body molded into his like clockwork.

“Now, what were you going to ask me?”

“May I please -”

Chris cut you off before you could finish your sentence. His lips on yours. Your hands grabbed onto his face pulling him even closer. He smirked into the kiss, feeling your enthusiasm and vigor.

Finally, feeling pleased with himself, he pulled back from the kiss. His fingers tracing your delicious and now swollen lips.

You playfully nick one of his fingers. He let out a small groan. You looked dangerous like this. Hair in disarray which was his fault. His sweater that reached past your thighs and some stockings to go with it.

You coyly sucked on his thumb, enjoying how he squirmed underneath you.

“I take that as a yes?”

“Yes, it’s a yes… Of course.”

“Thank you, love.”

Chris kissed you deeply once more before you reluctantly got off him, needing to leave for work.


Another time, where you’d ‘stolen’ one of his sweaters. You were propped up on his bed, reading something on your laptop. Legs bare, and the sweater barely covered your sweet bottom. It must’ve ridden up at some point. Not that Chris had any plans of telling you. No, this was simply a sight to relish in.

Chris stopped in the doorway, taking in the sight of you in front of him.

“If I had known this about you, I would’ve given this thing a second thought.”

You didn’t look up from the laptop when you responded.


“I didn’t know I was dating such a little thief.”

“Thief!? Excuse me?”

“Which one of us actually owns that sweater?”

“Which one of us has actually stolen this sweater from the costume department at their work?”

You had him there. You both knew it. Your little smirk let him know.

“I mean… I wouldn’t be walking around calling someone else a thief if I were an even bigger thief. That’s just dumb and if so then I believe I should reintroduce myself. I’m a kettle, you must be the pot?”


Chris crossed his arms in front of him.

“But if it bothers you so much… I’ll just take it off.”

You close your laptop and lean back, sitting on your haunches. Never breaking eye contact, you reach down, and slowly slip the sweater off your body. Chris’ mouth waters as he discovers that you’re almost completely naked underneath. Except for some skimpy panties he’d bought you. He felt his boxers tightening as he continued staring at your body.

You threw the sweater at him. Chris caught it easily. He could still smell your scent on it. The smell was both sweet and absolutely intoxicating.

“There…Are you happy now?”

“Very -You do seem cold, tho.”

Your nipples hard from the cold air. Still looking composed and cool, you leaned back, resting on your elbows still looking at Chris. Your legs slightly parted now, ever so inviting.

“It would seem so.”

“Can’t have my girl getting cold.”

“Care to help out? Seeing how it’s your fault that I’m now oh so cold.”

“Happy to.”

The sweater was quickly discarded on the floor and long forgotten as Chris made his way over to you. You spread your legs wider, welcoming his body as he laid down on top of you. You shivered as your nipples touched his firm chest. He had every intention of making sure that you didn’t get cold. It was safe to say that you were nowhere near getting cold that night.


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lover ↬ chris evans

warnings: cursing but pure fluff

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

a/n: i saw this tiktok and i literally bursted into tears watching it so i needed to write a hc for this bc god i fucking love this man with my entire soul

  • chris didn’t know how to go about expressing his true feelings for you
  • he wanted to tell you he loved you every time he saw you light up, every time you smiled, every time you laughed
  • in fact, he had been thinking about how to confess it to you all night that chris got like zero sleep while you dreamt away beside him
  • around 6:30 in the morning he decided to head out and go for a early morning run and maybe surprise you something once you woke up
  • as he jogged around his quaint little neighborhood in boston, chris continued to think what he should say
  • “hey,i love you” “i’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while now… but i really love you” “i hope i’m not overstepping but i’m fucking in love with you
  • all them sounded too… cheesy? he had no clue.
  • time went by quick when your thoughts were running at 100 miles an hour because as soon as he knew it, chris saw his watch say it was almost eight
  • he should get back soon since you normally woke up around that time
  • on his way back, he saw that the florist shop was already open so he decided to pop in really quick, looking to see if they had your favorites
  • luckily, they did so he decided to buy a bouquet for you and then decided to grab some coffee and pastries for the two of you at the shop next door
  • chris thought about how cute you’d look waking up and surprised with the little goodies he got to spoil you, it brought a smile to his face just thinking abt it
  • once he got your iced coffee and his own order along with a couple chocolate croissants and breakfast sandwich for him, he quickly walked back to his place
  • luckily when he did get home, you were still sound asleep so he was able to get everything set up nicely
  • first he threw the flowers in one of the mason jars you kept around, quietly stepping into the bedroom and placing them next to you on the nightstand
  • but in the process he stepped on dodgers lion scaring the shit out of him
  • chris swore his soul left his body when you moved around on the bed and thought his cover was blown
  • luckily though the coast was clear and you just moved a bit in your sleep before he quickly put the flowers down (and grabbed dodgers toy to put away)
  • after that he got out the breakfast tray, setting your food out and pouring your iced coffee in a nicer glass with your favorite reuseable straw
  • the final touch was he grabbed a little sticky note and a pen scribbling a little note for you
  • carefully he picked up the tray and carried it into the room (because one time he made you breakfast and ended up dropping it and food was everywhere)
  • setting it on the bed next to you before coming around to your side of the bed, nuzzling his nose against your cheek
  • “hey, g’mornin’ sleepy head” he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth
  • you hummed in response, reaching your hand out to touch his cheek, trying to open your eyes filled with sleep
  • “it’s the weekend chris, i wanna sleep” “not even when i got you breakfast?”
  • you opened one eye, looking at him before sitting up and scanning the room letting out a tired chuckle “christopher, you didn’t need to—oh my god, flowers too? you really didn’t have to do this”
  • “i wanted to,” he smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed, picking up your hand to kiss it.
  • you couldn’t help but gush at his sweetness, giving him a quick kiss before seeing the sticky note on the tray
  • picking it up you laugh reading it “omlette you know…” you pause, eyes reading the last part before you said it out loud. i love you.
  • quickly you look up at him, smiling shyly. “really? like… for real?”
  • “yeah,” chris nodded as shyly, cheeks getting rosy. “i love you”
  • putting the sticky note down. you grabbed chris’ bearded face, pulling him forward and kissing him slowly before whispering back “i love you too”
  • chris couldn’t help but smile big, a huge relief rolling off his shoulders that you felt the the same way
  • “that was probably the most dorkiest thing you’ve ever said though” you added, pinching his cheek
  • “i don’t care, i’m the most luckiest guy on the planet”


opening up

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

summary: finally coming out to chris that ur bisexual

warnings: lil bit of cursing, mentions of anxiety

a/n: this is a self-indulgence post as a bi-baby myself but also dedicated to my fellow bi humans! just know that you are valid and loved

  • you and chris have been going out for a while now
  • not officially a couple but you had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be too long till either of you pops the magical question of making it official
  • however, before this got anymore serious, you knew you had to eventually come out to chris about your sexuality
  • the subject was still quite a delicate area since you haven’t even came out to your family and only to close friends
  • but you trusted chris that he would (hopefully) accept and care for you as he has been even before knowing this information
  • currently you were on the couch in your apartment watching a movie that was almost done you think, you weren’t sure, you were too occupied with your thoughts
  • to say the least, anxiety was running through your veins at the moment and you kept trying to tell yourself it was going to be okay
  • you didn’t know but mid-movie chris noticed how you seemed a bit off today but kept it to himself for now at least, he didn’t want to ruin the mood
  • however just as its about to end you felt like you were almost suffocating to breathe so you quickly excuse yourself running to the bathroom
  • locking yourself, you lay against the door, trying to catch your breath and pace your breathing
  • you couldn’t stop thinking about how scared you were about if chris wouldn’t like the fact that you were bi
  • what if he thought it was weird? what if he decides maybe this wasn’t going to work out and end everything? what if the public comes after chris because you dating him?
  • so many thoughts were running through your head that you didn’t even realize you were crying till you noticed your vision go blurry
  • “hey, y/n, is everything ok in there?”
  • your heart drops to your stomach. oh no did he hear you cry?
  • immediately you wipe your tears and swallow the lump in throat. “yeah, i’m fine! i’ll be out in a sec.”
  • chris wasn’t buying your reply as he leaned his head against the door but gave a soft ‘okay’ anyways and waited in the living room for you
  • eventually when you came out, you saw the worried look he had, your anxiety crashing in a large wave into your chest again
  • “are you okay?”
  • “yeah, um,” you bite your cheek, flickering your eyes between his baby blues and your feet. “i just need to… talk about something.”
  • “was it my cooking? i’m not the best but i try.” there was the chris you knew. the one that knew how to make you feel better with his little jokes
  • cracking a small smile, you shake your head. “no, its not that. trust me, you cook way better than me, but anyways… i-i haven’t been completely honest with you.”
  • you join chris on the couch, your hands shaking horribly and he notices. to help you, he grabs one of your hands, running his thumb along your knuckles as he furrows his brows
  • “i just want to get this out in the clear before it gets more serious… between us. but, um, i-“ the words were stuck in your throat.
  • tears welled up in your eyes as your body shook. you didn’t even know why this was so hard. it wasn’t this difficult to come out to to your best friends, but with chris, it felt like you were going to pass out
  • maybe it was because you cared about him, dare you say, maybe even love him. he made you feel special and knew how to make you smile. he was beyond caring and giving. he was literally perfect
  • maybe because he was the first person you knew that respected you and treated you well that made you too scared that you could potentially loose it in the next few seconds forever
  • but you needed to do this. not only was it fair to him, but it was what you needed to do for yourself
  • “hey, hey, y/n, baby, it’s okay. you can talk to me.” you came out of your thoughts when you felt a hand brush along your cheek as you made eye contact with him
  • “im sorry,” you stifled out a laugh, trying to wipe your tears. “i probably look crazy right now”
  • “don’t be sorry, just take your time. i have all day.”
  • the way he looked at you right now with those piercing baby blue eyes eased you, grounded you. squeezing his hand that held yours, you took a deep breath, clearing your mind of those stupid static noise thoughts
  • “there you go, just keep breathing” he said softly, stroking your cheek giving you a small crooked smile.
  • clearing your throat, you took one last deep breath, looking at your lap for a second before back at him.
  • you can do this. he deserves to know.
  • he’ll care for you. no matter what.
  • you. are. valid.
  • “i’m bisexual. i, um… i just wanted to tell you that so you know. i-if you’re not comfortable with that we can just end this now and whatever i-i completely-“
  • before you could finish, chris ran his thumb over your lip to stop you from rambling. at first you couldn’t read him but you saw his eyes soften, a began to smile appear
  • “if you think i’m gonna end this because of who you are, you’re completely wrong, hun.” he said softly, moving closer to you, ocean blue eyes running all over your face.
  • “you aren’t?” you whisper, his thumb running over your bottom lip as it trembled, tears welling up in your eyes again
  • “no, why the fuck would i ever do that? that’s just… stupid.” he shook his head, with a soft chuckle. “i’d be the biggest idiot on the face of the planet to leave someone like you.”
  • you couldn’t help the blush that crept on your cheeks as tears began to run down them again. “it’s just… some people are weird about it, so… i just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
  • “i’mmore than okay. as long you’re happy, then i’m happy. no matter what your sexuality is, baby.”
  • the words he said to you made you smile through the tears. it felt as if a weight had been instantly lifted off your shoulders as you wrapped your arms around him
  • chris brought his lips to yours, kissing you so passionately you thought you were gonna melt in his arms into a puddle. it felt as if all the worries you had about the world and its outlook on you just disappeared
  • once the two of you pulled away just a bit, you felt his smile against your lips as you flickered your eyes up to his
  • “im proud of you, by the way. i know that it was probably a really nerve racking thing to do.”
  • “it was… but i’m glad i did it. i feel a little more empowered than i did a couple minutes earlier.” you confess, biting on the corner of your lip
  • “i’m glad, you should be. be proud of who you are, baby.”
  • in that moment, you knew that chris was going to the best and most supportive partner you’ve ever had


night time routine

warnings: none jus fluff!

pairing: chris evans x fem!reader

summary: a lil rundown of what you and steve do before going to bed!

a/n: i jus want chris to snuggle me while falling asleep ;—;

  • normally before you and chris goto bed you’re laying on the couch or sitting in his lap, catching up on whatever show you’re currently binging
  • chris is usually the one still watching while you’re all snuggled up wrapped in a blanket half asleep or on your phone scrolling through instagram or sumin
  • once the episode ends, he’ll gently pat you, letting you know he’s ready to head to bed
  • “c’mon dodger let’s get to bed buddy”
  • the pup would be laying with you, instantly hopping off and searching for what lion he wants to bring
  • you and chris always place your bets, him winning most of the time
  • which ends up in you pouting “not fair” crossing your arms
  • but you get over it quickly when he peppers your face in kisses and mumbles “next time you’ll get it i know you will”
  • while you head to the bedroom with dodger chris always walks through the house locking all the doors, checking everything is secure bc he must protecc
  • meanwhile, you’re throwing your clothes on the floor, searching for a shirt (most likely his) to wear to bed before going to the bathroom
  • chris joins you, grabbing his toothbrush while he watches you do your skincare routine
  • this is when you try to continue to encourage him to try a bit of it
  • “baby c’mon this will hydrates your skin, plus it’s anti-aging”
  • “are you saying i’m looking old?”
  • “shut up, you know you don’t look old. not even close
  • “mhmm”
  • when you’re not looking, chris tries the product because he secretly is insecure about the fact that he’s at the end of his 30s but doesn’t want you to know
  • you finally brush your teeth, chris hugging you from behind, peppering kisses on your shoulder while rubbing your sides
  • he’ll look at you in the mirror, giving a goofy smile. “‘m love you. i’ll meet you in bed, honey”
  • chris basically peels off all his clothing before hopping into bed, getting in a couple pages of his current read with dodger laying on him
  • when you come out, you see your favorite view
  • your amazing sweet loving boyfriend sprawled on the bed with a book in hand with his fur baby on his chest in the glowing light of the lamp next to him
  • it makes your heart swell and stomach flutter at how you got so lucky to have chris in your life
  • before seeming like a creep, you join the two in bed, plugging your phone in and crawling under the blankets
  • “cuddle me please, bub” you mutter to him, turning to lay on your side
  • “let me finish this, give me a second, sweetheart.” his voice would be all raspy and deep from not speaking for a bit, giving you a warm smile before finishing the page he was on
  • once he was done, he’d set the book down and turn off the light before opening his side for you
  • immediately you curl up next to him, laying your head right on his chest, face to face with a sleepy dodger as chris rubs your back
  • he presses chaste kisses to your hairline, shutting his own eyes
  • “is your book good?” you ask tiredly, shutting your eyes as your soothed by the sound of his heartbeat and his calloused fingers running along your spine
  • “i’d say so. just started it but i think’ll be good”
  • you’d hum, sighing softly. “thats good to hear”
  • the two of you chat about random things as you get sleepier with each minute that goes by. eventually chris knows when you’re about to fall asleep
  • when he does, he whispers against your forehead a “g’night, ‘m love you”
  • “love you” you mumble into his skin before eventually drifting off to sleep, breathing in the sweet scent of his now very faded cologne of whatever contents were still clinging to his skin
  • at one point he’ll roll you onto your side, tucking the blanket right under your chin how you like it before moving dodger lower on the bed to crawl under the blankets himself
  • before he shuts his eyes, he looks at your sleeping figure smiling to himself gently before finally going to sleep himself
  • he cant wait to see his girl and little buddy the next time he opens his eyes first thing in the morning <3333


Ok so why is it that I’m so fucking attracted to Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan but like I see Tom Holland and I think he’s cute but like nah. I mean I’m almost 20 and would rather get plowed by two guys almost double my age.


Watching You Masterlist

not my gif**

Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader

Summary: Chris Evans watches you, his young college student neighbor, through his window and decides to have his fun. (Completed)

Warnings: Each chapter has its own warnings

Part One (SMUT)

Part Two(SMUT)

Part Three(SMUT)

Main Masterlist

make sure to leave a like and comment. reblogs w/ tags are greatly appreciated :)

China Doll Andy Barber


Part 1

Part 2

Warnings: smut, language, daddy kink, straight up nastiness, dom!Andy, face sitting, angst, protected, this is a 2 parter


Relationship: Andy Barber x black plus sized reader

Being an intern for Andy Barber was fun so far. In the year that I’ve worked here I’ve been treated with nothing but respect and to say my boss was eye candy was an understatement. Yet he’s married. Me and Andy have gained an amazing repertoire with each other becoming more so friends that boss and intern. It’s just his coworkers who have yet to respect me and I don’t wanna day anything because they have more seniority than I do and I don’t wanna damage my internship

“Blondie file these for me” Neal drops an entire stack of files on my desk on top of the stack I already have and by the looks of it I’ll be here all night. Neal was the one who hired me but I sort of migrated to working with Andy majority of the time. I cut him a side eye and he smirks staring at me with lingering eyes that don’t reside on my face, more so on my breasts. I wish I could slap that smirk off his face. He’s the only who calls me Blondie because he doesn’t see my intelligence yet if I weren’t smart I wouldn’t be an intern at the most prestigious law incorporation in the world.

“Don’t call me that Neal I’ve told you before” I stand my ground daring him to do it again with my fierce eyes.

“Blondie” he chuckles walking away from me and I groan rubbing my hands over my face.


I grab my midnight green iPhone 11 Pro Max and tap twice on it revealing the time. 7:32. I’ve been here for almost 10 hours. I stretch my neck rolling it and I stand up stretching allowing my shirt to to rise above my belly button showing my piercing. I let it fall and a door opens. That’s when I see Andy. Face long and tired but nonetheless he still works harder than ever.

“Hey China Doll I didn’t know you were still here” I nod. I’ve been told he calls me China doll because of my big pretty brown eyes. In Andy’s words not my own.

“Yea Neal is making me file all of these”

“Fuck him lets go to a bar” I chuckle at his jokes and vulgarity only to see he’s dead serious

“As much as I wish I could leave he’d fire on and this isn’t even a real job”

“Y/N I wouldn’t let him do that you’re my best girl here and frankly most hard-working” although this was true it’s something about the term ‘my best girl’ that leaves guilty butterflies floating in my stomach. Guilty because he’s married with a child “come on I’ll buy all your rounds” he smiles

“You don’t have to” I set down the files and grab my purse. I save and log out of my computer. Andy leads the way and I follow suit. He pulls the door open letting me go through before turning off the lights and locking up. We head outside to his Audi and my Lexus.

“I’ll follow you”

“Ok I know a bar just down the way” I nod and get in my car watching Andy get in his. I take a deep breath turning the engine. I’m really heading to a bar with my boss’s boss.


Me and Andy are about 2 shots in and we’re giggling like children “ok take a shot if you’ve ever been blackout drunk” I watch Andy grab his glass as I grab my last and he watches me turn the glass letting the acidic liquid glide down my throat. I grab a lime sucking on it to decrease the taste of the brown liquor.

“You’ve never been blacked out?” He had one more shot that hasn’t been touched meaning I lost the game. Now that I’m really looking at him he looks hot. Maybe that’s the liquor getting to my head but it’s just something about the way he looks at me that makes me feel hot. “No my friends have but I haven’t”

“You wanna know something?” I smile leaning forward unconsciously. He does the same mocking me with a playful smile.

“I didn’t think you were this laid back. I was honestly scared of you” I laugh hiccuping

“I get more laid back than this” he smirks with suggestive eyes that create a pool in my underwear “Can I tell you something?” He asks


“I’ve been thinking about you since the day you walked through those doors” and that’s when it began. The room got hot and my cheeks were flushed with sexual blush. That’s when I realized I wanted him right then and there.

“Do you mind if we leave?” I ask


We bust through the door of my apartment and his hands are kneading my ass all while picking me up to wrap my legs around his hips. His soft lips are clad to mine and his perfect teeth graze at my bottom lip. I open my mouth inviting his tongue. The taste of tequila and mint consume me along with his powerful cologne that makes my knees buckle. Andy tears off my button down revealing the lacy red bra. He holds me up with one hand and the other moves to my hair pulling me back. He picks a broad stripe up my neck ending it with a hard duck making my clit jump.

He gets me to my bedroom laying me down and slithering up to my lips. I flip us around taking control as I kiss his neck. My skirt is hiked up to my waist and I pull it over my head throwing it on the floor. I grab the bottom of his shirt lifting it over his head discarding it with the rest of the clothes.

I feel how hard Andy is under me making me grind on him harder. He slaps the side of my ass. He grabs my throat pulling me down to his lips. He lets go of my lips with a smack and moves his lips to my ear kissing me softly “sit on daddy’s face” I couldn’t be wetter. With confidence I pull off my underwear and place both of my thighs on each side of his head resting my dripping pussy on his lips. Right off the bat Andy sucks my clit like a lollipop and my hands rest on top of his that are on my hips.

My body has a mind of its own as I rock against his hips. I look down at his steel blue eyes glimmering in the dim lamp light looking back at me. He lets out a beautiful moan and I bite my lip exhaling sharply. His tongue moves from my clit to my inside slurping me straight from the source. “Just like that” I moan. My right hand unclasps my bra taking it off and my other hand moves to his head keeping him steady as I ride his face. My moans get louder as he goes back to flicking my clit in a fast motion not hesitating to press his blunt nails into my hips holding me down.

Andy wraps his lips around my clit sucking on me like a leech. My vision becomes hazy, partly because the liquor is still in my system, as he keeps me in the same spot not able to move. My breath becomes more shallow and I try pulling off of his face feeling the pleasure become unbearable “it-it’s too much daddy it’s too much” I moan in a rushed tone He continues his assault until I’m screaming his name and cumming in his mouth. I hear his vulgar smacks and moans from under me making my body rock that much harder. Andy stops moving completely letting me ride out my orgasm on his face holding direct eye contact. This man is the devil.

Andy finally lets me go and he unlatches from me with a smack. I come off of his face watching his beard glisten and a smile on his face. “Fuck me please” I lean down kissing him tasting myself on his lips and tongue. My hand glides over his stomach grabbing his dick but he quickly grabs my hand flipping us around and pinning me to the bed. “Are you ready for it?”

“Yes daddy” Andy pulls down his boxers and he wasn’t lacking in neither width or length (I know y’all saw that Chris Evans leak). My jaw drops at his size and he chuckles “I haven’t seen that in a long time” he grabs a condom rolling it on getting prepared.

He starts with the head stretching me out a little. Now here goes the hard part. Andy keeps inching in me as I breathe through the pressure of my walls expanding accepting him gracefully. Once my clit is rubbing against his pelvis he’s fully inside of me, Andy starts off with small strokes along with peppering kisses along my face and jawline. “Faster daddy. Harder” he chuckles at my requests pulling out completely leaving me empty. Before I can demur he plunges back into me leaving my mouth wide open. Andy is rhythmic making sure I feel each and every inch when he reenters me with such passion. “Fuck you’re so tight. I gotta stretch that pretty little pussy out”

“Please stretch it out daddy fuck” my nails glide down his back which I know will leave marks. Andy’s hips ripple into mine with such force that drives my eyes to the back of my head. My jaw drops and Andy comes down kissing me with such passion if I were standing I’d be dizzy by now. He bites my lip still drilling me, my breathing is ragged and my moans are so loud my voice is getting hoarse “such a good little slut for me aren’t you princess”

“Yes yes yes” as he continues thrusting leading us both to the edge that wallowing coup de Grace is close to its mark. Andy wraps his hand around my throat squeezing to make me dizzy but I still have limited air. I bite my lip feeling his necklace hit the bottom of my chin. “Look at me when I make you cum” it’s damn near impossible but I manage to watch him. I grab the sheets and my body rocks as he pounds me through my soul shattering orgasm. Andy’s eyes close and he leans down placing his head in my neck never losing rhythm. “Fuck” he grabs the back of my neck pressing our foreheads together as he fills me with his seed mewling out. He starts slowing down once he’s bottoming himself out and comes to a stop leaving me sore but still very happy. Andy pulls out rubbing my clit making me jolt with how sensitive I am. He throws away the condom and lays next to me while I throw my arm across his chest. He cuddles me closer pushing me into a deep well needed sleep.


I feel the sun poking through my curtains and a raging headache that’s making me dizzy. I notice I’m extra warm and I feel an arm around my waist and something poking me in my butt. I look back seeing Andy asleep and I smile then my smile fades and turns into a horrible frown. I tap Andy’s shoulder and he stirs in his sleep before opening his eyes. His phone vibrates in his jeans and he gets up grabbing it. His face goes blank and he answers the call “hey Laurie”

My jaw drops and I drop my head in my hands. I feel nauseous. Andy ends the conversation and looks at me “did we have sex last night?”

It’s a silly question I can feel the soreness between my legs. I stand up out of bed nearly falling over again from how weak my legs are.

“We did and that was Lauie” he says running his hands over his face. I start panicking and sit back on the bed. Obviously it’s clear he sees it. Andy comes over towering over me. He gets down on one knee lifting my leg over his shoulder kissing it softly “Andy you’re wife just called and I know she’s worried sick- oh fuck” his plump lips wrap around my clit “Andy we can’t- oh god” my back arches and I grab his head with the intent to move him away but my hands bring him closer as my breathing picks up. My hips roll along his face and I bite my lip as he continues sucking on my clit like he didn’t just assault it last night. “Andy we’re gonna be late for work Jesus”

“Mhmm” he hums going deeper and using 2 fingers to work at my entrance. He curls those 2 fingers sucking on my clit and hitting my g-spot like no tomorrow until I’m left leaking on his tongue and crying out his name. My legs shake trying to close his head in yet I want him away as the overbearing pleasure dizzies me.

“That’s my girl” he moans cleaning me completely. Andy stands up and I lay back just staring at the ceiling “come on now we’re almost late” he winks

“Wait I need to get my car”

“Ok I’ll wait for you to get ready” and that’s just what he does. Occasionally his wife would call and he’d talk to Jacob before school but other than that he was right there.

I’m all ready and dressed in a tight dress and he grabs his jacket that he had on last night. We get in Andy’s car and he drives off to the bar around the corner. Just watching him drive made me want a round 2 but he had a family to go home to and though I’ve already done so I don’t wanna interrupt that. Yet I already have. The guilt feeling consumes me again making me nauseous and overly dizzy.

“Andy pull over” I wretch and he obliges. I open the door vomiting whatever little food I had the night before. I cough letting all of my contents out while feeling Andy’s large hand rubbing my back. Once I’m finished he pulls over to my car and hands me some water. I gargle it walking to the back of the car spitting it out. I go in my purse and grab a piece of gum “I’ll let you know when I make it to the office” I make it to my car and he opens the door for me.

“Ok and Y/N” I look up at his dazzling blue eyes that are softened on me “I don’t want you to beat yourself up over this. I don’t regret it”

I nod and close my door pulling off.


Hands On (Chris Evans x Reader HC)


@cloudednines​ encouraged this idea. I give you a headcanon for husband!chris unable to keep his hands to himself with pregnant!reader.18+!!!

content warning: smut (fingering, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex), breeding kink, dirty talking

Keep reading

This was beautifully written, what’s new? Your fics are always crafted in a unique way which makes me dive in deep into another world.

BUT I really need to touch some grass right now.

Thiskink makes my entire being go:

Time, Chapter 7.2: Oh baby, baby

Time Masterlist

Chapter Playlist

Here If You Want (Pale Blue) by MOSSS

505 by Arctic Monkeys

Unwind by Tim Atlas

Void by The Neighbourhood

These Days by Wallows

Arriving at Chris’ pod in Boston felt homier than his place in L.A., this one was more him. Walking through the picture frames above his fireplace as he’s finishing up parking. You thought that he’s truly a family-oriented man. The photos presented are of those the memories he has along with his parents and siblings, of course, East and Dodger too. While you were appreciating Chris’ photo frame display, your phone rang.

Chubby Dumpling calling

No fucking way that Sebastian was finally trying to contact you. Out of the concern you were having for him the past few days, you weren’t able to quite hear that Chris was coming inside as you answered the call. “Sebastian,” you sigh. Chris got in and was supposed to the door. However, hearing you say Sebastian’s name made Chris slowly close the door, not wanting you to know that he’s already in there. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing and why was he doing this. “How are- god. I- how could I even ask you that,” you laughed, but it wasn’t that laugh where your tone was filled with joy. Which made Chris even more curious about the conversation you were having. He wasn’t the type to eavesdrop on someone, especially to his girlfriend that he trusts. However, there was just something in the tone of your voice that made him want to listen further. So he did. “Just tell me you’re safe, please? ‘Is all I want to hear,” “…no, no. I haven’t- Chris doesn’t know,” He wasn’t having this. “What do I not know, Y/N?”

You jump in surprise upon hearing Chris’ stern voice. Fuck. Yeah, you were fucked. “Chris,” he dropped his keys over the key plate, continuing to move closer to you. “What do I not know? ‘M not going to repeat m’self again.” Chris hasn’t doubted your loyalty, not once. But what’s going on now made him do so. With his unfortunate past experiences, eavesdropping over the conversation you were having escalated his anxiety. Standing still, unable to think of words to say to him, he became impatient. Chris took your phone and ended the ongoing call. “Speak,” “Speak or else I’ll start walking away thinking the unthinkable.” did he…? Did he think you were cheating on him? “Chris, baby, no. It’s not like that,” you softly put your hand on his but he pulled it away, causing your heartache. How the hell do I tell him about what’s going on with Sebastian’s without causing a big gap to fill on their friendship? Chris walked past you and sat on his couch. You looked at him and sighed, sitting before him. Palms brushing all over your face. It took you a good minute before you finally face him, “Sebastian and I had a misunderstanding,” he didn’t look at your way but you knew he was listening, “After the last shoot I had with Henry before we fly to Boston, he congratulated me for being with you, that finally, I was at the hands of a good man. But I was curious as to the reason why he left me, Chris. ‘Twas haunting me for these past few years and I want to be able to let go of that feeling so I asked Henry to tell me why’d he left me,” explaining further. Chris’ head tilted sideways quickly as his jaw clenched. You proceeded to discuss with Chris the reason why Henry left you before. When you were finished talking, you looked down at his fluffed carpet. “What does Sebastian have to do with this? I thought his relationship with Henry was complicated?” he looked at you, finally. Asking for clarification. Fidgeting with your fingers as you answer, “Yeah, they do have a complicated relationship… Sebby- Sebastian saw Henry and I at the parking lot when we were talking to each other. Henry asked for a hug. Chris, I swear, it was just a friendly hug. Felt more like parting, and I wanted to at least end our closure with that. He was a big part of my life and you know that I told you that,” he nods. “Again, what does Sebastian have to do with this?” following up his concern. “Seb… Punched Henry when he saw us. He thought ‘twas something more, you know and I thought he was just being protective. His action really upset me, and my emotions were all over with, we shouted at each other, I kept asking what his problem is,” taking a deep breath before finally turning your eyes to glance at Chris’, “‘n he told me that he was in love with me.” Of course, he was. Chris already had an intuition about this, however, he didn’t realise that hearing those words coming out of your mouth will make him this mad. Chris tried to stand up but he wasn’t able to do so successfully as you pulled his arm, “talk to me, baby, please?” “I will, just… give me some time. Okay?”

Chris went out and sat on his balcony. Your tears start to fall, sucks being in the middle of a possible dispute to go with your boyfriend and boy friend. A notification popped on your phone.

Chubby Dumping

You okay? What happened?

You shut your eyes close, not wanting to deal with this at the moment. The silence going on with Chris and you was something you couldn’t handle, it was stressing you too much. Not wanting to cause any disturbance of Chris’ alone time, you went on and walked through his bedroom and got yourself a shirt of his to wear for bedtime. You figured he might want to be alone the rest of the night, so you proceeded to get unready. The whole day tired you lots, mentally, physically, emotionally.

The cold water running down your body immediately helped you to relax, ‘n somehow released the tension your body was having. You press your palm on the tile as the other goes to brush and press water off of your hair.

Chris turned sideways as he heard the sound of water flowing from his bathroom, he looked at the time from his watch and realized he has been keeping you waiting for him too long. He sighed and cracked his knuckles before standing up and going back into his living area, locking the balcony doors. His hands falling on his waists, breathing heavily. At this moment, he was feeling all things at once. As much as he wanted to give himself more peace and quiet, he wanted to hear you screaming loud about who you fucking belong to. He took off his jacket and hooked it over his coat hook. He stripped his clothing and put it in the hamper except for his boxers.

He didn’t even bother to knock upon entering the bathroom. His eyes immediately fell on your naked body. Chris felt his cock go hard just by the sight of your body alone. He closed the door with a bit of an impact so you’d know he was there. Hearing the loud sound all of a sudden made you drop the soap you were holding, “M’god Chris, you scared the shit out of me,” “Good.” He walked toward the tub shower, sliding the door open to join you. Chris picked up the soap you dropped, you turned around to face him but he stopped you. “What-” your breath hitched as his arm brushed against yours while he reached for the loofah. Brows furrowed, you continued to analyze what he was doing, confused why he wasn’t speaking yet he was here to join you. When he lathered enough soap over the loofah, he started brushing them on your back, you hum, feeling relaxed. He put his free hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. Your bareback being in contact with his well-sculpted chest makes your breaths unstable. He loved seeing you like this. Seeing your body react with his touch. Chris continued to softly brush the loofah onto your body, down to your arms then soothingly up your chest.

Chris dropped the loofah and replaced it with his hands. His palms stroking both ends of your arms, making you hum with the sensation. He grabbed the ends of your hair and squeezed it dry, placing it over one side of your neck. His lips going down to smother the blades of your shoulders with kisses. Growing impatient you tried turning around to face him, but Chris didn’t allow you to face him just yet. “Don’t move,” you instinctively gulped hearing his command. “O-okay,” “Does he know about us?” he queries. “Huh?” your brain getting all fogged up by Chris’ presence. “Sebastian. Does he know about us?” His hand went on to massage your breasts, making you whimper in an instant, “answer me, Y/N” he reiterated. Unknowingly that he was in sight of half of your face, you rolled your eyes as you were annoyed that his hands weren’t in the places you wanted them to be. “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” startled by his words, you turn your head sideways to look at him, “Well I,” Chris wasn’t interested to hear your reasoning, “huh. You’re getting me all riled up,” your lips parted big when Chris opened the sliding door of his tub shower and left, what the hell?

Annoyed. Is an understatement when Chris left you dumbfounded in the shower, you shook your head and went on to finish cleaning up. But little did you know, he only went out to get what he wanted to use for you. “Hands,” your body jolts in hearing yet again Chris’ unexpected voice. “Hands?” your body rotates, facing him confounded. “Hands.Give me your hands,” you looked down as you heard chains dangle, your eyes blowing with lust as you saw him holding a cuff. “Chris, why d’you have a cuff?” “dunno why you even have to ask that.” he let out a laugh filled with sarcasm, eyes meeting yours, “y…you wanna cuff me?” his brows quickly raised and relaxed, answering your question. Not knowing what to say or do, you stood still like a student standing up without knowledge of the question asked. “D’you not want me to?” I want you to. Unable to express yourself through words, you went on and shook your head. Motion answering that you wanted to be cuffed by him. “That’s what I thought,” Chris grabbed both of your wrists using one hand as the other proceeded to turn your body around, being under the showerhead. He was still holding your wrists, bringing them up closer to the middle bar. When he finally reached the height he wanted to lock your hands on, he finally tightened and locked the cuff. Your ass, facing him. “You’ve been a really bad girl for me tonight,” a loud sound left your mouth as he hit your ass hard. “Gahd, what makes you think I’ll be fine with your ex-boyfriend hugging you,” “even got a close friend of mine wrapped around your fingers,” again.He hit your ass so loud you heard an echo in the bathroom. You bit your lip to muffle your moans, “did I ask you to stay silent for me, baby?” your head immediately shaking side to side. “Be as loud as you want, no one will hear you anyway, just me and you darling,” Chris assures you.

He straightened your body up, once again pulling your bareback to be of contact to his chest, his hands traveling from your abdomen to your breasts.You rest your head over his shoulder, closing your eyes, just feeling his hands take over your body. His fingers toyed with your piercing nipples, making you moan loud as arousal fills your core. “Hmm, does my good girl like daddy playing with her nipples?” fucking daddy. You swore to yourself you were about to faint hearing him address himself like that. “Mmhm, yeah” he grins, hearing you be at loss for words while he pleases your needy tits. “Look at how my hands perfectly cup your breasts, baby” you open your eyes to look at his hands wrapping your jugs. Oh, what a good sight that is. You thought. Just as you assumed that he would take his time giving attention to both of your breasts, his other hand went further down your stomach, reaching through your folds. “Goddamn, baby you’re fucking soaked,” your lips parting, relishing how good his fingers feel while spreading your wetness. “Tell me, sweethah’t, who do you belong to?” without a doubt, “you, Chris.”

“That’s right, this pretty cunt only belongs to me. Nobody else’s,” all you can do is nod as he increases the speed and adds more pressure to your needing slit. “C-Chris, mm-feel’s so good,” “yeah? You like when my fingers fuck you?” oh, he knows you do. He just wanted to hear it coming from you, “I love when your fingers fuck me, Chris.” you boldly stated, making his cock twitch. Your ass feeling his erection, “can feel daddy’s cock getting hard, wanna please you bad, please” as much as he wants to feel your lips wrapped around his aching shaft. He didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of doing so, knowing damn well you were surrounded by men who wanted you to be theirs. He only wanted to claim you, be inside you. “Not gonna happen,” making your face be embedded with vexation. “Daddy why, ‘m so wet for you,” Chris used everything in his power to not be tempted on giving in. Hearing you say that you were wet for him only made him want to fuck the brains out of you more. Not that, it wasn’t his plan. You grind your ass on his continuously growing erection, needing to feel him. But Chris had other plans in mind.

His fingers continued to pleasure you, going slowly and suddenly increasing the speed. The pattern went on bringing you to the edge. “F-fuck,” “‘m so close daddy, your fingers feel so good,” knowing you’re about to cum, Chris increased the speed more. The sound of your pussy being finger fucked covering the entire room is making your brain feel fuzzy. When you were just about to release, Chris slowed down his fingers and said, “you’re only going to cum when I allow you, that clear?” your knees feeling weak, you were truly trying your best not to cum, “how many times do I have to tell you to answer me? Guess you really don’t want to cum that much,” you shake your head and placed your hand to the side of his arm fingering you, “I do, I do want to cum, I-I want to cum, Chris,” your legs were going weak. Chris felt that too, however, he continued to edge you. He wanted to make you believe that he can withstand your wishes. But the more he pleases you the more he craves what it feels like to be inside you. He removed the hand he was toying your nipple with and went down to jerk off. “Chris, please, let me do that for you, mm’wanna taste you so much,” hell does he want for you to taste him that much too. But he couldn’t give you that time any longer, he was nearing his release too.

“Wanna taste me so much, huh?” “Yes, please,”without a warning, Chris slammed himself right into you. “There we go, y’feelin’ me deep inside you, baby? Feelin’ me fuck you like no one else can?” you can only answer him with moans and whimpers. “Chris- I, fuckkk, you’re so big daddy, filling me up so well” “yeah?” Chris intensified his thrust, your skins slapping so much you just know some part of your body’s gonna get bruised. “Tell me who you belong to again,” he asks as he pounds you further. “You Chris, ‘m yours. Only yours,” he moaned loudly, hearing your acceptance of his claim. That you were only his, as he was of yours. “Wanna watch you milk my cock with your cum,” his head moved over to suck your nipples, him moaning as he sucked your tit.

Fuck, I wanna put a baby in you, Y/N. Wanna see you carrying my child, people knowing that you’re carrying what’s mine,” his eyes widened as he didn’t realize he was thinking out loud. Lightly panicking that you may think of him weirdly, his breathing stopped for a second. But you looked down at him, face all flushed, looking beautiful as ever, chest heaving, struggling to control your breathing, “please uncuff me,” “and put a baby in me.”

